Lost *spoilers*

I loved it.
I really like the flashforwards. They add a sense of tension to the show- you know something bad is going to happen, but you don't know exactly what.

To me, this is the exact same as someone letting slip who will die at the end of a book. You don't know how or why, but it still isn't good tension. It's nowhere near as enjoyable as if the character's death comes as a complete shock, like in real life.

In all honesty? If the flash-forwards are nothing more than straightforward glimpses of the future timeline, and not weird visions or possible futures or some other twist...... I would prefer half-hour episodes with just island stuff than hour ones with the island and the future.

I said it.

Well its just a case of difficult translation between script, set building, and shooting. It happens with big shows its just a shame it happened to a big moment. You just have to let go of some believe and enjoy the intended moment.

If that was the case, I could do that, but I'm still not sure it is. There's no way they want us to think opening the door would've killed Desmond.... it just makes no sense. I'm dying for a writer or something to clarify what Charlie was thinking.

I think it ties in with the secret him and Jack talked about

Hope that fits.


Saw that on the DVDs the night before the premire. Awesome.... creepy.

Except that I think its pretty clear that however Jack, Kate, Hurley and whoever the other three are that get of the island, however they do so winds up with them helping in keeping the island secret from the outside world. If he said "Yeah, I knew her. A friend of mine killed her in the crazy hatch just before it exploded" it'd definatly let on that there more to their story than "We survived."

I guess. It would help if the other characters didn't act like that to each other all the time, though.

As for everyones complaints about Charlie's death? I just figure he panicked and made the wrong choice in a split second. Oops. I'm dead.

I don't understand which choice you mean. After the grenade went off and the room was flooding, why didn't he just open the door? He had plenty of time, and wrote on his hand and all.
I've decided I'm gonna start watching this.

I'd been considering it for a while...but the bunny video convinced me.

Also, I once made a completely unfounded guess that the reason this stuff is happening is because they're on Circe's island. You know, from the Odessey. Chances are good that this guess is wrong and this was just the mythology geek in me speaking out, but I might as well throw it out.
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So I have a idea that this "Oceanic Six" might be more than six.

Jack & Hurley are the only absolutes.

As for Kate it wouldn't make much sense for her to be so popular with her being a fugitive. There are some ways around that, but maybe she didn't "reveal" herself with the others.

And Desmond was not on the plane. Do you think he could count also. Or even Juilet if she left.
Not nearly as often as we've seen Christian. Besides, if you watch the season 4 premiere again, when Hurley finds Jacob's cabin, Christian is clearly sitting in the chair. This doesn't prove they're the same person, but it lends evidence.

I can't say that who was in the chair was obvious to me at all. I've still got it saved on the DVR though (in HD to boot.) so I'll check again.

I don't understand which choice you mean. After the grenade went off and the room was flooding, why didn't he just open the door? He had plenty of time, and wrote on his hand and all.

The choice of attempt to keep himself alive even though he'd already accepted that he would die, possibly killing Desmond in the process or he could, in his mind, sacrifice himself, keep Des around, and complete his prophecy that leads to Claire and the baby being rescued. As for reopening the door its possible that the pressure difference from the opened porthole would prevent that. I don't know. My physics knowledge is more in the universal concepts than water in a room. Writing on his hand? he had a sharpie. They write anytime and anywhere, and it takes a few minutes to actually drown once the room is filled with water. I'm more curious as to why he brought a ****ing sharpie with him on the suicide run than why he closed the door.
He had with him when making his top five list (the one he handed Desmond) during the previous episode.

Yeah, but I resources are scarce on the island. A marker that can write on anything shouldn't be discarded like that, even if you are trying to save everyone. :D
The choice of attempt to keep himself alive even though he'd already accepted that he would die, possibly killing Desmond in the process or he could, in his mind, sacrifice himself, keep Des around, and complete his prophecy that leads to Claire and the baby being rescued.

But why on Earth would he want Claire and Aaron to be taken on the helicopter he just found out was lying about being Penny's rescue team?

And I still don't buy he thought it would kill Desmond. Huge station, scuba tanks, both of those thoroughly established, etc.

As for reopening the door its possible that the pressure difference from the opened porthole would prevent that.

