Lost *spoilers*

Well I really liked that episode, the ending damn near brought a tear to my eye. I was really worried about how they would resolve the death of shannon and get sawyer back to the camp in time, but it was done very well.

I'll also say that the characters are more important (as a draw for me watching the show) than the subplots of the others and the hatch right now. The dynamics have really shifted with Eko and Locke complimenting each other, the Kate-Sawyer-Jack triangle, how Ana-Lucia will play in that, an Libby being something of a mystery that I'm sure will unfold into a key part of the show. All in all, a good refresh to the series.
Guijllons said:
Well I really liked that episode, the ending damn near brought a tear to my eye. I was really worried about how they would resolve the death of shannon and get sawyer back to the camp in time, but it was done very well.

I'll also say that the characters are more important (as a draw for me watching the show) than the subplots of the others and the hatch right now. The dynamics have really shifted with Eko and Locke complimenting each other, the Kate-Sawyer-Jack triangle, how Ana-Lucia will play in that, an Libby being something of a mystery that I'm sure will unfold into a key part of the show. All in all, a good refresh to the series.

Again, I'm not saying sacrifice the characters and their development for more plot and action, I'm saying just find a bit better balance between the two. The last two month (real time) have crawled by in terms of Lost because of the 2 weeks of repeats we got early on in the season and the fact that the last three episodes haven't really brought the plot forward much. Not to say Shannon's death and what we learned about the other characters wasnt a big deal, I'd just like to see them genuinely trying to figure out what the deal is with Dharma and the Others. I know I would be if I was in that situation. "Know your enemy" and all that.

By the way, speaking of delays, looks like we're going to have another two weeks without a new episode coming up after next week's episode. So Dec. 14 will be the next new one after next week. Then after that almost a month of repeats...is it me or are the repeats getting ridiculous? So after Dec. 14, not a new one until January 11, 2006.
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DIrishB said:
Again, I'm not saying sacrifice the characters and their development for more plot and action, I'm saying just find a bit better balance between the two. The last two month (real time) have crawled by in terms of Lost because of the 2 weeks of repeats we got early on in the season and the fact that the last three episodes haven't really brought the plot forward much. Not to say Shannon's death and what we learned about the other characters wasnt a big deal, I'd just like to see them genuinely trying to figure out what the deal is with Dharma and the Others. I know I would be if I was in that situation. "Know your enemy" and all that.

By the way, speaking of delays, looks like we're going to have another two weeks without a new episode coming up after next week's episode. So Dec. 14 will be the next new one after next week. Then after that almost a month of repeats...is it me or are the repeats getting ridiculous? So after Dec. 14, not a new one until January 11, 2006.
You can again me all you like, I didn't read your post, just Goody's.
And I am happy that there has been a breather in regards to plot development in favour of character development over the last couple of weeks, I enjoyed it. Well I enjoyed this weeks, but last weeks needed to happen.
I'm not even going to edit that double post out. It wasn't my fault it was the ****ty ****ing server.

Ok, now the double post has been deleted, how about this one too.

delete me.
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DIrishB said:
By the way, speaking of delays, looks like we're going to have another two weeks without a new episode coming up after next week's episode. So Dec. 14 will be the next new one after next week. Then after that almost a month of repeats...is it me or are the repeats getting ridiculous? So after Dec. 14, not a new one until January 11, 2006.
It's their whole "winter vacation". Its not only that show. Many other stations do it. They 'stretch' out the season to May. Than start up again in Sep./Oct.
icemastertron said:
Never said it was.

But think about it. Would you rather have a few weeks of repeats or MONTHS of them?
When you get months of repeats, it's usually after a season, right? You usually get some closure at the end of a season, right?
Oh man. I just finished "watching" the 44 minute LOST commentary (with the two writers) on Collision (Last nights ep) on the podcast and it was so great! Two words: BIIIIIIIIG MIIIIIIIIIKE! (I actually took a drink (of soda of course) every time Javier and Leonard said it! And for those of you who don't know what I'm even talking about, I highly suggest checking out their Thanksgiving Special over at the Official Lost Website at ABC, podcasts section.
icemastertron said:
It's their whole "winter vacation". Its not only that show. Many other stations do it. They 'stretch' out the season to May. Than start up again in Sep./Oct.

