Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

Don't forget the actor from Daredevil being in the one-shot. Grantd he could be playing someone else, but it's still a stretch.
Fair enough. This at least confirms that the Mandarin stuff is still occurring.

Don't forget the actor from Daredevil being in the one-shot. Grantd he could be playing someone else, but it's still a stretch.

That was White Power Dave.
New WHIH video:


I can only assume the "massive ant-like insect" sightings in San Francisco suburb ticker is foreshadowing/hinting at Pym and Lang using the Pym particles to grow Lang into, well, Giant Man, but of course testing it on the ants first.

Also, the "Transia Corporation announces interim CEO" ticker is a reference to the events of AoS 3x15 Spacetime, in which Malick killed the CEO.
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New WHIH video:


I can only assume the "massive ant-like insect" sightings in San Francisco suburb ticker is foreshadowing/hinting at Pym and Lang using the Pym particles to grow Lang into, well, Giant Man, but of course testing it on the ants first.

Isn't that just the giant ant from the end of ant-man?
Here's something "fun" for everyone to gnaw on. I've seen Civil War, and it explicitly dates in dialogue The Avengers to four years ago... and Iron Man to eight years ago.

So yeah, IM is back to 2008...
Here's something "fun" for everyone to gnaw on. I've seen Civil War, and it explicitly dates in dialogue The Avengers to four years ago... and Iron Man to eight years ago.

So yeah, IM is back to 2008...

Interesting. I'm more than ok with that, as I always felt Iron Man worked better as set in its year of release, especially since it explicitly shows a date of May, 2008 in the film itself. I'll correct that, and use the explanation that Vanko took a couple years to build his first Whiplash suit (after all he didn't have the resources or access to rare materials that even Tony Stark did in a cave in Afghanistan--since he was using his advanced weaponry to build the Iron Man mark I). We can assume the "six months later" tag applies to six months after Vanko's completion of it, or near completion, meaning he spent from May, 2008 (when the first Iron Man ends) to late 2010 constructing and slowly acquiring rare materials for the Whiplash suit's construction. And honestly, that makes perfect sense. I wouldn't expect a former prisoner living in poverty in Russia to have ready access to the rare materials/elements needed to make the prototype Whiplash suit work.

Either way, nice to finally have that confirmed.

Overlaps with the opening of Civil War. Minor spoilers.
Added^. Its mentioned in Civil War that the attack in Lagos occurred a month ago/last month (so there must be a jump of a month between Lagos events and the fallout/rest of film).

Also, Captain America - Civil War definitely cemented the timeline, most notably the confusion over the placement of first Iron Man in 2008 or 2011. Its now confirmed as occurring 8 years before Civil War (so 2008 and 2016). Its also mentioned its been 3 years that the Avengers have operated without any oversight, referencing the fall of SHIELD in CA-Winter Soldier in 2013. Also, Ross mentions he had a heart attack and retired from military 5 years ago. This perfectly lines up with him likely having heart attack soon after events of Incredible Hulk/Battle of Harlem/his failure to capture Hulk in 2011 (also he'd had a major failure previous to that due to events of Iron Man 2 - Public Identity comics). He says it happened on golf course in middle of backswing, but perhaps it was a stress-related heart attack from his failures in those incidents. Either way, it reinforces the idea of Incredible Hulk occurring in 2011 (along with Fury's Big Week comics).

Civil War was like a nice band-aid on the one major MCU continuity hiccup relating to the first Iron Man movie's placement, and a confirmation of the other placements. ;)

I love it when a timeline comes together.
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Oh, hey, I didn't catch the three years ago reference to TWS, that's neat. When was that?

It was pointed out to me, though, that there are a couple of lines in IM2 that make the "six months after Vanko finished his suit" workaround a little iffy - Hammer talks about Tony having been Iron Manning "for the past six months" during the senate hearing, whilst Christine Everhart "did quite a spread on Tony last year."
Oh, hey, I didn't catch the three years ago reference to TWS, that's neat. When was that?

