Lost *spoilers*

Personally I loved the flash forward, it adds a new level, but I get what you're saying about being spoiled. But I love wondering who the "Oceanic Six" are and what secret Jack and Hurley are hiding.

I also agreed about Charlie's death, but he didn't die so the helicopter thing would happen, he was trying to save Desmond. Though it doesn't make sense, I mean there was scuba gear there and they would of had plenty of time. It's just a continuity error for the sake of drama.
I also agreed about Charlie's death, but he didn't die so the helicopter thing would happen, he was trying to save Desmond. Though it doesn't make sense, I mean there was scuba gear there and they would of had plenty of time. It's just a continuity error for the sake of drama.

I dunno.... that's SUCH a huge error I can't believe they'd do it. The station was the size of an airplane hang and would take at least 15 minutes to flood, and the Scuba gear was right there.... there's no excuse. Of course, maybe we'd understand it better if every character didn't talk in vague metaphors.

"How'd he die?"

"He was trying to help."

Same thing with Hurley at the police station. There's no reason his character wouldn't tell the cop he knew Ana-Lucia quite well. It's just hollow tension.
I dunno.... that's SUCH a huge error I can't believe they'd do it. The station was the size of an airplane hang and would take at least 15 minutes to flood, and the Scuba gear was right there.... there's no excuse.
Well its just a case of difficult translation between script, set building, and shooting. It happens with big shows its just a shame it happened to a big moment. You just have to let go of some believe and enjoy the intended moment.

Same thing with Hurley at the police station. There's no reason his character wouldn't tell the cop he knew Ana-Lucia quite well. It's just hollow tension.

I think it ties in with the secret him and Jack talked about
I'll post my thoughts tomorrow, but for now, I leave you with this...


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There was far too many fantastic moments and WHAT THE ****S!?

I have no idea where to start.

Poor Claire and Hurley. I was going to cry. :cry:

Poor Claire and Hurley. I was going to cry. :cry:

I felt they gave too many lines there to Hurley, I know the episode was focus around him but I felt it was force.

Also anyone catch the Oceanic commercial during the next show? The commercial had interrupted footage of some guy finding the Flight 815 wreckage at the bottom of the ocean.
Man those videos always give me the creeps
They're teleporting bunnies! THE MONSTERS!
No, they're actually time traveling bunnies.

I notice three quick screen flashes,

1. Three people appear ti be doing lab work
2. An exterior shot of a building
3. "God Loves you as He Loved Jacob"
You know I just read an interesting theory that the woman and child Jack saved in the season 3 finale is really Juliet's sister and nephew, since the kid was two in 2004 and is eight in the flash forward means it takes place in 2010, the same year the series is set to end.
Same thing with Hurley at the police station. There's no reason his character wouldn't tell the cop he knew Ana-Lucia quite well. It's just hollow tension.

Except that I think its pretty clear that however Jack, Kate, Hurley and whoever the other three are that get of the island, however they do so winds up with them helping in keeping the island secret from the outside world. If he said "Yeah, I knew her. A friend of mine killed her in the crazy hatch just before it exploded" it'd definatly let on that there more to their story than "We survived."

Yes, I know he wouldn't put it that way but he's talking to a cop who obviously cared a great deal about her. If he'd said yes I doubt Hurley would ahve held up under any kind of real interrogation over the matter.

As for everyones complaints about Charlie's death? I just figure he panicked and made the wrong choice in a split second. Oops. I'm dead.
I thought it was a good episode. A good premiere episode at that, too. They had a lot of ground to cover to get to where they needed to be before new characters arrived. The finality of this makes it seem so much more like a movie. Only 47 new episodes now.

This is the beginning of the end.

With flash forwards, I guess the writers really have to be careful. If too much is going on in the future, the island story becomes irrelevant. We were introduced to Lance Reddick's character very cryptically; I can't wait to get into hish ties to the plot.

And we begin to see WHAT the Oceanic survivors have to lie about. Hurley told that dude he didn't know Ana Lucia... Why?
I don't buy
Christian as Jacob
at all. I don't even buy that
Christian is alive.
Seems to be that we've seen plenty of other dead folks on the island after they've died. Doesn't mean they're still alive.

Not nearly as often as we've seen Christian. Besides, if you watch the season 4 premiere again, when Hurley finds Jacob's cabin, Christian is clearly sitting in the chair. This doesn't prove they're the same person, but it lends evidence.

I won't lie.

I liked it, much better than a majority of the episodes last season.

Same here.

Not saying I didn't like last season, but I am very happy that Locke seems to have finished transitioning back into the character he's meant to be.

Also: The Hurley Flashforward was much better than Jacks...

I want to know who exactly is trying to get to the island through hurley. The "Oceanic" representative seemed appropriately creepy, and I hope he's recurring in future FFs.

Overall, I'm excited.

These new folks are definitely the remnants of the Dharma Initiative, though.

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