Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

The newspaper is "The Daily", and its the Saturday edition. The top portion is out of focus so no specific date is visible on newspaper, but it does feature a blurb on bottom that reads "2016 Election Conversations, Sunday, March 22, 3-5 PM. Be Part of the Audience."

That would seem to indicate (if the paper is meant to be that day's issue) the modern day portions of Civil War begin on Saturday, March 21, 2016. Of course in reality March 21, 2016 was a Monday, so this is another example where the MCU timeline (in terms of day of week matching up to dates) differs from reality.

Also, the final scene with Tony helping Rhodey try out the new harness to help him walk happens on April 14, 2016. The Fedex package (delivered by Stan Lee in his requisite cameo) is labeled as a 2 Day package, delivered on/by Tuesday, April 14 (April 14 in real world was a Thursday, so Marvel is keeping the habit of date/days not matching reality).

Obviously this doesn't fit with the rest of the MCU, but those dates do fit the 2015 weekdays (March 21, 2015 was a Saturday and April 14, 2015 was a Tuesday) because that's when the movie was filmed.
Obviously this doesn't fit with the rest of the MCU, but those dates do fit the 2015 weekdays (March 21, 2015 was a Saturday and April 14, 2015 was a Tuesday) because that's when the movie was filmed.

Yup, its just an odd choice given the newspaper specifically reflected the current year of 2016. I honestly think they do that intentionally to differentiate it in some small, weird way, since literally every day of week shown on a newspaper in the MCU doesn't correspond to the real world date and day of week.
Me being me, I gotta love the newspaper in the opening of Agents of SHIELD today--both articles appears to be complete, coherent pieces even if we didn't get to see all of them. :D No new info, save that Peggy had two children and that they are still alive as of 2016.


The newspaper headline read that Peggy died at age 95, but technically she died a few days before her 95th birthday. She was born April 9, 1921, but died (presumably) on April 6, 2016 (based on dates and days passing in Civil War).

Still, minor mistake, and it could be assumed they just rounded up her age a few days for the headline's sake.

Tonight's AoS episode 3x20 "Emancipation" occurs "days" (Lincoln mentions he's been in quarantine for days) after previous episode 3x19 "Failed Experiments", which occurred likely during the events of Civil War. I'm assuming its a few days at most since Lincoln doesn't say a week (which if that were the case would put "Failed Experiments" before the main portion of Civil War, but that isn't the case, so I've inserted 3x19 just after the battle between Steve, Bucky, and Tony in Siberia, but before Tony gets the Fedex package from Steve). It can be assumed no mention of the Lagos incident in "Failed Experiments" is due to it not being SHIELD's priority or problem, since they had hands full with the Inhumans and Kree in that episode.
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In 3x19, Daisy mentions that not much has changed after Hive says that paranoia led to civil war. That's probably just a nod rather than an actual reference, but if it is a reference to the events of Civil War, that would line up with putting 3x19 after/during the movie.
Heh, the AoS season finale ended jumping six months into the future, with
Daisy on the run, and Dr. Radcliffe working on a Life Model Decoy named AIDA with Fitz and Simmons
. Wonder if we'll see that as a part of the team in Season 4?

In 3x19, Daisy mentions that not much has changed after Hive says that paranoia led to civil war. That's probably just a nod rather than an actual reference, but if it is a reference to the events of Civil War, that would line up with putting 3x19 after/during the movie.

Yeah I remember that, but I just took it as a nod/Easter egg toward it, not actually addressing the events of Civil War. Especially since the next episode actually does address the events of Civil War.
Heh, the AoS season finale ended jumping six months into the future, with
Daisy on the run, and Dr. Radcliffe working on a Life Model Decoy named AIDA with Fitz and Simmons
. Wonder if we'll see that as a part of the team in Season 4?

In 3x19, Daisy mentions that not much has changed after Hive says that paranoia led to civil war. That's probably just a nod rather than an actual reference, but if it is a reference to the events of Civil War, that would line up with putting 3x19 after/during the movie.

