Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

So, I remember the original argument against putting Will's flashback scene that took place in 2001 in AoS season 3, episode 5, the 4,772 hours episode, was because we didn't know at the time if he was telling the truth or not about his story. But I think it's safe to assume now, that he wasn't making up the story in his flashback scene. Is that something that could be added to the timeline?
At the time I wanted to put it in the timeline as it's own thing, but given that they didn't really build upon it a 30 second clip of astronauts dying with no talking doesn't have enough context to make sense.
So, I remember the original argument against putting Will's flashback scene that took place in 2001 in AoS season 3, episode 5, the 4,772 hours episode, was because we didn't know at the time if he was telling the truth or not about his story. But I think it's safe to assume now, that he wasn't making up the story in his flashback scene. Is that something that could be added to the timeline?

Added that.

At the time I wanted to put it in the timeline as it's own thing, but given that they didn't really build upon it a 30 second clip of astronauts dying with no talking doesn't have enough context to make sense.

This was my original reasoning as well, but given many such instances (flashbacks, etc) lack a lot of context when broken up into pieces based on flashbacks, and now knowing Will likely was telling truth and it wasn't a made up story to gain Simmons trust, I went ahead and broke it up to include that.

After all, the timeline's approach is to view it as one huge meta story, so in that larger view the context eventually makes sense, lol.
So we're getting a series 3 of Daredevil now. No doubt that will have an impact on the earlier part of the timeline for us who have put it together
Yeah, but that's anticipated. Because like you said everything has flashbacks.
My edit is made up of lots of parts. So it's not really difficult to edit new clips in.
It's just a little time-consuming as well having to re-create 8-10 hours of a video for a short little section to be added in the right place
Did some updating, mainly in terms of moving GotG Vol 2 to a few months after the first film based on info given at Comic Con, added tentative placements for all of AoS Season 4, and Daredevil Season 3 and The Punisher Season 1, as well as the episode titles for the first three episodes of Luke Cage. Also adjusted Avengers Infinity War to a single film with the fourth Avengers film scheduled for released in 2019 as untitled.
Hi I do not agree with you in a lot of things. I think that we should ignore the Vision's statement of Civil War about Iron Man plot 8 years ago... Also Daredevil does not have to be in 2014, it clearly happens in erlier 2015, Fisk says several months ago if he was spoken about the last year he would have said "The last year", The Winter Soldier should be happening in 2014 as well it has been Two Years since the Battle of New York. If I am not wrong 2012+2= 2014. Anyway, yes in Daredevil the weather matters but in this case it doesn't however in DD1 we can see cold weather in the city it is not winter but is cold I would take a risk and says that Daredevil 1 happens in January-february because we have WHiH World News Google+ Account where in January 22 I think there is a post speaking about Daredevil vigilantism we can see that in the finale episode there is snow: WINTER totally has begun and Jessica Jones can happen in March-april. With Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 1 I think that episode 10-22 happens in 2014 and the Talbot's staatement about avoiding him for a entire winter should be ignored too he can said it as a reference to the months where I live we usually uses that kind of statement. Daredevil 2 is fine where it is but I do not agree with Episode 9-14 being in 2015. If everything happens in November why Andrew has beard if he was only days under HYDRA custody? That is very weird. Also you are ignoring at all the WHiH World News Twitter Account and the WHiH Newsfront real time videos. If the Ant-Man's promotional campaign happen in real time what Civil War's promotional campaign should not? In that way we follow the Attack in Lagos happening in real time May 3rd and finally I don't care about a newspaper date or a FEED package date because they were used during the time the film were filmed. Civil War plot should happen in June 2016 Zemo said he was over a year making his plan. And AoS2 episode 4-22 should happen in 2015 too. There is a lot of evidence that hose episodes are consecutive: Episode 9 and 10 - Kree City events
Episode 12 - They say they went to the Kree City (Episode 9 and 10) last week. Kidnaps Hunter after he questions about Bobbi and Mack.
Episode 13 - Picks up very soon after as they start to get Skye help. Takes Hunter to the Iliad.
Episode 14 - Runs on from 13 with Hunter on the Iliad. Gives Bobbi 6 hours to get the Toolbox and come back.
Episode 15 - Covers those next hours Bobbi has been given to get the Toolbox. Mack says Hunter's been gone for 48 hours.
Episode 16 - Skye wakes up after sleeping for two days. Hunter says he was only gone a week (5 days). Skye starts training tomorrow.
Episode 17 - Skye's training. Ethan goes away. Dinner with Skye's family.
Episode 18 - Ethan dies in 37th hour. Dinner was last night.
Episode 19 - Follows straight on as they go to the Arctic.
We cannot ignore WHiH World News accoun they are canon
I will say that everything should be in this way:

