Lost *spoilers*

Nah, Bernard asked him to help with the S.O.S. sign in late Season 2.

Holy crap! I forgot about that! Eh...Its been awhile since I've watched my season 2 DVDs. I was gonna give a Seasons 1-3 marathon a try before the 4th season premieres in Feb anyway (season 3 is out Dec. 11 I believe), and this is just another reason to. I wonder what else I've forgotten about...?
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Yea, I've seen the both of these on Youtube rigs. They were pretty nonessential but whatever... It's cool to see some Lost in whatever form it may come in.

Anway, Cuse returns to the job as executive producer, post-producing the 8 episodes already filmed.
The next "Missing Pieces" webisode, called "King of the Castle", was written by Brian K. Vaughan. It'll be available at ABC.com on Monday.

I just checked out the second one, "The Adventures of Hurley and Frogurt". It was pretty cool. Forgurt's a dick, though. And I was right, that was the first time Frogurt was seen. I know he'd been mentioned previously, but he's never been seen on-screen until now.
Nice, nice.


The first one, "The Watch", was pointless.

I actually really liked the second webisode "The Adventures of Hurley and Frogurt". It was just funny, but also tragic in the context of the bigger picture of Libby (probably around that same time) being shot by Michael (along with Ana Lucia). Overall it didn't really do much to expand the story, but it was a fun, two minute segment where we get to root for Hurley, and thats always fun. And like I said, Forgurt's a real *******.

I expect the third one to be pretty cool. As I said, Mr. Vaughan wrote this one, so I have faith we'll get a pretty witty and well-written segment. The summary speaks for itself:

Synopsis **SPOILER** for "King of the Castle" from Lostpedia.com:

Jack and Ben are playing chess in a house at the Barracks. Ben expresses his regret that Jack is leaving. He affirms that he intends to honor their agreement, but suggests that the Island may decide otherwise. He also asserts that if Jack would leave, the day might come that he would want to return again. Jack doesn't think so and makes an aggressive chess move. Ben immediately retaliates with a "castle" and wins the game.

This webisode takes place sometime between "Stranger in a Strange Land" (3x09) and "Par Avion" (3x12).
The fourth "Missing Pieces" webisode/mobisode, "The Deal", is available on ABC's Lost page next Monday.

"The Deal" takes place during Michael's imprisonment by the Others--which was shown in flashbacks during "Three Minues" (2x22). The synopsis:

Michael is still tied up at decoy village when Juliet walks in and introduces herself. She tells him the boat he requested is his, so that he can take Walt away after he will have freed Ben. She comments that Walt is special, that he's not an ordinary boy, and that's why she is worried about him. Juliet is glad that Michael is going to get Walt away from the Island, and she assures him that they will keep their end of the bargain. She then reveals that she made her own deal with Ben, concerning her sister. When Michael questions why she would stay on the Island to save her sister, she asks in return if he would do anything to save Walt. Then she reminds him of the list he had been given, and wishes him good luck.

"King of the Castle" is available now on ABC.com. I just checked it out, and enjoyed it. Much more of the classic "Lost" feel the first two mobisodes seemed to be lacking. It also gave some cool nods to the Season 3 season finale, in terms of Jack wanting desperately to get back on the island.
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I really liked "King of the Castle". I definitely picked up on some BKV-ish styles of speaking, too. (I'll watch it again and get back to you on the exact one(s).)
I really liked "King of the Castle". I definitely picked up on some BKV-ish styles of speaking, too. (I'll watch it again and get back to you on the exact one(s).)

Its definitly the best so far; of course, thats not saying much given the pointless nature of the first two. I agree, you can definity pick up on some BKV-ish tones in the dialogue.
I think these mobisodes are indications of where the characters are going to be developed in the forth-coming season...

You have Jack, still with his daddy-issues and now a desire to get back to the island... Which we've seen in the Season 3 finale.

You've got Hurley, getting involved with Libby. She'll be back so we can get her back story...

Michael will return after leaving the island... Blah. blah. blah. You get it?
I think these mobisodes are indications of where the characters are going to be developed in the forth-coming season...

You have Jack, still with his daddy-issues and now a desire to get back to the island... Which we've seen in the Season 3 finale.

You've got Hurley, getting involved with Libby. She'll be back so we can get her back story...

Michael will return after leaving the island... Blah. blah. blah. You get it?


Its been specifically indicated by various sources the mobisodes would lay down foundations for the upcoming season, hence them playing one per week until the premiere.

Goody wins the Capt. Obvious award of the day.

I'm hoping the webisodes get packaged in with one of the DVD sets. Otherwise, I'm going to feel left out. :(
I'm hoping the webisodes get packaged in with one of the DVD sets. Otherwise, I'm going to feel left out. :(

I'm sure they will be. Don't forget, Season 4 (as well as 5 & 6) will only be 16 episodes total. I'm sure the mobisodes will be included with the Season 4 DVD, with a bunch of other deleted scenes/flashbacks and other special features to pad it some. It'll probably be a 5 disc set versus Season 1-3's 7-disc sets.
Holy ****, watch Episode 4 of Missing Pieces!
Michael's back!!
And he has a scene with

:rockon: :rockon:

Yup, just checked it out.

I'm really starting to enjoy the Mobisodes now. I wasn't impressed with the first one, but since I've liked each one. I like how they fill in little sections of past episodes, running with the same themes and subtly expanding on them (hopefully this ties into the 4th season to some degree).

I also saw the fifth mobisode, Operation: Sleeper on my girlfriend's cell (she has verizon and just started downloading them the other day). Not as good as King of the Castle, but still a 3 minute clip that expands on the established Lost mythology.
I think I just saw one of the trailers that are supposed to be being shown in theatres... it was creepy.

Also, I think I've come across a spoiler of the first
6 people off the island
Well, from what I read
they are the only six that get off the island
. :shock:

I already know too much about season 4... Or at least more than I would like.
I like spoilers...Pm or post a link if you can. Thanks.

I usually report to the www.lostpedia.com forum for spoilers/discussion. I'd like to go there to speculate, but I can't take my eyes off of the spoiler threads.

You should join if you like spoilers, man. There are some really cool set pictures that have leaked as well as some huge things concerning the Freighters, Michael, the Castaways, the Others, blah blah blah.

And what member am I over there? Not Goodwill...

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