We've gotta live with this... Ice is very right here. :(

I really hope they leave us something to think about, though. Last time they did... Well, sorta. I gotta stop spoiling myself.
Guijllons said:
You can again me all you like, I didn't read your post, just Goody's.

I apologize for having not read your mind to know that then.

And I am happy that there has been a breather in regards to plot development in favour of character development over the last couple of weeks, I enjoyed it. Well I enjoyed this weeks, but last weeks needed to happen.

What are you talking about? We get plenty of character development every episode, thats sort of the point of the flashbacks and why Lost is one of the better shows in regards to that development.

Goodwill said:
Irish, I think you've explained what I think is wrong about the show now, too. At least I still find it entertaining.

I don't necessarily think anything is wrong, but if the trend continues I think then it will be. I have faith in the writers and producers of the show that I needn't worry though.

icemastertron said:
It's their whole "winter vacation". Its not only that show. Many other stations do it. They 'stretch' out the season to May. Than start up again in Sep./Oct.

Pandrio said:
That doesn't make it a good idea.

What he said.

icemastertron said:
Never said it was.

But think about it. Would you rather have a few weeks of repeats or MONTHS of them?

We already get months of repeats, thats what summer is. I'm just saying I'd rather not have a month of repeats mid-season, especially after we've already had a three-week and two-week stretch of repeats, and we're only 8 episodes into the season. By the time we get to the eleventh episode in mid-January, we'll have had an equal number of new episodes and repeats or no-airs of the show. A 50% repeat rate is excessive for any show that isn't syndicated.

Pandrio said:
When you get months of repeats, it's usually after a season, right? You usually get some closure at the end of a season, right?

Again (that was for you Guij), what he said.
Well put. Yeah and what I meant by problems is nothing compared to what I think is wrong with, say, Invasion where it blatantly mimicks Lost for success.
Goodwill said:
Well put. Yeah and what I meant by problems is nothing compared to what I think is wrong with, say, Invasion where it blatantly mimicks Lost for success.

That show is crap. I started watching it a month or so ago, just to see how it was. I got about halfway through it before just changing the channel. Definitly does rip-off a lot of the elements which make Lost such a good show, without actually doing so successfully.
DIrishB said:
I apologize for having not read your mind to know that then.
If you were replying to a post by someone else, why act as though you had told me twice when you replied to mine?

What are you talking about? We get plenty of character development every episode, thats sort of the point of the flashbacks and why Lost is one of the better shows in regards to that development.
Character interactions within the group that are not solely based about the stresses of solving the puzzle. Last week's was a resolution episode, we needed that breather.
Guijllons said:
If you were replying to a post by someone else, why act as though you had told me twice when you replied to mine?

I wasn't at all, I was being sarcastic in saying I apologized in not reading your mind that you hadn't read my post, only Goodwill's. I read any posts related to the conversation, not selectively as apparently you do. That was my point. I don't know where you're getting the "told me twice" from.

Character interactions within the group that are not solely based about the stresses of solving the puzzle. Last week's was a resolution episode, we needed that breather.

I don't disagree, its just that plot-wise the show's been crawling for the last several episodes while the Tailies made their way to meet up with the other survivors. Yes, that little bit of resolution was nice, but the build-up up to that point just dragged a bit long in my opinion. That could be due to my short attention span though.
Goodwill said:
I totally agree... I live for moments like the one between Sayid and Ana Lucia.

I did enjoy that as well. I look forward to seeing how the two react toward each other in the future. Obviously Sayid will hold a grudge against her, and Ana will carry even more guilt because of it.
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I'm sure AL killing Shannon will send shockwaves through the two groups of survivors. Jack will most likely be apprehensive towards even befriending her now, although sparks flew in the bar, and I'm sure there will be conflict between her and Eko as he becomes friendlier with the original survivors. That's why I think having these new characters on the show is a great addition this season.

So what are we saying Kate did?

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