* 2010: Iron Man (we have to follow the official timeline that Marvel gave us years ago not a writer's mistake...)
* 2011: Iron Man 2-Thor-Hulk (as you said)
* 2012: I full agree with the time frame gave to the Avengers. Christmas: Iron Man 3
* 2013: September: Jessica Jones flashbacks (she was under the control of Kilgrave almost by 4 months)/ September-November: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. ep 1-7/ November: Thor 2 and Ep 9
* 2014:
** February: Ep 10-12 (real time Marvel uses to follow real time)/ All Hail the King the one shot should take place more than a year a meeting with a criminal takes so much longer to make)
** March: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The Chase/ Ep 13-15 (Lorelei could travel for other worlds before arrive to Earht)
** March-april: Captain America The Winter Soldier (two years before the battle of New York)/ Concurrent events: Episode 16-17/ AoS ep 18-22
** August: Guardians of the Galaxy
** Ming Na Wen said that the season two starts 6 months after the finale season. so OCTOBER: AoS Ep 1-2
** December: time jump episode 3./ WHiH World News Google+ Account: late december they are discussion about
* 2015:
** January: Daredevil 1 begins (there is cold weather the show starts in earlier 2015 there is a panel of Union Allied Construction saying Spring 2015 Kingpin says that he has met Murdock several months ago not last year I do not care about phone's date of September 2014 is a date when the show was filmed) episode 1-2/ WHiH Google+ Account January 25 post (talking about the first actions of Daredevil or at least looks like) also Foggy and Matt opened his law office in the first days of the year not by the last months/ DD1 episodes 3-10
** February: DD1 episodes 11-13 cold weather with snows definetly begins / AoS2 episode 4-5 Jemma would win the Sunil's trust after being with him a few months after the Battle for Blizzard
** March: 18 monts after September 2013. Months after of the Union Allied Scandal paper gets released the 15th precint of police station still has it on their paper news I do not think that they should have it several months later as you guys said in this timeine. The winter is totally clear in here. Anyway Jessica Jones comic and Jessica Jones ep 1-4/ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode 6.
** April: AoS2 episode 7 is not long after that man had his tatoos. Episode 8-10 (this episode are totally consecutive and Mack said that Coulson became crazy last week)/ Concurrent events: JJ1 episode 5-6 (this episode takes almost more than a week)/ Jessica Jones episode 7/ AoS2 episode 11/ Jessica Jones episode 8-13 with AoS2 episode 12-16 as concurrent events as you said but everything in the same month... (I repeat: Episode 12 - They say they went to the Kree City (Episode 9 and 10) last week. Kidnaps Hunter after he questions about Bobbi and Mack.
Episode 13 - Picks up very soon after as they start to get Skye help. Takes Hunter to the Iliad.
Episode 14 - Runs on from 13 with Hunter on the Iliad. Gives Bobbi 6 hours to get the Toolbox and come back.
Episode 15 - Covers those next hours Bobbi has been given to get the Toolbox. Mack says Hunter's been gone for 48 hours.
Episode 16 - Skye wakes up after sleeping for two days. Hunter says he was only gone a week (5 days). Skye starts training tomorrow.
Episode 17 - Skye's training. Ethan goes away. Dinner with Skye's family.
Episode 18 - Ethan dies in 37th hour. Dinner was last night.
Episode 19 - Follows straight on as they go to the Arctic.)
