Captain Canuck
The poster formerly known as captaincanuck65
This Hobgoblin arc is really cool! I wish I could be excited about the direction the book is going instead of dreading the "Superior Spider-Man" revamp.
This Hobgoblin arc is really cool! I wish I could be excited about the direction the book is going instead of dreading the "Superior Spider-Man" revamp.
Did anyone read the recent Amazing Spider-Man Annual? It was one of the worst annuals ever. EVER.
The two-page Aunt May cartoon was cute, but the other two stories were terrible. They just threw a bunch of crappy stories together so they could sell an annual.
I think most Annuals are like that more than not. The Guardians one was pointless and dumb.
I thought they were fine.Did anyone read the recent Amazing Spider-Man Annual? It was one of the worst annuals ever. EVER.
The two-page Aunt May cartoon was cute, but the other two stories were terrible. They just threw a bunch of crappy stories together so they could sell an annual.
Did anyone read the recent Amazing Spider-Man Annual? It was one of the worst annuals ever. EVER.
The two-page Aunt May cartoon was cute, but the other two stories were terrible. They just threw a bunch of crappy stories together so they could sell an annual.
I thought they were fun, but ultimatly light filler. I'd have been happier if they were backups in a title than a stand alone book.
I was more unhappy with them putting out an annual when they've got a sweet event going on and its got nothing to do with it. That seems like a real waste.
And I bought it. sigh.
Actually most places will give you US cover price because the dollar is so close.And you paid more because it had a few more pages.
AND because you're Canadian!
And yeah, it didn't always used to be that way, at least not completely. The Peter/MJ wedding Annual was a great way to do an annual.
"One of the things I always loved was there was always a triangle,"
One series there doesn't need to be a new thread for, haha. Slott Promises Global "Amazing Spider-Man," Reveals New Designs.
"Peter Parker has stepped up," Slott told MTV. "He's grown. He's become the Peter Parker we've always hoped he was going to be. This company, with Peter's inventions and Peter's gumption has gone to new heights." In the series, Parker Industries will expand beyond New York City and into Shanghai, San Francisco and London.
Along with Peter's business success, Slott hinted that his romantic life will also see some new developments. While the Slott-written "Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows" "Secret Wars" series depicts Peter Parker married to Mary Jane and the father of a young daughter, it looks like the new series will pick up with Spidey single once again.
"One of the things I always loved was there was always a triangle," Slott said. "There's all these characters who are vying for Pete's attention."
Also, the Spider-Mobile is returning. Re-designed, but returning.