
Info of Naruto chapter 371 has surfaced and it appears as though one of Pein's and Konan's secrets may be confirmed...

Pein and Konan called Jiraiya "sensei" and Jiraiya noted on how nicely Konan has grown, so right now it's a pretty safe bet that these two are the previous unknown members of Jiraiya's genin team.

No! It's because Pein is the Yondaime! I'm right! I know I am!
So what would happen if a demon possessed person got infected with Rage? For those of you who don't know the rules, they are as follows:
  • If one drop of saliva or blood from an infected enters the eyes, mouth, or bloodstream of someone, they will be infected. They'll start freaking out almost instantly and be a full-blown zombie in under thirty seconds.
  • The infected are ****ing disgusting. They cry blood and vomit blood and icky saliva foam all over themselves. You can tell who's infected by the enormous red stains all over their clothes. They also move spasmodically and sometimes have seizures. They seem to have a higher than normal tolerance for pain but they do react to it.
  • The infected will run around in packs attacking and trying to devour anything in sight that isn't also infected. They do display a slight modicum of strategy and intelligence, but they clearly don't have memories and are as smart as rabid dogs.
  • The infected appear to still be alive. They breathe and bleed like their hearts are still beating. I'm not sure, but I think they're distinctly shown dying from shots to the heart or spine--it doesn't necessarily have to be a head shot.
The only important traits here are that infection is almost instantaneous and that the infected seem to be still alive but are completely enraged and have no rational thought. Naruto, for example, releases demon chakra when he's pissed off and can get it under control when he's done killing whoever he was after. So hypothetically an infected throws up in Naruto's face. What happens?

I suppose if you wanted to be less geeky, you could ask what rabies would do to him, except rabies takes forever to get to the brain and attack it (if they have vaccines in Naruto-world, they'd almost definitely have a rabies vaccine) and he wouldn't let a rabid animal bite him anyway.
So what would happen if a demon possessed person got infected with Rage? For those of you who don't know the rules, they are as follows:
  • If one drop of saliva or blood from an infected enters the eyes, mouth, or bloodstream of someone, they will be infected. They'll start freaking out almost instantly and be a full-blown zombie in under thirty seconds.
  • The infected are ****ing disgusting. They cry blood and vomit blood and icky saliva foam all over themselves. You can tell who's infected by the enormous red stains all over their clothes. They also move spasmodically and sometimes have seizures. They seem to have a higher than normal tolerance for pain but they do react to it.
  • The infected will run around in packs attacking and trying to devour anything in sight that isn't also infected. They do display a slight modicum of strategy and intelligence, but they clearly don't have memories and are as smart as rabid dogs.
  • The infected appear to still be alive. They breathe and bleed like their hearts are still beating. I'm not sure, but I think they're distinctly shown dying from shots to the heart or spine--it doesn't necessarily have to be a head shot.
The only important traits here are that infection is almost instantaneous and that the infected seem to be still alive but are completely enraged and have no rational thought. Naruto, for example, releases demon chakra when he's pissed off and can get it under control when he's done killing whoever he was after. So hypothetically an infected throws up in Naruto's face. What happens?

I suppose if you wanted to be less geeky, you could ask what rabies would do to him, except rabies takes forever to get to the brain and attack it (if they have vaccines in Naruto-world, they'd almost definitely have a rabies vaccine) and he wouldn't let a rabid animal bite him anyway.

Hmm, I think that he might be able to survive it because of the Kyuubi's healing abilities. However, if said healing is just for wounds and is basically making new cells then Naruto is ****ed.

What if one of his shadow clones was bitten? Would the virus transfer back to him like knoweledge?
Hmm, I think that he might be able to survive it because of the Kyuubi's healing abilities. However, if said healing is just for wounds and is basically making new cells then Naruto is ****ed.

What if one of his shadow clones was bitten? Would the virus transfer back to him like knoweledge?

I doubt it since wounds don't transfer.
if naruto had rabies, the worst he would get is lockjaw i believe. there was a radio jockey here in austin talking about how she was bit at a dog park and then she missed some days a couple weeks later because her jaw locked. She was supposed to get a series of shots, very painful ones and i guess since she didn't her jaw locked up. Could have been made up though since it was the radio but i don't know. If all it could take to defeat a kyubi was rabies, that's kinda gay.

I'm all poweful

you have rabies

Life sucks
if naruto had rabies, the worst he would get is lockjaw i believe. there was a radio jockey here in austin talking about how she was bit at a dog park and then she missed some days a couple weeks later because her jaw locked. She was supposed to get a series of shots, very painful ones and i guess since she didn't her jaw locked up. Could have been made up though since it was the radio but i don't know. If all it could take to defeat a kyubi was rabies, that's kinda gay.

I'm all poweful

you have rabies

Life sucks

I have Ebola and UR TEH SUXXOR!
if naruto had rabies, the worst he would get is lockjaw i believe. there was a radio jockey here in austin talking about how she was bit at a dog park and then she missed some days a couple weeks later because her jaw locked. She was supposed to get a series of shots, very painful ones and i guess since she didn't her jaw locked up. Could have been made up though since it was the radio but i don't know. If all it could take to defeat a kyubi was rabies, that's kinda gay.

I'm all poweful

you have rabies

Life sucks

Lockjaw is because of tetanus, which also requires painful shots. I think the rabies would require you to get shots in between when you got bit and when you presented symptoms.

And I'm not saying kyuubi will be defeated, I'm saying we'll potentially have zombie fox demon Naruto trying to eat everyone within a mile radius. Duh.
I can't believe I'm only at #200.

****. The series is almost at 400.

Such a daunting task. Thank God they're aren't long or deep reads. You can get thru an issue in about 2 minutes.



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