Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

Bendis is MCU canon

Does anyone have a link to where Bendis says that Jessica Jones #1 is canon? Not that it's in continuity with the MCU or that it's set in the MCU, but that it is official canon? The only place I can find where he talks about the comic is on his Tumblr where he says "it is in the marvel tv universe", which of course, does not mean that it is a part of the MCU canon.

EDIT: @MarvelSupport: @mcucanon Yes, Jessica Jones (2015) #1 is considered MCU Cannon.

Thought so. Thanks for confirming.
Just curious, what was the reasoning for putting the Alveus/Hive flashback after The Dark Elves War? I've just been debating the placements of those myself, so I would like to hear a fresh perspective. Thanks!
We know that Asgardians age extremely slowly, so Bor being the leader during The Dark Elves war gives a big gap between the two Thor prologues.
In the prologue with The Frost Giants, we see human settlements and civilization. The Hive flashback shows what could be an early form of man, before civilization. Though that's just an assumption.
Yeah, I was having trouble because I determined he was of Mayan culture, but the problem was they are recorded as having appeared as early as 8000-7000 AD, so I was trying to determine if the Inhumans were created by the Kree due to the Kree-Nova Corps war, or if it was some earlier, not mentioned war hahah.
We know that Asgardians age extremely slowly, so Bor being the leader during The Dark Elves war gives a big gap between the two Thor prologues.
In the prologue with The Frost Giants, we see human settlements and civilization. The Hive flashback shows what could be an early form of man, before civilization. Though that's just an assumption.
I placed it as such because I assumed it wasn't at the very beginning of Mayan culture, but more likely during the Archaic or Preclassic periods, likely sometime after 2000 BC, maybe even into early centuries of the Common Era/AD.

It's possible it could happen before the events of The Dark World flashbacks but nothing specifically establishes that as being the case, and from a cinematic standpoint it made more sense to place the flashback/prologue portion of TDW first.

Also, Malick mentioned that Alveus/Hive was created "thousands of years ago", and if I recall correctly it was mentioned Hive/Alveus was banished to the planet Maveth "centuries ago", likely not long after he transformed from the Terrigenesis, so it seemed likely his transformation and banishment occurred sometime after the events of TDW based on the dialogue (reconciling the different eras of Mayan civilization and the "thousands/centuries" comments).

It is possible Alveus survived on Earth after his transformation for much longer, but we just don't know for sure. I just figure that Alveus/Hive was transformed (thousands of years ago), rebelled against the Kree and drove them from Earth, and then he was betrayed and banished to Maveth (centuries ago). There's no clear timeline of how long that all occurred, but I find it unlikely Alveus hung around Earth long or else he'd likely have taken over the entire Earth with his mind control. So, it seems likely he was banished not long after his creation and rebellion against the Kree. Thus, both the thousands of years ago (for his creation) and centuries ago (for his banishment to Maveth) make sense by placing those events at most a couple thousand years ago or less. That said I could be wrong, there's no way to know for sure currently.

We know that Asgardians age extremely slowly, so Bor being the leader during The Dark Elves war gives a big gap between the two Thor prologues.
In the prologue with The Frost Giants, we see human settlements and civilization. The Hive flashback shows what could be an early form of man, before civilization. Though that's just an assumption.

Well, we know The Dark World prologue/flashback occurs 5000 years before the present day events, thus we can place it in an exact year of 2988 BC (5000 years before 2013), and the first film's prologue occurs concretely in 965 AD.

Just to clarify the exact placements for those. :)
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Reposting this from the timeline site, since I'm not sure which one more people are on.

Guys (and gals? maybe.), I cut together the first hour of the timeline, including movies, TV shows, and comics (not including adaptations). I think it came out pretty well, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on how I could improve it as I move into the next hour. I'll probably never finish the entire (long and growing) MCU, given how long it took just to cut together an hour, but I figure it'll be nice to have as much as possible.

Would you mind taking a look at it? And what's the best way to share a 3.4 GB file? I'm assuming a torrent, but I know there are legal issues there.