** Late april: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 2 episodes 17-19/ Avengers 2 opening
** May: Avengers 2 main plot/ AoS episode 20-22/ WHiH Google+ Account post about Hulk being a Monster or savior on May 14th, a week after the battle of Johannesburg: As you said.
** June: According WHiH Post from Google Account Thor dissappeared the day before June 1st... You can make your conclusions
** July7th-17th: Scott Lang is released. In two weeks Cross will reveal his Yellowjacket suit and the Wired Insider video says that the reveal will be in summer. Last days of July: Incident at Pym Technologies
** November last days: Dinner on Paxton's house it does not look like to me that there was battle before... Falcon begins the search of Ant-Man with Parker begun his activities as Spider-Mna by now/ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Ep 1-3/ Daredevil 2 ep 1
** December: DD2 episode 2-7/ Concurrent events: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode 4-8 (Andrew is taken to custody until last month he has beard in episode 10...)/ DD2 the rest of the season until Christmas
* 2016:
** January last days: Episode 9-10 Coulson asks Price what she will keep doing now that they know that Malick is an HYDRA Agent
** Earlier March: Episode 11. Contact the president would take a little time but I do not think that Coulson decided to do it once he killed Ward. He waited some time and then he decided to call the President. Mid March: Episode 12-13
** April:
** First days: Episode 14 (Watchdogs) the Hell's Kitchen mention does not matter because is just a easter egg and also is BLOODY HELL'S KITCHEN. There is always a gang war
** April 22th-24th: WHiH April Account post/ WHiH Newsfront video released on April 22nd
** Spacetime episode 15 in April 24th I think
** April 25th: WHiH post Twitter Account/WHiH Newsfront video released on April 26th / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 3 episode 16 Paradise Lost
** April 26th: WHiH Post twitter account/ The Team
** April 27th: The Singularity
** April 28th: WHiH Newsfront Video released on April 28th when we can read on news ticket that Ellis administration says: HYDRA HAS BEEN ERRADICATED what we could seen in Episode 18 so the day before
** April 29th-May 2nd: WHiH post Twitter Account on May 2nd some HYDRA Graffitti concerns the public because the president announced that the organization was gone a few days ago/
** May 3rd: In the video's news tickets there is a mention to the Attack on the ATCU by the Watchdogs that there is no reason to be in there it that happen last year as this timeline said so it happen weeks before in this case a mont has happened between the attack and this video. The discussion with president Ellis takes place on WHiH Newsfront about Thaddeus Ross as secretary of state/ Attack on Lagos (the newspaper does not count because it is a date when the film was filmed and is just like Iron Man 2008 evidence. They were given because it was the dte when the film was believed to happen but we have evidence that this Mid March date does not count)/ Lagos attack on WHiH Newsfront/ Twitter Account SOKOVIA ACCORDS ARE Released
** May 4th: Stark is visited by Spencer's mother. She visited Stark a year after his death
** May 5th: WHiH Twitter Account post: Stark signs the Sokovia Accords
** Last days of May: Episode 19 Failed Experiments they talk about the fear of enhanced individuals and the possibility of a CIVIL WAR.
** June: CIVIL WAR Main Plot. Zemo was seeking revenge over a year. Lagos happened next month. April 14th FEDEX package does not count as I said previously./ Concurrent and consecutive events: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 3 Episode 20-22
** Mid-November: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 4 beggining it has happen more than five month since Campbell's death. And the showrunners will count since Mid May to the beggining of the season so May+5= November. Doctor Strange can take place on November 2016- January 2017 or October 2016-Noveember 2016 that depends of the fact is they will use WHiH Newsfront or Twitter account.
This is my timeline that I think is the correct with all my evidence
Hi I do not agree with you in a lot of things. I think that we should ignore the Vision's statement of Civil War about Iron Man plot 8 years ago...