Yeah I remember that, but I just took it as a nod/Easter egg toward it, not actually addressing the events of Civil War. Especially since the next episode actually does address the events of Civil War.
The Agents of SHIELD team is killing it again with these newspaper props--not only are the articles readable, with a reference to the Sokovia Accords even, they did a New York Bulletin cover in the style of Daredevil with the same logo and everything. :D It's not the Bugle--yet--but I'll take it. ;)

AIDA with Dr. Radcliffe. I know people complain about the show not using big names, but I love how obscure they're going with these.
AIDA with Dr. Radcliffe. I know people complain about the show not using big names, but I love how obscure they're going with these.

^Right? I actually kind of enjoy the obscure ones almost as much as the more obvious stuff like Creel/Absorbing Man. I had to look this one up and had never heard of AIDA before. That's even better! I love that. Plus while it's never going to utilize the A-listers, it's had a pretty reliable cycle of B and C-list Marvel villains and characters. I'm perfectly fine with that. And the more obscure references are the most intriguing.
I was hoping Agent Carter would do the same thing and dig deep into the Atlas era characters. But instead they took characters and made them nothing like the actual people from the books i.e. Whitney Frost.
I was hoping Agent Carter would do the same thing and dig deep into the Atlas era characters. But instead they took characters and made them nothing like the actual people from the books i.e. Whitney Frost.

We did get a couple of only appearing in one issue characters like Jason Wilkes, but yeah, 40's heroes would have been ace.
They didn't say if those were the only canon, there might be an extra that is canon that isn't on the list
They didn't say if those were the only canon, there might be an extra that is canon that isn't on the list

The only thing missing MAY be Jessica Jones #1, but that also doesn't have the stamp and, as far as I know, it's never been actually released in print.
They didn't say if those were the only canon, there might be an extra that is canon that isn't on the list

Looks like the question from the original message (in the image) is: "Is the following all of the current MCU canon and only the current MCU canon?" Also, at the bottom of the image, the person asking the question says that if the answer is anything other than "Yes [this is all of the canon and only the canon]", then please acknowledge what should be added or omitted. The "Yes" response from Marvel leads me to believe that the list is all-encompassing.

The only thing missing MAY be Jessica Jones #1, but that also doesn't have the stamp and, as far as I know, it's never been actually released in print.

The print version of Jessica Jones #1 was given out at New York Comic Con in 2015. Sometimes I see a copy show up on eBay (example).
The only thing missing MAY be Jessica Jones #1, but that also doesn't have the stamp and, as far as I know, it's never been actually released in print.

According to Bendis, it was canon... but then again he doesn't get final call. It's entirely possible it is canon and was just overlooked.

It doesn't have the stamp, but it's treated as a direct prequel to the show in its plot, and since it's not one of the films and instead is part of the Netflix corner of the universe it may have not had warrant for the big "A" stamp since it's completely unrelated to Avengers in any way.

I don't know. Bendis said it was and it was written as a direct prequel... Someone should double check about JJ #1.
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According to Bendis, it was canon... but then again he doesn't get final call. It's entirely possible it is canon and was just overlooked.

It doesn't have the stamp, but it's treated as a direct prequel to the show in its plot, and since it's not one of the films and instead is part of the Netflix corner of the universe it may have not had warrant for the big "A" stamp since it's completely unrelated to Avengers in any way.

I don't know. Bendis said it was and it was written as a direct prequel... Someone should double check about JJ #1.

According to Bendis Ultimate End was a good send off ;)
Does anyone have a link to where Bendis says that Jessica Jones #1 is canon? Not that it's in continuity with the MCU or that it's set in the MCU, but that it is official canon? The only place I can find where he talks about the comic is on his Tumblr where he says "it is in the marvel tv universe", which of course, does not mean that it is a part of the MCU canon.

EDIT: @MarvelSupport: @mcucanon Yes, Jessica Jones (2015) #1 is considered MCU Cannon.
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