During Ross' first meeting with the Avengers after the Lagos incident.

It was pointed out to me, though, that there are a couple of lines in IM2 that make the "six months after Vanko finished his suit" workaround a little iffy - Hammer talks about Tony having been Iron Manning "for the past six months" during the senate hearing, whilst Christine Everhart "did quite a spread on Tony last year."

Yeah its not perfect, but we can just assume those are cases of generalities maybe with the Everhart thing.

Also, "six months after Vanko finished his suit" still works, especially if we correctly account for Vanko taking a couple years for him to build suit in first place, which is how the timeline account for it: Vanko discovers blueprints after his father's death immediately after end of first Iron Man, he works on it over rest of 2008 and during 2009 and 2010-2011 (the opening of Iron Man 2, presuming it progresses through the montage scene at beginning of Iron Man 2 from 2008 - 2011).
I did post this on the timeline site, but figured I'd post it here too.

Parker has been Spider-Man for six months (After the one month jump) so, taking into account the references to him in Ant-Man. Assuming he first started being Spider-Man in October, it would set the movie in March/April.
I did post this on the timeline site, but figured I'd post it here too.

Parker has been Spider-Man for six months (After the one month jump) so, taking into account the references to him in Ant-Man. Assuming he first started being Spider-Man in October, it would set the movie in March/April.


Also, keep in mind the technology Tony uses to "flashback" to the day his parents were killed by Winter Soldier doesn't negate events of flashback scenes denoting Howard leaving the house on that same day while Tony was in pool (shown in Iron Man 2 - Public Identity comic). As Tony said in that portion, he wishes it had happened that way. It's likely it in fact happened as shown in Public Identity flashback, with Tony flippantly blowing Howard off the last time they spoke. Presumably the altered flashback was just that to a large degree.
Also, Captain America - Civil War definitely cemented the timeline, most notably the confusion over the placement of first Iron Man in 2008 or 2011. Its now confirmed as occurring 8 years before Civil War (so 2008 and 2016). Its also mentioned its been 3 years that the Avengers have operated without any oversight, referencing the fall of SHIELD in CA-Winter Soldier in 2013.

If we're thinking of the same line, I think he actually said said four years. You can hear the line at the beginning of this behind-the-scenes clip here. (I remember hearing it as four years when I saw the film as well.) I don't think there was a specific mention of SHIELD's fall, though, so it seems likely that Ross was actually referring to the first time the group came together in Avengers, which was technically on their own initiative. (This would line up with Avengers taking place in 2012.)

There are also definite references to the amount of time Steve and Falcon have been searching for Bucky without success (in the line to which Steve responds "We didn't blow up the UN") and how many years ago Tony blew up his suits in Iron Man 3 (in the pen/Pepper scene with Tony and Steve.) I think these are both two years, which would weirdly correspond to the release date for Winter Soldier and the onscreen dates for Iron Man 3, but I couldn't remember by the end of both screenings. (It's a long movie!)

Civil War does seem to indicate that the rule that the movies take place in the year they were released trumps any time references on screen or in dialogue. (Though of course, it's only Civil War's dialogue that would indicate this! :p )

Little bit of specific timeline info for Civil War.

At beginning, during scene where Wanda is being talked through scoping out surrounding area while sitting and drinking tea/coffee, there's a newspaper on her table with a picture of Crossbones/Rumlow, with headline "Police Stations Robbed" under his picture.

The newspaper is "The Daily", and its the Saturday edition. The top portion is out of focus so no specific date is visible on newspaper, but it does feature a blurb on bottom that reads "2016 Election Conversations, Sunday, March 22, 3-5 PM. Be Part of the Audience."

That would seem to indicate (if the paper is meant to be that day's issue) the modern day portions of Civil War begin on Saturday, March 21, 2016. Of course in reality March 21, 2016 was a Monday, so this is another example where the MCU timeline (in terms of day of week matching up to dates) differs from reality.