Um... why? Why ignore a clear and blatantly direct reference to the timeline?

Also Daredevil does not have to be in 2014, it clearly happens in erlier 2015, Fisk says several months ago if he was spoken about the last year he would have said "The last year",

Actually, it clearly DOES happen in late 2014 based on the date shown on the cell phone, hence my placement as such. I don't just randomly place things, I ALWAYS use dates derived from the movies or TV shows themselves, and Daredevil Season 1 definitively placed itself in late 2014.

The Winter Soldier should be happening in 2014 as well it has been Two Years since the Battle of New York. If I am not wrong 2012+2= 2014.

Again, the date of October, 2013 is definitively given in Winter Soldier, during the interrogation scene of Batroc, on the video feed. Also, it's common practice to round up. It was actually a year and a half before, rounding that up to "couple years" is something many people would do instead of being specific, in terms of conversational approach.

Anyway, yes in Daredevil the weather matters but in this case it doesn't

You literally just contradicted yourself.

however in DD1 we can see cold weather in the city it is not winter but is cold I would take a risk and says that Daredevil 1 happens in January-february because we have WHiH World News Google+ Account where in January 22 I think there is a post speaking about Daredevil vigilantism we can see that in the finale episode there is snow: WINTER totally has begun and Jessica Jones can happen in March-april.

Again, you're blatantly ignoring the dates actually provided in the shows themselves. I placed them in those months because the show definitively provides those dates. Daredevil Season 1 starts in mid August and runs through mid September. We can just assume there was a cold front to account for the colder weather. Such things occasionally do happen. Jessica Jones Season 1 occurs in Winter to Spring of 2015. It's stated that the death of the woman Jessica killed (as ordered to by Kilgrave) occurred in January, 2014 (on a police report). That was about a year before (hence placing Jessica Jones in February, 2015, little over a year later, a year and a couple weeks to be exact). That also allows for the warming/onset of Spring shown in JJ Season 1, which runs through March, 2015.

With Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 1 I think that episode 10-22 happens in 2014 and the Talbot's staatement about avoiding him for a entire winter should be ignored too he can said it as a reference to the months where I live we usually uses that kind of statement.

Here's the problem. You seem to continually want to ignore the definitive date/timeline info given within the movies and shows in favor of forcing them into years/months they clearly don't occur in due to the dates actually provided in the series/movies. That's illogical.

Agents of SHIELD Season 1 occurs over about a month and a half period of time, to align with the early September date shown on the SHIELD ID badges shown in the AoS Pilot episode, and the definitive mid October date shown in Winter Soldier, which AoS definitively crosses over with.

So, again, I use the actual hard dates given in the shows and movies, which seems to be the complete opposite approach to the one you take. Feel free to order stuff however you like, but I use the hard dates provided, as I want to be accurate.

Daredevil 2 is fine where it is but I do not agree with Episode 9-14 being in 2015. If everything happens in November why Andrew has beard if he was only days under HYDRA custody? That is very weird.

Not at all. First, only AoS episodes 3x01 to 3x10 occur in November, 2015. 3x11 to 3x14 occur in December, 2015. And it only takes a week or so to grow a beard depending on the person. It's never said he was only in Hydra custody for a couple days. Realize multiple days or even weeks could have passed to explain the beard growth.

Also you are ignoring at all the WHiH World News Twitter Account and the WHiH Newsfront real time videos.

I don't include the Twitter stuff, but the WHiH videos are absolutely included. Please see under July, 2015 (for the Ant-Man related ones) and March, 2016 for the Civil War related ones. They're all there.

If the Ant-Man's promotional campaign happen in real time what Civil War's promotional campaign should not?

Because hard dates are given in Civil War that shows it occurs in late March, 2016 (the opening scene in Lagos, confirmed by newspaper headlines shown) and the rest occurs in early to mid April (confirmed by the delivery date on the FedEx package Cap sends Tony).

Again, I use dates provided within the films and TV shows to place entries. If those aren't provided only then is the real world approach used to align them.

In that way we follow the Attack in Lagos happening in real time May 3rd and finally I don't care about a newspaper date or a FEED package date because they were used during the time the film were filmed.

That's your prerogative not to care, but I do. They made those props specifically to align and create a timeline that reflects the time the film is meant to occur. It really is that simple.

You're approach is illogical, to ignore hard dates within the films and Tv shows in favor of aligning with release dates? Nope. Not happening here. As I said, it's an illogical approach.

Civil War plot should happen in June 2016 Zemo said he was over a year making his plan.

Being off by a month isn't a big deal, lol. It'd literally be 10-11 months later.

And AoS2 episode 4-22 should happen in 2015 too.

Wait, so now you're throwing away your approach of aligning with real world release dates? Man, even your approach is inconsistent. Seriously, think about what you're saying.

First, AoS Season definitively starts in 2014. AoS 2x20 "Scars" shows that a year has passed between the flashback that opens that episode (which occurs literally just before the 2x01 episode, literally the same day), meaning AoS 2x01 occurs in 2014 and 2x20 and the rest of the episodes occur in 2015.

