Lost *spoilers*

Re: Lost

Guijllons said:
OOOOOh. So not a 'secret scene' after all, more a scene that wasn't good enough to make the final cut. 'Fraid that wouldn't get me up at the crack of dawn to watch good morning america, unless it was west coast, then it would be around 3pm here, which is fine.
Yeah, I guess. But that's how the commercial said "secret scene". Just went by that.

Ultimate Warrior said:
What time is Good Morning America aired?
Somewhere between 7am-11am. Dont really know. But Im in class between 8am-10:50am, so I wont be able to watch it. Dammit.
Re: Lost

icemastertron said:
GMT (-5:00) U.S. and Canada.
OK. So that makes 6 hours of a time difference, which means that the show will end at about 5 in the afternoon here. And with editing and spreading speed the clip/scene will be online so I can download it at around 6 in the evening. Thanks again :D
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Re: Lost

To paraphrase what Walt said backwards - I don't know word for word - but it's basically, "The Others are coming. They're getting closer." Sweet.

Oh, and..... I don't read any spoilers or anything, so don't tell me if I'm right, but, I think Libby is either an Other, or is a member of the Dharma Initiative researchers. I mean, watch the episode again, it's pretty obvious.... :wink:

And is it weird that two of the tailies' names are girls from Jimmy Neutron?


RIP Shannon
Re: Lost

Pretty good episode. I liked the bit where Ana Luca is talking about how the Others got them (CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK'S EPISODE). So now we know the real reason why there's going to be tension between the "Originals" and the "Tailies".
Re: Lost

This episode was really good. As always, there are great moments and ones that will certainly change the tone for the rest of the season.

To be honest, I heard Shannon was going to die from some article I read about the Fog. Some stupid reporter asked if she was the next to die and I figured they would've done their homework before asking the question... Yeah, so I figured I wouldn't be surprised. Boy, I couldn't have been more wrong. It wasn't that Shannon died, or any character died for that matter, but how she died. I mean, Ana killing her is going to make the season a whole lot more interesting now. I can't wait to see all of the survivors clash. All I know is that Mr. Eko better be kept around... He's a great character and one that can most definitely fit into last season's cast easily. Ana? Not so much. Still don't like her and probably won't after what she did to the hottest girl on the show...

Now, for the Walt sighting at the end. Does anyone else think he was actually there that time? I sure do. Not only did Sayid see him, but he wasn't sopping wet and was actually verbalizing. We'll see what comes of this later, though. I doubt since we're following the other survivors next week we'll see any of the interesting stuff soon.

Also, I'm beginning to warm up to the 'Tailies'. Like I said, especially Mr. Eko and, believe it or not, Bernard. Libby is an interesting character that I believe has something to do with the island (The expression on her face after she stood from talking to Sawyer was certainly suspicious) and Ana will probably become less of the love to hate character. We'll see, though, all of these characters are interesting enough to keep around again.

My only problem with the episode was Sayid. The cheesy love lines really had to go. If the romance between him and Shannon were to continue I would have shot myself... "I only carry a gun because I have someone to protect" and "I love you" were very weak and I know Sayid is a much more important character than that. Perhaps it was necessary for Shannon to die for Sayid's character to grow. Let's hope so.
Re: Lost

Well... The extended episode is on tonight. The flashbacks will probably follow Ana, although I'd prefer Mr. Eko. We'll see; this should be a good one.
Re: Lost

I thought it was strange last episode that that girl got taken in a heartbeat. Almost like the ground swallowed her up. Hmm-hm.

Reckon the missing members of the back of the plane survivors just got taken away or actually killed?
Re: Lost

Guijllons said:
I thought it was strange last episode that that girl got taken in a heartbeat. Almost like the ground swallowed her up. Hmm-hm.

Reckon the missing members of the back of the plane survivors just got taken away or actually killed?

We know some were killed. The "Remember what happened to Goodwin" line came up quite a bit throughout the last two episodes... That was after we saw his body impaled with an axe. Something's definitely up between the Others and the Tailies. Now, the Tailies will have a problem with our favorite characters from 815.
Re: Lost

Well, I'm not sure if it was an axe or a spear... But I remember when Jin and Mr. Eko were traversing the jungle looking for Michael they encounted Goodwin's remains with a weapon stuck in his skeletal body.
Re: Lost

Goodwill said:
Well, I'm not sure if it was an axe or a spear... But I remember when Jin and Mr. Eko were traversing the jungle looking for Michael they encounted Goodwin's remains with a weapon stuck in his skeletal body.
Oh right. I may have just missed it.

Actually that does ring a bell. Will re-watch.
Re: Lost

No need. It was definitely explained in the new episode. :)

Speaking of the new episode... I have mixed fixed feelings about this.

First, the episode was extremely choppy and I had a problem with it not following the progression of the story to flashback format we're used to. They could have done something similar to what their finished product was with a Ana backstory, but they chose not to. This didn't seem like an episode with direction or a "bigger picture". I missed that.

Another great thing was that I think I'm familiar with the tailies. In fact, Eko is possibly my new favorite character.

I can't wait to see next week's episode where everyone is going to meet. It'll be real tense.

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