Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Granted, but we have yet to see how this affects future events.

What if Stark feels guilty and sends War Machine to pick up May and take her to a healing matrix and it accidentally falls on her and kills her? Huh? HUH?!

it would probably turn out to be an actress 50 issues later
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Granted, but we have yet to see how this affects future events.

What if Stark feels guilty and sends War Machine to pick up May and take her to a healing matrix and it accidentally falls on her and kills her? Huh? HUH?!
Then I would certainly look the fool.
"And isn't it ironic.
Don't ya think?
It's like raiiiiin on your wedding day
It's a free riiiiiiide when you've already paid
It's taking Aunt Maaaaaaaay to a healing matrix that falls on her and kills her..."
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

it would probably turn out to be an actress 50 issues later

Uh, hello! They already did that.

What do you think they're trying to do, relive the 90s?!
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

So... Just remembered...

Wolverine is on the New Avengers with Spidey.

There is a Omega Level Mutant with Healing Abilities in the X-Institute...

Let me say that again.


Why is Peter so ****ing Stupid?!
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

So... Just remembered...

Wolverine is on the New Avengers with Spidey.

There is a Omega Level Mutant with Healing Abilities in the X-Institute...

Let me say that again.


Why is Peter so ****ing Stupid?!

Now that would have been awesome resolution. And it's not like Peter's never gone to the X-Men for help before, so it would work perfectly.
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Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Enh. There has to be some separation between titles for some characters to have stories told.

Surprisingly, as big of a continuity nut as I am, that doesn't bother me.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

So... Just remembered...

Wolverine is on the New Avengers with Spidey.

There is a Omega Level Mutant with Healing Abilities in the X-Institute...

Let me say that again.


Why is Peter so ****ing Stupid?!

Which mutant, does Peter even know about it?
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Which mutant, does Peter even know about it?
I think he's talking about Josh aka Elixer. The yellow one. Doubt Peter knows of him.

Eh, I'd like that better because it makes more sense. What Peter's doing here is walking right up to the biggest Registration supporter, who far all he knows will imprison him in a second and completely ignore May, and asking for help. Why isn't he exhausting all of his resources- whether he knows they'll work or not- to try to solve the situation? Pete's probably not thinking straight (and he's probably sick of this massive go-everywhere-for-the-sake-of-guest-appearances stuff!), but it's more logical.

I don't really care all that much, but it's a good point. :p
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Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Does Wolverine even know about Aunt May? I don't remember Peter mentioning anything. Wolverine can smell if you're lying, he's not a psychic.
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Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Does Wolverine even know about Aunt May? I don't remember Peter mentioning anything. Wolverine can smell if you're lying, he's not a psychic.
They interacted several times when Peter, Aunt May, and MJ were living in Avengers Tower. *nods*
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

They interacted several times when Peter, Aunt May, and MJ were living in Avengers Tower. *nods*
I know that. What I meant was that if Wolverine (or anyone else on the NA team) even knows the situation with Aunt May currently. Because if they don't know, Wolverine wouldn't be able to suggest Josh's help.
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Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

I know that. What I meant was that if Wolverine (or anyone else on the NA team) even knows the situation with Aunt May currently. Because if they don't know, Wolverine wouldn't be able to suggest Josh's help.
I think what's being suggested is that Spidey should have called his NA teammates to see if they could help. Wolverine's first reaction would probably be to use Foley. Problem solved. A little too easily...

I don't mind them not going this route either.
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Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

I think what's being suggested is that Spidey should have called his NA teammates to see if they could help. Wolverine's first reaction would probably be to use Foley. Problem solved. A little too easily...

I don't mind them not going this route either.

Ahhh, I see. That would have been too easily a cop-out, yeah.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Just read it and I felt the issue was okay, they just solved the money and medical aspects of May's state. I felt the ironman/spidey thing could have ended better and the Jarvis thing felt cheesy. overeall it was an okay start.

Also whatever happened to the token Loki gave Spidey that will allow Peter to get one favor from Loki?