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And now we have to deal with the fact that Ultimate X-men 91 makes reference (sex-tape) to happening at the same time or after Ultimates 3, YEARS in the future of the Ultimate U
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And now we have to deal with the fact that Ultimate X-men 91 makes reference (sex-tape) to happening at the same time or after Ultimates 3, YEARS in the future of the Ultimate U
I refuse to believe Ultimates 3 takes place years in the future. There is no reference to that being the case and, in fact, all in-book signs point to it not being so.
yeah, so i noticed that you're frustrated about how much Ultimate Power screws up the too. So i was looking at it in relation to USM and UXM and I had an idea that I think works pretty well (I also PMed you on the boards for
if you've already thought this through and it doesn't work, just let me know.
What if we assume that there is a large gap between USM 105 page 18 and page 19 (not including ads or the intro page) that's the last ACTUAL appearance of Nick Fury in USM. So after having the fight with Prof X in USM, Kitty goes back to the X Mansion and "Cable" and "Aftermath" happen, Kitty leaves the team, "Cliffhangers", "Underneath", and at least part of "Sentinels" happens, and then Ultimate Power happens...during which time Spidey was hanging out with Kitty trying to get up the courage to tell her about him and MJ, but the attack on the Baxter building happened and they got distracted, so he didn't tell her. Kitty calls the mansion from the Baxter Building right when Wolverine and Storm happen to be visiting. Cyclops figures this is a big enough emergency to warrant them helping so they fly over.
And then, after Ultimate Power, it goes back to USM 105 and Kitty sees Peter and MJ.
and what if any reference to Nick Fury after that...(in Ultimate Knights, or whatever) was just the heroes pretending they didn't know what happened to Nick Fury b/c they didn't really have the legal authority to hand him over like that and they agreed to pretend that they didn't know what happened to him (that would explain Peter's reaction to Carol Danvers in "Death of a Goblin" too.
the only thing that is left to explain is the Ultimates, why were they with Nick Fury? (negotiating the terms of being an independent team, since usually being a "metahuman" or whatever makes you government property once you turn 18?) and why was ant-man there? (Ultimate Scott Lang trying out for the team?)
to be honest the wrong team members showing up has happened before ("Deadpool") and it's pretty easy to overlook.
Am I wrong, or does that pretty much deal with any continuity issues? (not perfectly, but I think it works pretty well)
it explains Spidey's ties to the FF, why he and Kitty are still friendly, why that specific X-Men team showed up, and why Spidey seems to not know where Fury is in Death of a Goblin.
i don't know, i'm satisfied, unless you can think of some glaring issue that I missed!
I refuse to believe Ultimates 3 takes place years in the future. There is no reference to that being the case and, in fact, all in-book signs point to it not being so.
Gemini said:To sort this out Joe Kalicki is going to need some sort of giant, mechanical, atomic-powered sorting machine to find him.
DiB: You rang?
BTW in a recent interview Loeb said that U3 takes place 6 months after Ultimate Power
unfortunately the intro page for Ultimates 3#1 says two years has passed since Ultimates 2. However, it also seems to take place at the same time as the other titles, which haven't progressed two years. I've just made peace with the fact that different writers decide to move time at different paces for the purposes of their books, but they still all happen at the same time.
two years has passed for the Ultimates, Peter Parker is still 15, but their stories are happening concurrently.
You could be onto something. I'll have to check when I get home from work. Though I think there's a reference to Kitty and Peter breaking up in the UXM "Aftermath" arc (I think Bobby/Iceman and Kitty get into an argument about it, and was one of the things that led to Kitty leaving the school).
another question...
you have Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #11 taking place between pages four and five of USM #17. My question is, if Gwen doesn't finish her suspension until page five, why would she be skipping school before that? okay, maybe she's just getting her friends to skip school to be with her, but the first thing she does when she gets back to school is have a shouting match with Kong, so would she be hanging out with him in UMTU #11?
i know the week break between pages 4 and 5 is convenient, but it doesn't make sense to me
just a thought
(man you must get nagged by so many people who have questions about your time line! sorry!)
the opposite is true!
kitty argues with Bobby about leaving the school, and he says something to the effect of "are you sure you aren't just leaving b/c you'll be living closer to Spider-Man?" and she says something to the effect of "at least when i'm with him i have fun" (with a spider-man poster on her wall)
so, i think it all fits!
man, if you were Stan Lee, I'd ask for a no-prize!![]()
another question...
you have Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #11 taking place between pages four and five of USM #17. My question is, if Gwen doesn't finish her suspension until page five, why would she be skipping school before that? okay, maybe she's just getting her friends to skip school to be with her, but the first thing she does when she gets back to school is have a shouting match with Kong, so would she be hanging out with him in UMTU #11?
i know the week break between pages 4 and 5 is convenient, but it doesn't make sense to me
just a thought
(man you must get nagged by so many people who have questions about your time line! sorry!)
Great Timeline by the way.
I am one of the few that has no problems with the timeline. I have a few questions to ask.
Why have you placed the Ultimates 3 in 2007? (Just Wondering)
Also if it is set in 2007, and everyone is saying the ultimatum arc will be the end of the first chapter for the ultimate universe, then will the next set of story arcs take place in 2007 onwards? so spiderman will be older and left high school/leaving high school, the fantastic four older etc etc. Is this what they are planning to do?
Thanks again.
there's a very noticeable newspaper clipping proclaiming the Ultimates breaking away from SHIELD, and it was dated June or July 2007 (I can't remember the month specifically).
I've since been questioning this, and am considering moving it back to 2005 to jive better with the way time crawls in the other titles.
I think it's only a matter of time until there are enough irreconcilable differences in terms of dates etc. That will make you just do it like the DC timeline...i.e. 3 years ago, 2 years ago, present. I don't think the editors at marvel work to a timeline like this, and put in whatever date seems applicable in terms of story - it's like the milk carton out of ASBAR it doesn't make any sense but Frank Miller argued it was ok because of artistic liscence and the image of a boy on a milk carton etc. etc.
whereas lost they've got at timline up in the's definative and they're working with continity in mind.
That's exactly what I'm going to do, with the exception of "frozen" dates that won't change, such as the Tunguska Event and Cap's adventures.
I should be done by in March, or maybe April. I'm going to put in a link to this version of the timeline, since mine actually looks nothing like it and serves a different purpose (it's more like the Star Trek Chronology), so you should go ahead and update this.
ok, i'll bite, i have no idea what the Star Trek Chronology is...
Im not to sure what a sliding timeline is and im not sure if my theory is actually what it is.