****! What a great episode last night... I'm actually real surprised no one has posted about it yet.
Where do I begin?
Well, I thought the Kate backstory was very good and explained a lot about her. It's not something that would change her character drastically since it seems what she's gone through recently has been resolved. I loved when she was sitting at Sawyer's side talking about the reason why she killed her step-father... Great moment. Sawyer's reply made it even better, too.

. Now, after last night's episode, I have more respect for Kate.
Then, Mr. Eko, Michael (interestingly enough), and Locke with the Hatch... Too cool. The film's cut scene was pretty much something we could have assumed, but worth bringing up, I guess, mostly because of the shocking ending (Again, one of those "oh, ****" moments... LOVE IT!). Eko's story and the interaction between him and Locke really seemed to be the best part of the episode (Aside from Hurley's appearances, whose appearances are an example of how I wish his character would stay).
There were minor problems I had... Like, how Shannon was written off the way she was. It was nothing like Boone's burial where it spurred stuff up between Jack and Locke (Like, there is still tension between the two of them because of that incident...); there doesn't seem to be any of that here. Sayid is in mourning and Ana Lucia has ostrasized herself. Done. I really hope old wounds are re-opened again. There should be constant tension between those two, regardless of their understanding for one another. Also, Ana Lucia was smiling when she said that everyone hates her... She kind of killed someone, thus a legitimate reason to hate someone, and she smiles because Jack's there. No. I didn't like that at all. Also, is it just me or is Charlie just a pain now? I liked him better when he was active in the missions the castaways went on.
The next episode seems to be an Eko-centric episode... It should be a good one, at least, I expect. He's a great new character that you guys no doubt know I respect more than a lot of the regulars. "Do not mistake coincidence with fate"... MY BOY!
When's the next new episode?