There is a lot of evidence that hose episodes are consecutive: Episode 9 and 10 - Kree City events
Episode 12 - They say they went to the Kree City (Episode 9 and 10) last week. Kidnaps Hunter after he questions about Bobbi and Mack.

My version literally has those events occurring at very end of 2014, meaning only a week needs to pass to get into 2015.

Episode 13 - Picks up very soon after as they start to get Skye help. Takes Hunter to the Iliad.
Episode 14 - Runs on from 13 with Hunter on the Iliad. Gives Bobbi 6 hours to get the Toolbox and come back.
Episode 15 - Covers those next hours Bobbi has been given to get the Toolbox. Mack says Hunter's been gone for 48 hours.
Episode 16 - Skye wakes up after sleeping for two days. Hunter says he was only gone a week (5 days). Skye starts training tomorrow.
Episode 17 - Skye's training. Ethan goes away. Dinner with Skye's family.
Episode 18 - Ethan dies in 37th hour. Dinner was last night.
Episode 19 - Follows straight on as they go to the Arctic.
We cannot ignore WHiH World News accoun they are canon

This I agree with. I do need to rework the layout of the AoS Season 2 episodes some.

I will say that everything should be in this way:

* 2010: Iron Man (we have to follow the official timeline that Marvel gave us years ago not a writer's mistake...)

Lol, it wasn't a writer's mistake. Iron Man 2 definitively places itself as occurring around same time as Thor and Incredible Hulk (based on the Fury's Big Week comic), and Avengers confirms that occurred a year before based on Fury's line about events of Thor happening last year (so in 2011). Iron Man definitively places itself in January to May, 2008, based on the hard May, 2008 date provided on Tony's computer screen, and backed up and confirmed by Vision's statement in Civil War.

Your odd approach of ignoring a bunch of evidence makes no sense. Unfortunately the MCU wikia follows the same illogical approach.

Also, it wasn't so much a writer's mistake as a retcon. Iron Man 2 could easily be placed in early 2009 (six months after first film) except Fury's Big Week retconned it to occurring in 2011.

There's a logical explanation to explain the "six months later" tag in beginning of Iron Man 2. First, it's assumed Vanko's father dies obviously same day Tony reveals he's Iron Man at end of first film, so May, 2008. Vanko discovers his father's Arc reactor plans and begins constructing his own. Now, keep in mind, Vanko lives in poverty. He doesn't have the resources and access to materials Tony Stark has. Thus, constructing his own arc reactor is going to take much longer and involve a lot more trial and error and calibrating. Thus, my timeline views the opening scenes of Iron Man 2 (with Vanko constructing his own arc reactor) as occurring over a couple years up until mid/late November of 2010). Then, six months later is when Stark Expo begins. It's a simple and workable explanation for that continuity/timeline problem, and one that makes perfect sense given Vanko's limited resources.

The MCU official timeline directly contradicts itself and the films in a few places, including the CA-First Avenger entry, if I recall correctly. Plus, it seems Vision's statement in Civil War retconned that official timeline anyway.

* 2011: Iron Man 2-Thor-Hulk (as you said)
* 2012: I full agree with the time frame gave to the Avengers. Christmas: Iron Man 3
* 2013: September: Jessica Jones flashbacks (she was under the control of Kilgrave almost by 4 months)/ September-November: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. ep 1-7/ November: Thor 2 and Ep 9

Again, you're ignoring the hard dates given in Jessica Jones, which is illogical.

* 2014:
** February: Ep 10-12 (real time Marvel uses to follow real time)/ All Hail the King the one shot should take place more than a year a meeting with a criminal takes so much longer to make)

Again, Marvel DOES NOT always follow a real world timeline approach. This is continually proven with Winter Soldier's dates putting it about six months before its release date, Civil War occurring about a month before its release date, the dates given in the various TV shows that don't align with real world release dates, etc.

Further, from an in-universe bit of logical thinking, do you really think the real Mandarin would let Trevor Slattery live for a year before taking revenge? I doubt it. Think it through. Plus Slattery's in-prison celebrity status was still somewhat new based on the One Shot.

