Lost *spoilers*

Re: Lost

****. I just wrote a whole long thing and it got deleted. Well I'll summarize:

How was Bernard sitting away from Rose?

Awesome Awesome Lost podcast at the off. website (****, I wrote like 7 sentences on this and now there's less of a chance of you guys listening to them. TRUST ME, they are worth it)

And new LOST Mag out next week. Find the hidden message in the issue, email it to them, get a FREE subscription.

Re: Lost

I know. But those weren't toilet seats up in that tree? Did he run to the nearest empty seat? Again, all this and much more fun stuff was in my original post that took 10 MINUTES to write. Plus, my computer simultaneously broke right then too. So, it's acting up right now, and the thing that I am typing this on is not even loaded at this time.

Check out the podcasts. They are well worth your time, guys. :D
Re: Lost

ultimatedjf said:
I know. But those weren't toilet seats up in that tree? Did he run to the nearest empty seat? Again, all this and much more fun stuff was in my original post that took 10 MINUTES to write. Plus, my computer simultaneously broke right then too. So, it's acting up right now, and the thing that I am typing this on is not even loaded at this time.

Check out the podcasts. They are well worth your time, guys. :D
Charlie wouldn't come out of the bathroom when called to take a seat because he was trying to do drugs. I'm sure Bernard ran out as soon as possible and got strapped in.

Podcasts. I dunno, just adverts really innit.
Re: Lost

Guijllons said:
Charlie wouldn't come out of the bathroom when called to take a seat because he was trying to do drugs. I'm sure Bernard ran out as soon as possible and got strapped in.

Podcasts. I dunno, just adverts really innit.

Not at all.
Re: Lost

Interviews w/ cast members, talking with Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse every week provides many laughs. They're hilarious, and there's even a nod to Tony Stark/Iron Man in the first one.
Re: Lost

ultimatedjf said:
Interviews w/ cast members, talking with Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse every week provides many laughs. They're hilarious, and there's even a nod to Tony Stark/Iron Man in the first one.

How 'bout you give me that magazine code and the contact details, and then I'll check out the podcasts?
Re: Lost

I, too, wondered why Bernard was seated. I don't know that Charlie was in the bathroom, either. If that was the case, he would have ended up with the Tailies, would he not have? Hmm...

Ice, tonight's the night, man... Reunion! :) NICE.
Re: Lost

Goodwill said:
I, too, wondered why Bernard was seated. I don't know that Charlie was in the bathroom, either. If that was the case, he would have ended up with the Tailies, would he not have? Hmm...
Charlie was running to the front of the plane if you remember, to use the toilet at the front of the plane. Bernard was in the back of the plane, and when the emergency happened he took a seat at the back of the plane.
Re: Lost

No, I don't remember Charlie running anywhere. I haven't seen the beginning of the series in ages... I'm waiting for Santa to deliver it to my house come Christmas time. ;)
Re: Lost

Not quite what I was expecting, but that's not a bad thing.

The flashbacks were actually the redeeming quality in the episode. That's really the only time I went "Oh, ****" during the episode. Ana Lucia has some baggage, as we all knew, but it was great to see it elaborated on. I am actually warming up to her character...

Eko remains to be a really cool character. I liked the interaction between him and Locke... I bet there is going to be a strong friendship between the two of them; at least I hope so. I'm wondering, also, if he'll let Locke know about the other hatch. Also, was it just me or did the mention of an Eko Park in the city where Ana was a cop seem odd?

The reunion wasn't as spectacular as I thought. It was definitely dramatic to see Jin/Sun reunite as well as Bernard and Rose but the castaways seemed oddly too familiar with strangers showing up. I think that's what spoiled the fun in this episode. :) Oh, well.

The next episode is promising... What I find wrong with Lost is that they are failing to focus on a given individual in an episode now that they've got so many running plots. I hope they can find a way to safely calm down and narrow in on the people rather than these hatches and Others.
Re: Lost

Goodwill said:
Also, was it just me or did the mention of an Eko Park in the city where Ana was a cop seem odd?

Actually, it's Echo Park ;). One of the oldest neighborhoods in LA or something like that.

Anyhow, I thought the episode was a good one. The flashbacks about Ana made her more understandable, but she's still borderline psycho. Definitely will be interesting to see what happens further on.

Also, is it just me, or was the scene with Michael and Vincent remenicent of when he brought Vincent back to Michael?
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Pretty good episode.

And I too said "Oh ****" at the "I was pregnant" line. Great moment.
Re: Lost

icemastertron said:
Don't worry about marking spoiler thoughts. Its alright.

Ah, ok. The other board I post on about LOST, if I don't have the "Spoiler" (well at least for the day after it airs) tag on I'd get my head bitten off ;).
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Well I got a double dose of Lost tonight as I finally got to watch last week's episode and tonight's new one. Both were pretty good.

I was most interested in the fact that Kate seems to have a thing for Sawyer, being all protective of him while he was running the fever and looking genuinely worried. I always figured her and Jack would end up getting it on, but now I'm thinking a relationship between him and Ana is looking more likely (after all, they were kinda flirting while having a drink at the airport). I also thought the quick scene with Locke and Eko was interesting, and agree with Goodwill in expecting them to become fast friends...or at least develop a mutual respect for each other.

On the other hand, the series is starting to drag a little bit. With last week's episode doing nothing to further the plot along (though it was nice to get the Tailies' backstory on the island and a little more info on the Others) and this episode immediately following on, I'm wondering when we're going to start learning more about the Others. I assume towards the end of the season, but we're only 8 episodes in and I find it hard to see them keeping fans interested for another 15 episodes with only doling out small hints and no real answers about the Others and the Dharma Corp. Oh well, I'm still being entertained by it so I can't really complain yet, I'd just like to see them get the ball rolling a bit more.
I absolutely agree with you... BUT I do feel that the characters are the substance in the show. Without great character interactions, I reall feel we'd be at a loss entertainment-wise. I don't care about the Others and Dharma as much as I care about, say, Sawyer, Locke, Jack, and Eko.
Goodwill said:
I absolutely agree with you... BUT I do feel that the characters are the substance in the show. Without great character interactions, I reall feel we'd be at a loss entertainment-wise. I don't care about the Others and Dharma as much as I care about, say, Sawyer, Locke, Jack, and Eko.

I'm not saying sacrifice the characters, its just that they seem to be sacrificing plot to concentrate on the characters, which isn't any more forgivable than sacrificing the characters to focus on the plot. It should be an equal balance between the two, something it really isn't right now. After all, the past three episodes have all taken place within a 24 hour period (well, last week's technically took place over the first 48 days on the island, but it didn't further the timeline any either). This also happened with the first three episodes of Season 2, all taking place on the same day, just from different characters' viewpoints, very Pulp Fiction-esque. Meaning in the same amount of episodes in Season 1 we'd already spanned 10 days, whereas with Season 2 its been only 4. Maybe I'm nitpicking, I don't know, I'd just like to see the plot get going a little, you know?

I still love the show and make time to catch it every week (with last week being a rare exception), but I just want to see them avoid people losing interest due to the plot coming to a slow crawl. Think about it, what have we really learned about the Others at all this season we didn't know about from last? We've at least learned that a Dharma Corp. exists, and is probably responsible for all the weird happenings on the island, but nothing else. I agree it might be too early for too much to be revealed, but there is such a thing as doling out information too slowly. Its a fine balance between not ruining a surprise and keeping people in suspense and guessing, so I just hope the show avoids that and manages to skirt the middle-ground.

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