It's also entirely possible the newspaper is a bit old (few weeks or months) and Wanda just had it as dossier material, since they were actively looking for Rumlow.

However there is a second newspaper next to the first one, called The Spot (also with a Saturday label) with headline "Weapons Sold to Terrorists", also featuring a picture of Rumlow.

So, if I had to guess, the opening scenes in Lagos happen on March 21, 2016. Presumably the rest of film occurs in late April, with the WHIH promos occurring in early March before events in Lagos, and final one occurring that night (reporting on the Lagos explosion).

Also, the final scene with Tony helping Rhodey try out the new harness to help him walk happens on April 14, 2016. The Fedex package (delivered by Stan Lee in his requisite cameo) is labeled as a 2 Day package, delivered on/by Tuesday, April 14 (April 14 in real world was a Thursday, so Marvel is keeping the habit of date/days not matching reality).

Therefore I can probably determine a precise timeline for the film down to days throughout.

Moved Age of Ultron up a month, so that Zemo's line "I've thought about nothing else for over a year", referring to the Battle of Sokovia and the death of Zemo's family, makes sense.

This is only preliminary until Bluray/DVD comes out and I can time code and double check, but I believe the dates work out like this:

March 21 - Prologue: Lagos Incident
Day 1 / April 5 - Tony's presentation at MIT
Day 2 / April 6 - Cap & Wanda see news report about Lagos, Ross presents Sokovia Accords to team
Day 5 / April 9 - Peggy's Funeral, Bombing at Sokovia Accords UN Assembly
Day 6 / April 10 - Cap finds Bucky in Romania, they're captured by authorities, Steve once again refuses to sign Accords, Zemo brainwashes Bucky and he escapes custody, Cap hides him from authorities, Tony recruits Peter Parker, Clint frees Wanda
Day 7 / April 11 - Battle at Leipzig Airport, Cap and Bucky follow Zemo to Siberia, Tony and Black Panther follow as well, battle between Cap, Tony, and Bucky; Zemo is captured
Day 8 / April 12 - Post-Credit Scene: Peter Parker nurses bruised eye, discovers Spider-signal in web launcher that Tony made for him
Day 10 / April 14 - Tony receives package from Cap, Cap breaks the imprisoned Avengers out of Raft
Day 11 / April 15 - Mid-Credit Scene: Bucky is put into suspended animation in Wakanda, Steve also hides out in Wakanda (presumably with the fugitive Avengers)

If we're thinking of the same line, I think he actually said said four years. You can hear the line at the beginning of this behind-the-scenes clip here. (I remember hearing it as four years when I saw the film as well.) I don't think there was a specific mention of SHIELD's fall, though, so it seems likely that Ross was actually referring to the first time the group came together in Avengers, which was technically on their own initiative. (This would line up with Avengers taking place in 2012.)

There are also definite references to the amount of time Steve and Falcon have been searching for Bucky without success (in the line to which Steve responds "We didn't blow up the UN") and how many years ago Tony blew up his suits in Iron Man 3 (in the pen/Pepper scene with Tony and Steve.) I think these are both two years, which would weirdly correspond to the release date for Winter Soldier and the onscreen dates for Iron Man 3, but I couldn't remember by the end of both screenings. (It's a long movie!)

Civil War does seem to indicate that the rule that the movies take place in the year they were released trumps any time references on screen or in dialogue. (Though of course, it's only Civil War's dialogue that would indicate this! :p )


Think you're right. I thought it was 3 years but my buddy says he remembers it as four years as well. I'll have to watch it again. If it is four years, Ross is simply referring to the creation of the Avengers in 2012, it seems, which makes just as much sense.
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Me being me, I gotta love the newspaper in the opening of Agents of SHIELD today--both articles appears to be complete, coherent pieces even if we didn't get to see all of them. :D No new info, save that Peggy had two children and that they are still alive as of 2016.