** March: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The Chase/ Ep 13-15 (Lorelei could travel for other worlds before arrive to Earht)


** March-april: Captain America The Winter Soldier (two years before the battle of New York)/ Concurrent events: Episode 16-17/ AoS ep 18-22

Again, it's actually 18 months. Many people round up a year and a half to two years in conversation.

** August: Guardians of the Galaxy
** Ming Na Wen said that the season two starts 6 months after the finale season. so OCTOBER: AoS Ep 1-2

Again, often I use producer/director/actor comments like that to help place stuff. But when it conflicts with dates given in the releases, it must be ignored in favor of the onscreen, hard dates the movies and TV shows provide.

Plus, as said, AoS Season 1 ends in October, 2013, to align with Winter Soldier. Six months after that is April, 2014. It can easily be argued that's where AoS 2x01 occurs in this timeline, but since no definitive dates were given in the show itself beyond the "One Year Earlier" flashback in 2x20 (which occurs just before and leads into 2x01) backs up my placements.

** December: time jump episode 3./ WHiH World News Google+ Account: late december they are discussion about

What is discussed? You need to be more specific.

* 2015:
** January: Daredevil 1 begins (there is cold weather the show starts in earlier 2015 there is a panel of Union Allied Construction saying Spring 2015 Kingpin says that he has met Murdock several months ago not last year I do not care about phone's date of September 2014 is a date when the show was filmed) episode 1-2/ WHiH Google+ Account January 25 post (talking about the first actions of Daredevil or at least looks like) also Foggy and Matt opened his law office in the first days of the year not by the last months/ DD1 episodes 3-10

Again, you favor ignoring hard onscreen dates in favor of made up dates with absolutely no evidence provided to establish it as correct. And again, it's a completely illogical approach. The "Spring 2015" construction project wouldn't be completed until Spring, 2015, and it was a major project. As someone who worked construction, I assure you, you don't build huge buildings in only a few months. Not how it works. Whereby it's basic structure being erected by August, 2014 (as shown) would allow enough time (7-9 months) to complete the project. Plus, if it was January there'd be snow on the ground. It's New York City after all.

** February: DD1 episodes 11-13 cold weather with snows definetly begins / AoS2 episode 4-5 Jemma would win the Sunil's trust after being with him a few months after the Battle for Blizzard
** March: 18 monts after September 2013. Months after of the Union Allied Scandal paper gets released the 15th precint of police station still has it on their paper news I do not think that they should have it several months later as you guys said in this timeine. The winter is totally clear in here. Anyway Jessica Jones comic and Jessica Jones ep 1-4/ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode 6.

Again; you're ignoring the hard dates that definitively place it as occurring a month or two previous.

** April: AoS2 episode 7 is not long after that man had his tatoos. Episode 8-10 (this episode are totally consecutive and Mack said that Coulson became crazy last week)/ Concurrent events: JJ1 episode 5-6 (this episode takes almost more than a week)/ Jessica Jones episode 7/ AoS2 episode 11/ Jessica Jones episode 8-13 with AoS2 episode 12-16 as concurrent events as you said but everything in the same month... (I repeat: Episode 12 - They say they went to the Kree City (Episode 9 and 10) last week. Kidnaps Hunter after he questions about Bobbi and Mack.
Episode 13 - Picks up very soon after as they start to get Skye help. Takes Hunter to the Iliad.
Episode 14 - Runs on from 13 with Hunter on the Iliad. Gives Bobbi 6 hours to get the Toolbox and come back.
Episode 15 - Covers those next hours Bobbi has been given to get the Toolbox. Mack says Hunter's been gone for 48 hours.
Episode 16 - Skye wakes up after sleeping for two days. Hunter says he was only gone a week (5 days). Skye starts training tomorrow.
Episode 17 - Skye's training. Ethan goes away. Dinner with Skye's family.
Episode 18 - Ethan dies in 37th hour. Dinner was last night.
Episode 19 - Follows straight on as they go to the Arctic.)

I do need to layout the AoS Season 2 episodes better, admittedly.