Door opened outward. If anything it would be easier to open.

Writing on his hand? he had a sharpie. They write anytime and anywhere, and it takes a few minutes to actually drown once the room is filled with water.

That's my point, he had time plenty of time to open the door and leave. It wasn't a wrong snap decsion.

I'm more curious as to why he brought a ****ing sharpie with him on the suicide run than why he closed the door.

I get why he closed it... just why the hell didn't he open it again.

Seriously, this is driving me crazy. Charlie's one of my favourite characters and I still can't understand why he's dead.
To me, this is the exact same as someone letting slip who will die at the end of a book. You don't know how or why, but it still isn't good tension. It's nowhere near as enjoyable as if the character's death comes as a complete shock, like in real life.

In all honesty? If the flash-forwards are nothing more than straightforward glimpses of the future timeline, and not weird visions or possible futures or some other twist...... I would prefer half-hour episodes with just island stuff than hour ones with the island and the future.

I said it.

How are the flashforwards any different than the present day events on island in relation to the flashbacks? Before, the on island events were occuring in the "present", the flashbacks in the past. Now the on island events are the flashbacks (in a way), with the real world events in the future being the current day events. I think its a cool juxtaposition, and if handled carefully will be successful.

My theory?

Season 4 will continue to feature flashforwards (and some flashbacks) to after the island, with the on island events leading up to them getting off the island.

Season 5 will feature the same set-up, but will focus on them trying to get back to the island. There will probably be less flash-forwards and more flashbacks again.

Season 6 will be about certain characters coming back to the island, finding their peace with it, etc.

I can't say that who was in the chair was obvious to me at all. I've still got it saved on the DVR though (in HD to boot.) so I'll check again.

Its definitly Christian in the chair, no doubt in my mind. He was clearly visible without even having to slow or pause the scene (which I couldn't do anyway as I was watching on TV...I did record it for my girlfriend though, and have gone back to check...its Christian). Check again, you'll see.

Again, this doesn't prove Christian is Jacob, but with the evidence available:

1.) Christian obviously sitting in "Jacob's" chair/house

2.) Christian showing up in the last mobisode and telling Vincent to wake up Jack, he has work to do

3.) Christian's casket being empty when Jack found it

4.) Christian being seen on island (though as you said, this alone doesn't prove anything as other dead people have shown up as well)

There's probably more evidence, but its been awhile since I've watched Seasons 1-3, so I can't remember.

Writing on his hand? he had a sharpie. They write anytime and anywhere, and it takes a few minutes to actually drown once the room is filled with water. I'm more curious as to why he brought a ****ing sharpie with him on the suicide run than why he closed the door.

He's had the Sharpie with him since the first season. Its likely the same pen he used to change the letters on the tape around his fingers early in season one. Maybe its been hanging in a pocket all this time, he carries it around everywhere, etc. Can't remember, but might've even been what he wrote up his list of "Greatest Hits" or memories with before dying. The Sharpie being there is easily explainable.

He had with him when making his top five list (the one he handed Desmond) during the previous episode.

Yup? And since early Season 1, for his finger tape rings. Kind of cool little bit of continuity when you think about it.

Seriously, this is driving me crazy. Charlie's one of my favourite characters and I still can't understand why he's dead.

To set up less awkwardness on set when Dom Monaghan and Evangeline Lilly have scenes together by eradicating that possibility? I honestly don't know. It was something that was set up for half a season, but you're right, it wasn't executed well at all. It was touching and sad, sure, but completely illogical. Oh well. I hope we get to see his "ghost" a few more times. Charlie was always one of my favorites as well.
Again, this doesn't prove Christian is Jacob, but with the evidence available:

1.) Christian obviously sitting in "Jacob's" chair/house

2.) Christian showing up in the last mobisode and telling Vincent to wake up Jack, he has work to do

3.) Christian's casket being empty when Jack found it

4.) Christian being seen on island (though as you said, this alone doesn't prove anything as other dead people have shown up as well)

There's probably more evidence, but its been awhile since I've watched Seasons 1-3, so I can't remember.

It's compelling, but I can't think of anyone in lost where they talk about a character for a while, and then that character turns out to be an existing character. Maybe the black guy who came to see Hurley might turn out to be Jacob.

