Lost *spoilers*

Aeroth said:
I can't find the original link, so I'll host it myself:


Please don't kill my bandwidth, guys.

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Aeroth said:
I have a similar program, a Windows version of it. And what happens to me is that once the clock hits zero, your screen goes completely black for a moment, and then it comes back, with the program completely gone.

I think it means to suggest that nothing bad will happen once the clock runs out.

That's actually wicked cool. It's annoying, but cool.
Guijllons said:
32 according to me. Which.. is 23 back to front... WOW!!

You must display more posts than 15 on a page then. I'm on 42.

We've had this conversation before.
ProjectX2 said:
This file is hosted by Tripod, a Lycos®Network Site, and is not available for download. Please check out Tripod's Help system for more information about Remote Loading and our Remote Loading policy.

Have you tried right-clicking and selecting "Save Target As?"
Aeroth said:
Have you tried right-clicking and selecting "Save Target As?"

That works. Thanks.

Did anyone get the LOST DVD boxset?
It offers different backstories? That's really awesome. I, too, am looking forward to the deleted scenes... Not that they'll have anything valuable to the plot, but they're still going to be cool.
Goodwill said:
It offers different backstories? That's really awesome. I, too, am looking forward to the deleted scenes... Not that they'll have anything valuable to the plot, but they're still going to be cool.

From what I've heard and read, it offers expanded backstories (through the deleted scenes) and more detailed expanantions on their pasts.
I actually got the Season 1 box set for my birthday... I'd like to discuss a few things I've picked up.

1.) Locke's backstory seems to be littered with inconsistancies... I hope this means that his development hasn't concluded yet. I'm sure there is a lot to reveal to the audience... Anyway, Helen, who we see in his first flashback of the second season, writes Locke off, saying he's only a customer... She treats him like she's unnerved he keeps calling her. How odd after they were so dare I say PERFECT for each other. Also, do we know what the heck happened to him to put Locke in a wheelchair? It certainly wasn't his kidney situation...

2.) The two bodies Kate, Locke, Jack, and Charlie discovered in the Caves are referred to as Adam and Eve. Perhaps these bodies are the bodies of the two founders of the Dharma Initiative, whose names escape me right now... In a sense, they would be Adam and Eve. They created the world here. The writer of Fight Club tells this great story of a day when seafarers would leave sheep on uninhabited islands in the event they return... They'll have something to eat. It's a similar story to our Genesis and, as the write says, "It makes you wonder when God's coming back with a really big bottle of barbeque sauce". The founders of the Dharma Initiative could have been putting sheep on the island. Just a guess.

3.) The monster still puzzles me a great deal...
Remember how Locke got out of the hospital? He went sort of crazy/angry and started driving. I think he crashes and loses the use of his legs that way.
I don't think that ever happened... But I'll watch it. I'm only on Charlie's first flashback, so I've got a while until I can understand his flashback.
Goodwill said:
1.) Locke's backstory seems to be littered with inconsistancies... I hope this means that his development hasn't concluded yet. I'm sure there is a lot to reveal to the audience... Anyway, Helen, who we see in his first flashback of the second season, writes Locke off, saying he's only a customer... She treats him like she's unnerved he keeps calling her. How odd after they were so dare I say PERFECT for each other. Also, do we know what the heck happened to him to put Locke in a wheelchair? It certainly wasn't his kidney situation...

The writers confirmed a while ago that the phone sex Helen and the Helen-in-the-flesh are not same person.
Aeroth said:
The writers confirmed a while ago that the phone sex Helen and the Helen-in-the-flesh are not same person.

Man...I'm so lost with Lost, as I missed episodes 17-22 of the first season...I really need to pick up the DVD set. I recently got my mom hooked on the show, so thats more incentive there. Though I suppose if I let her borrow it I'll never see it, as she's very slow in getting around to doing stuff that isn't work of some kind.
January "Lost" Spoiler Details
Posted: Tuesday December 20th, 2005 11:56pm
Source: Spoiler Fix
Author: Garth Franklin

Spoiler Fix has details on the next three episodes of "Lost" which resumes broadcasting January 11th.

2.10 The 23rd Psalm 1/11/06

Mr. Eko interrogates Charlie about the Virgin Mary statue, Claire begins to lose faith in Charlie when she discovers his secret, and Jack is an interested observer when Kate gives the recovering Sawyer a much-needed haircut.

2.11 The Hunting Party 1/18/06
Jack, Locke and Sawyer pursue a determined Michael after he heads into the jungle toward the dreaded "Others" in search of Walt. Meanwhile, Sun has a surprising reaction to Jin's desire to join the search party, and Hurley and Charlie commiserate over the age-old conundrum of "what women want."

2.12 Fire + Water
Flashbacks will feature 8-year-old Charlie and 12-year-old Liam

Meanwhile, E! Online reports that Jolene Blalock of Enterprise will end up doing an episode of "Lost" after all. She was supposed to guest star in the second episode of the season which was originally Sawyer's backstory. Instead the episode was swapped for a Michael flashback. Jolene will appear as a woman from Sawyer's past. Also the monster is coming back very soon.

Here's something.

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