I also noticed something interesting. There is a known apparent retcon with Rogers's mother dying in First Vengeance in 1934, then dying again in The Winter Soldier in 1941. However, I realized this can be explained away as Steve's mother becoming unable to care for him in 1934, then dying in 1941.
Reposting this from the timeline site, since I'm not sure which one more people are on.

Guys (and gals? maybe.), I cut together the first hour of the timeline, including movies, TV shows, and comics (not including adaptations)

How have you spliced the comics into them aswell? First hour mustn't have taken you very far into Captain America I assume
When I tried doing the comics, I thought about doing them like the motion comics marvel put out. Cuttings up the frames, photoshopping out things, adding music etc. It's a hell of a lot of work, I just didn't have the time or the resources to do it.

I'd love to see how dsethlewis' turned out.
I also noticed something interesting. There is a known apparent retcon with Rogers's mother dying in First Vengeance in 1934, then dying again in The Winter Soldier in 1941. However, I realized this can be explained away as Steve's mother becoming unable to care for him in 1934, then dying in 1941.

1924 is the scene with young Steve and his sick mom. There's a scene set in September, 1930 where Bucky and Steve first meet (Bucky steps in and saves Steve from some bullies) where Steve mentions he's been at the orphanage since his mom passed.

I do think it's viable to think Steve's mother was in hospice or something for an extended period of time and Steve was told she had died by someone at orphanage (maybe so he'd stop pestering them to take him to visit her, or by his mother's request so Steve wouldn't continually worry about her). When she actually died in 1941 Steve may have been notified she'd been alive all that time, or found out she'd been alive beforehand and still in hospice.

Or we could just consider that one line of dialogue non-canon/retconned. I like your approach though.

You get 50GB free space to upload, I have most of the first have of my edits uploaded to there :)

Thanks! I'll try that and turning it into a torrent and see which one works better.

How have you spliced the comics into them aswell? First hour mustn't have taken you very far into Captain America I assume

When I tried doing the comics, I thought about doing them like the motion comics marvel put out. Cuttings up the frames, photoshopping out things, adding music etc. It's a hell of a lot of work, I just didn't have the time or the resources to do it.

I'd love to see how dsethlewis' turned out.

I snip out each pane individually, set the screen time for each pane to the right amount, add a simple animation for each to appear on screen, and set each sequence to music from the appropriate movie. As Z notes, the first hour just does a few scenes in TFA, so the only comic in the cut so far is First Vengeance.

It is a helluva lot of work, but it's also a helluva lot of fun.

I'm running through one last look at the transitions in Part 1, and then I'll share a link with you guys to watch it.

1924 is the scene with young Steve and his sick mom. There's a scene set in September, 1930 where Bucky and Steve first meet (Bucky steps in and saves Steve from some bullies) where Steve mentions he's been at the orphanage since his mom passed.

I do think it's viable to think Steve's mother was in hospice or something for an extended period of time and Steve was told she had died by someone at orphanage (maybe so he'd stop pestering them to take him to visit her, or by his mother's request so Steve wouldn't continually worry about her). When she actually died in 1941 Steve may have been notified she'd been alive all that time, or found out she'd been alive beforehand and still in hospice.

Or we could just consider that one line of dialogue non-canon/retconned. I like your approach though.

Ah, yep. 1924 is what I meant. Steve's closer to 6 than than 16 in the scene, so that makes sense. Also it didn't occur to me until now how old he is when he enlists...just looked it up and apparently 18-35 was the age of enlistment with an average age of 26 for active soldiers, so 24 is pretty reasonable. Hmm.
Updated for Doctor Strange - Prelude #1 comic. There really aren't any specific indicators as to when it occurs other than sometime after Thor - The Dark World due to the Dark Elves reference. We'll see if the second issue reveals more. Still no idea when the Doctor Strange Prelude Infinite comic releases either.
Updated for Doctor Strange - Prelude #1 comic. There really aren't any specific indicators as to when it occurs other than sometime after Thor - The Dark World due to the Dark Elves reference. We'll see if the second issue reveals more. Still no idea when the Doctor Strange Prelude Infinite comic releases either.

I just read it myself and noted the same. (Also, definitely not my favorite tie-in comic.) It's always possible the infinite will provide a clue...