I think the dead people showing up are probably to do with timetravel. The other guy saw charlie not just Hurley, but then he dissppeared with that. Makes sense with the house dissappearing and that too.
It's compelling, but I can't think of anyone in lost where they talk about a character for a while, and then that character turns out to be an existing character. Maybe the black guy who came to see Hurley might turn out to be Jacob.

I think the dead people showing up are probably to do with timetravel. The other guy saw charlie not just Hurley, but then he dissppeared with that. Makes sense with the house dissappearing and that too.

Of course, Lindelof and Cuse have said specifically concerning Christian being dead:

"may be using the word 'dead' in a sense we [the audience] don't fully understand yet."

Right now there's far more evidence for Christian being alive (and being Jacob) than not. Thats all I'm saying.

And I really hope time-travel is not the answer for "dead" people showing up on the island.
I'm thinking it'll be a Dark Tower-esque dead... I haven't read the whole series yet so don't spoil anything about it but Jake falls to his "death", only to be brought back again "in another life". Remember what Desmond said to Locke? Hmmm...
Its definitly Christian in the chair, no doubt in my mind. He was clearly visible without even having to slow or pause the scene (which I couldn't do anyway as I was watching on TV...I did record it for my girlfriend though, and have gone back to check...its Christian). Check again, you'll see.

Again, this doesn't prove Christian is Jacob, but with the evidence available:

1.) Christian obviously sitting in "Jacob's" chair/house

2.) Christian showing up in the last mobisode and telling Vincent to wake up Jack, he has work to do

3.) Christian's casket being empty when Jack found it

4.) Christian being seen on island (though as you said, this alone doesn't prove anything as other dead people have shown up as well)

Well, I watched it and its probably Christian in the chair. Not that I think his silhouette is particularly damning but he's also credited for this episode on imdb. I still don't buy him as Jacob though. He's sitting in the chair up to and including when the eye comes to look at Hurley. Two people in the room. Could be Jacob is using the body of Christian as a puppet.

The coffin thing has always bugged me. So has the two stones they found in the caves. The only other time they seem to have referenced them was when Claire has a nightmare back in season one and someone in the dream had them replacing their eyes.

Oh, and in the interrogation room, when Charlie swims up and breaks the glass he's got "They need you" written on his hand in sharpie.
Well, I watched it and its probably Christian in the chair. Not that I think his silhouette is particularly damning but he's also credited for this episode on imdb. I still don't buy him as Jacob though. He's sitting in the chair up to and including when the eye comes to look at Hurley. Two people in the room. Could be Jacob is using the body of Christian as a puppet.

The coffin thing has always bugged me. So has the two stones they found in the caves. The only other time they seem to have referenced them was when Claire has a nightmare back in season one and someone in the dream had them replacing their eyes.

Oh, and in the interrogation room, when Charlie swims up and breaks the glass he's got "They need you" written on his hand in sharpie.
I'm pretty sure the eyes were Locke's

I loved that scene with Charlie floating up to the glass in the room.
That was awesome
Well, I watched it and its probably Christian in the chair. Not that I think his silhouette is particularly damning but he's also credited for this episode on imdb.

This is why Lostpedia is great:

That's from a screen capture. I don't think anyone can deny who it is. It is clearly Christian.

I think Jacob takes the form of dead people, but in a much more intellectual way than that sounds... Jacob is clearly a more mystical character though, and we'll see that mystical stuff balanced out with these new Scientists *cough* dharma initiates*cough* that have landed on the island. Its probably their presence that will draw Jacob out of the dark.
That was definitely Locke in the room with him, I thought so before he even went up to Hurley right after. It was his eye colour. I'm guessing he was there to give Jacob the "help" he asked for.

Really? Because Lock/Terry O'Quinn has blue/green eyes as shown here.


Where as the eye in the cabin was fairly ambiguous, looking more like a brown


Either way, it'll be interesting to see whats revealed about Jacob in the remaining seven episodes. Wonder if tomorrow's episode will touch on the Jacob/Christian subject any.

It god damned better. Actually I'd rather we got some closure on the statue, or maybe something with the whispers. Honestly anything. I'd really like a straight answer on anything. Just one.


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