** Late april: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 2 episodes 17-19/ Avengers 2 opening
** May: Avengers 2 main plot/ AoS episode 20-22/ WHiH Google+ Account post about Hulk being a Monster or savior on May 14th, a week after the battle of Johannesburg: As you said.
** June: According WHiH Post from Google Account Thor dissappeared the day before June 1st... You can make your conclusions
** July7th-17th: Scott Lang is released. In two weeks Cross will reveal his Yellowjacket suit and the Wired Insider video says that the reveal will be in summer. Last days of July: Incident at Pym Technologies

Except, again, hard date in Ant-Man place it in October (well, most of the film). It can be assumed Scott was released in July, spent a few weeks looking for a job (not an easy thing for an ex-con), and worked at Baskin Robbins for a month or two before his boss discovered his felony record and fired him (late September/early October). Then he was recruited by Pym and began training. The film definitively shown a date of October, 2015 on cell phone.

** November last days: Dinner on Paxton's house it does not look like to me that there was battle before... Falcon begins the search of Ant-Man with Parker begun his activities as Spider-Mna by now/ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Ep 1-3/ Daredevil 2 ep 1
** December: DD2 episode 2-7/ Concurrent events: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode 4-8 (Andrew is taken to custody until last month he has beard in episode 10...)/ DD2 the rest of the season until Christmas

Again, I can grow a full beard in a week, maybe 2. Him being captured and growing beard during captivity can easily happen over course of a week or two.

* 2016:
** January last days: Episode 9-10 Coulson asks Price what she will keep doing now that they know that Malick is an HYDRA Agent
** Earlier March: Episode 11. Contact the president would take a little time but I do not think that Coulson decided to do it once he killed Ward. He waited some time and then he decided to call the President. Mid March: Episode 12-13
** April:
** First days: Episode 14 (Watchdogs) the Hell's Kitchen mention does not matter because is just a easter egg and also is BLOODY HELL'S KITCHEN. There is always a gang war

Again, you continuously rely on logically fallacious reasoning. There is a severe aspect of cognitive dissonance behind your approach, I'm afraid. The tag DOES matter. It's an example of a crossover element.

If I were to make a timeline of the Marvel comic books, it would be illogical to ignore mentions or events from other books being said in another. I would utilize that info to place the comics accordingly, and I do the same for the movies/TV episodes. NOT doing so is completely illogical. It was obviously intended to occur then based on the tag.

** April 22th-24th: WHiH April Account post/ WHiH Newsfront video released on April 22nd
** Spacetime episode 15 in April 24th I think
** April 25th: WHiH post Twitter Account/WHiH Newsfront video released on April 26th / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 3 episode 16 Paradise Lost
** April 26th: WHiH Post twitter account/ The Team
** April 27th: The Singularity
** April 28th: WHiH Newsfront Video released on April 28th when we can read on news ticket that Ellis administration says: HYDRA HAS BEEN ERRADICATED what we could seen in Episode 18 so the day before
** April 29th-May 2nd: WHiH post Twitter Account on May 2nd some HYDRA Graffitti concerns the public because the president announced that the organization was gone a few days ago/

Again, illogical approach on your part. You continuously ignore hard dates provided in favor of real world release dates. By that logic, you should place Iron Man 3 in May, 2013 and ignore completely that it definitively occurs over Christmas... see how little sense the approach you're using makes? Civil War definitively places Civil War in March/April 2016. End of story.

** May 3rd: In the video's news tickets there is a mention to the Attack on the ATCU by the Watchdogs that there is no reason to be in there it that happen last year as this timeline said so it happen weeks before in this case a mont has happened between the attack and this video.

Weeks still works. Plus, it could also be viewed as a separate, second attack by the Watchdogs group.

The discussion with president Ellis takes place on WHiH Newsfront about Thaddeus Ross as secretary of state/ Attack on Lagos (the newspaper does not count because it is a date when the film was filmed and is just like Iron Man 2008 evidence. They were given because it was the dte when the film was believed to happen but we have evidence that this Mid March date does not count)/ Lagos attack on WHiH Newsfront/ Twitter Account

Actually, there is NO evidence the mid March date doesn't count. You have provided absolutely no evidence debating that point. The dates were given not because that's when it was filmed, but because they tried to align the props to reflect the dates they intended the film to occur. Keep in mind Civil War was filmed from April to August, 2015. A date reflecting March or April 2016 doesn't align with the "filming dates" as you claim (you don't honestly think they film movies only a month or two before release, do you?).

