Captain Canuck
The poster formerly known as captaincanuck65

May Riley-Parker and J. Jonah J Jameson Sr.
Anyone even been reading the book knows this
Why does it require a teaser?
well to the uninformed it could appear to be the wedding of Mary-Jane WatSON, and Peter PARKER
So, is anyone else really digging this new arc?
yes. I'm so glad Harry is alive again! I thought his death as the Goblin was an awesome story, but I'm so happy to see him alive again as Peter's friend.
I hope when Dark Reign ends, it's Harry who defeats Norman.
i totally hate dari reign.nearly half of spidey villains are protected by the government, spidey is considered a criminal.still we read stories about aunt may shagging jjj's daddy instead of venom or green goblin or both turning spidey's life ibto hell
It really is. Though I can't catch up until after this weekend.This arc is amazing (no pun intended). [/URL]
I haven't been reading this but I was on Wiki and it said Norman is grooming Harry to be the next Captian America? Is this true?
Fred Van Lente said:In this instance, Mary Jane is returning to Peter Parker's life as 'The Ex,' someone he had a very, very serious, long-term relationship with [that] fell apart for reasons that remain mysterious," notes Van Lente. "She's someone who was so intimate with Peter, who still cares for him deeply, but still sees his flaws with a jaundiced eye as most exes do. The new Peter/M.J. dynamic is very cool, very natural, and, most importantly, will have a lot of great Spider-Man stories come out of it.
Of course, just because she's the ex now doesn't preclude her becoming something more in the future