** May 4th: Stark is visited by Spencer's mother. She visited Stark a year after his death
** May 5th: WHiH Twitter Account post: Stark signs the Sokovia Accords
** Last days of May: Episode 19 Failed Experiments they talk about the fear of enhanced individuals and the possibility of a CIVIL WAR.
** June: CIVIL WAR Main Plot. Zemo was seeking revenge over a year. Lagos happened next month. April 14th FEDEX package does not count as I said previously./ Concurrent and consecutive events: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 3 Episode 20-22

I'm sorry, your illogical approach doesn't fly here. We use hard data provided by the films and TV shows, not the illogical release date approach.

** Mid-November: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 4 beggining it has happen more than five month since Campbell's death. And the showrunners will count since Mid May to the beggining of the season so May+5= November.

Except we're using the logical approach of using dates within the films themselves, so thus AoS Season 4 picks up in October (more than 5 months comment is assumed that AoS Season 3 ends in late April, 2016, and MORE than five months later would actually be early October, hence I placed it as such). Also, if you were to utilize the real world approach, you should be placing it in late September, 2016, but you're selectively ignoring your own approach there. Like I said, your approach is illogical.

Doctor Strange can take place on November 2016- January 2017 or October 2016-Noveember 2016 that depends of the fact is they will use WHiH Newsfront or Twitter account.
This is my timeline that I think is the correct with all my evidence

All well and good, but again, we utilize the hard, definitive dates provided in the releases. You sometimes use a real world approach, sometimes not, all directly contradicting the hard dates provided in the shows/films. Simply illogical. Sorry, not trying to be a jerk, but realize I pored over every aspect, discussed and debated placements on this timeline for over 5 years. I specifically utilize the hard dates provided because they're not accidentally inserted, but done by prop department to align with a specific time period/date. And the prop department uses dates that align with the script's intended timeline setting (which often aligns closely with release dates but often not).

The dates provided in Captain America - The First Avenger are utilized since it's set in the 1940's. Same logic applies to all entries. It makes literally no sense at all to use your approach and ignore the hard dates provided to help determine timeline.

Sorry you don't agree, but feel free to make your own version. I'm confident in almost all the placements other than a bit of rearranging needed for the AoS mid Season 2 episodes.
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Also, I plugged the thread in the MCU subreddit when someone was asking about a timeline, some people claimed they had descrepancies with it, and then two days later A13G10 shows up. Wonder if that's coincidence or not.....
Heads up, an extra for Spiderman Homecoming uploaded a picture of a prop, and it's got a date

Awesome! Updated to tentatively place Spider-Man: Homecoming in September (presumably September, 2017).

This also once again disproves A13G10's "real world release date/timeline placement" approach, since the film releases in July, 2017.

Also, I plugged the thread in the MCU subreddit when someone was asking about a timeline, some people claimed they had descrepancies with it, and then two days later A13G10 shows up. Wonder if that's coincidence or not.....

The problem is some people are utilizing real world release dates over hard dates shown in the films/TV episodes themselves. The MCU wikia does same illogical approach with their timeline placements.

It literally makes no sense at all to ignore hard dates provided within the films/TV episodes (whether on props or computer/video screens) in favor of real world release dates, especially when often those hard dates provided in the releases clearly show the release dates often don't align with the intended internal dates of the releases.

That's likely main cause of discrepancies. Presumably many who do the timelines don't pore over details like we do? Of not notice those dates? But when they DO notice the dates and ignore them, it makes no sense. There is literally zero logic to it.
Awesome! Updated to tentatively place Spider-Man: Homecoming in September (presumably September, 2017).

This also once again disproves A13G10's "real world release date/timeline placement" approach, since the film releases in July, 2017.

Now obviously the MCU has contradicted the days of the week before, but September 23rd is a Friday in 2016, not 2017.

Maybe you're right and that dance is going to be set in 2017, but there are rumours that the movie will span the entire school year, so it's possible that the movie begins in September 2016 and last until June or July 2017 (switch would align with the release date).

I think as long as it's just a tentative placement and this ticket is the only thing we have to go on, we should take it at face value and set it in September 2016.

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