Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Yet another main character from Marvel that I care even less and less about each day that passes.

Spider-Man is one of my favorite characters, but I agree. And it's solely because of the lack of interesting things happening with him.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Spider-Man is one of my favorite characters, but I agree. And it's solely because of the lack of interesting things happening with him.

One more day with the bringing in new villains seems intresting
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Spider-Man is one of my favorite characters, but I agree. And it's solely because of the lack of interesting things happening with him.

And when there is something interesting going on with him....they snowball it outta control into something much bigger than the character should be able to handle.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

So..OMD is finally out. Anyone? I hear a lot of grumbling about how dark and whiny Peter's been for a while now. Maybe it's because i read USM, but it doesn't bother me so much here. And i get the feeling once all of this.. whatever it is (divorce, death or none of the above) is out of the way the new blood will hopefully revitalize it. I kinda dug the fight with Tony. I was totally shocked that he came around in the end. :roll:

Someone on Ign predicted the next issue will be :Spidey asks Dr. Strange for help, he says no, Spidey cries some more. Which may not be so far off.

And though i didn't mind the series recap at the end, i can see where some might be pissed to pay an extra buck for it, instead of extra story pages like i was expecting.

JQ's art was...okay. Inconsistent and disproportional. Peter every now and then looked like a character from a Bill Plympton cartoon.

Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

I read it.....

One More Day should've been given A Few More Months....and A New Writer.

That's my Gene Shallot joke for the day.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Haven't read it yet, but good Lord they are dragging a mediocre storyline out for far too long.

It's Infinity War all over again!
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

I like JMS, i don't like Quesada's art.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Jesus, you can read the Civil War arc, skip the 5-part Back in Black arc and go right to One More Day and you miss NOTHING.

That's the definition of filler, right there.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

anyone know who did that not cluttered crappy cover?
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

anyone know who did that not cluttered crappy cover?

That would be our good friend, Joey Q.

I've bought the issue, but I'm too nervous to read it. I want to like Spider-man...I really why does he hurt me so much when I show him nothing but love??
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Why is it impossible to create a good Spider-Man comic these days? No one at Marvel can write this guy anymore.

And I thought he was in the black costume now. In this, he's in the normal costume. What the ****? I'm sick of bull**** continuity, especially when the Editor in Chief, who probably planned the whole "Back in Black" thing draws him in his normal costume.

I'll probably be told to go read a bunch of Spider-Man comics to find out why, but NO, they are so bad, I doubt I'll even read the rest of One More Day.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

So this issue, im not going to rail against it as much as everybody else has been... This -could- be an interesting story...

But the last few years of Amazing Piss me off because of Quesada... JMS was writing the Definitive Peter Parker for a while... From when he came on the title, Peter for the first time since I had been reading comics became a bit of a role-model... He was the sort of Teacher you wish you had in high school... He was more definitely a New Yorker, and then Ezekiel popped up to confuse him into being eaten by a demi-god, and Ezekiel became one of the more interesting new characters to pop up in ages...

It all started spiraling down when Joe Q made him change Sins Past from a story about Peter Parker finding out that he had children with Gwen he never knew about, to a story that retconned the rape of Gwen Stacy into continuity because "Peter shouldn't have children." Then Bendis decided that Peter would be in the Avengers, and JMS had to reconfigure his story to move it into the Stark Towers. Then what was supposed to be the year long story-line conclusion of the entire Spider-Shaman story that had dominated JMS' run on Amazing was split into Four Titles and between Four Writers, and "The Other" turned into an total trainwreck because they needed to start up the Civil War tie-ins and subsequent filler arcs.

I really like JMS, but Joe Q has controlled Amazing for the last three years... Hopefully the good writing will overpower the ****ty story as Joe Q continues to destroy Marvel.

Maybe next time they'll put a WRITER in charge of the damn company.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

And I thought he was in the black costume now. In this, he's in the normal costume. What the ****? I'm sick of bull**** continuity, especially when the Editor in Chief, who probably planned the whole "Back in Black" thing draws him in his normal costume.

I'll probably be told to go read a bunch of Spider-Man comics to find out why, but NO, they are so bad, I doubt I'll even read the rest of One More Day.
He had the black costume on because of the mood he was in :roll: after his aunt got lead poisoning and he got the aggression and conflict out of his system when he beat the kingpin so there were no need for a black costume anymore.

I feel sick after having written that :sick:
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

I want my money back. Seriously.

When the issue starts May is in dire straights and Peter is willing to do anything to fix her. When the issue ends May is in dire straights and Peter is willing to do anything to fix her. Nothing happened! THIS WAS A COMPLETE WASTE OF MY TIME AND MONEY! You can NOT hype an event like this and then kick it off with an issue which accomplishes absolutely nothing. The writing was subpar and Jarvis' scene was written poorly. Show don't tell Straczynski! The art was just not good. I'd tell Quesada to stick to being EiC, but he is far worse at that than he is at drawing.

And then, joy of joys, we get a whole lot of useless crap in the back that I paid an extra dollar for. Thanks for nothing Marvel.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

So this issue, im not going to rail against it as much as everybody else has been... This -could- be an interesting story...

But the last few years of Amazing Piss me off because of Quesada... JMS was writing the Definitive Peter Parker for a while... From when he came on the title, Peter for the first time since I had been reading comics became a bit of a role-model... He was the sort of Teacher you wish you had in high school... He was more definitely a New Yorker, and then Ezekiel popped up to confuse him into being eaten by a demi-god, and Ezekiel became one of the more interesting new characters to pop up in ages...
Agreed with this.

It all started spiraling down when Joe Q made him change Sins Past from a story about Peter Parker finding out that he had children with Gwen he never knew about, to a story that retconned the rape of Gwen Stacy into continuity because "Peter shouldn't have children."
But not this. I still don't see how Peter having teenage children would make any sense... And the Goblin stuff works perfectly imo. Although the Spectacular arc that followed really sucked.
Then Bendis decided that Peter would be in the Avengers, and JMS had to reconfigure his story to move it into the Stark Towers. Then what was supposed to be the year long story-line conclusion of the entire Spider-Shaman story that had dominated JMS' run on Amazing was split into Four Titles and between Four Writers, and "The Other" turned into an total trainwreck because they needed to start up the Civil War tie-ins and subsequent filler arcs.

I really like JMS, but Joe Q has controlled Amazing for the last three years... Hopefully the good writing will overpower the ****ty story as Joe Q continues to destroy Marvel.

Maybe next time they'll put a WRITER in charge of the damn company.
Agreed again!

Eh, boring. Between nothing actually happening (Oh God, is it The Other all over again!?), the insane amount of hype, and the fact that everyone's known how this thing will end for months this arc makes me sad. :(

If I wanted bios I would be buying Official Handbook...

Also, I don't think the last few months of Spidey have been all that bad. Well, not Friendly Neighborhood anyway. That book rocked as a whole, really.
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Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

So, Peter spends a majority of this issue *****ing that he doesn't have any money. Why would Stark's door be the first one that he knocked down? What about Danny Rand? Danny's a billionaire and a member of the New Avengers. He seems to be a much more logical choice than the man who essentially hunts you and your friends down for a living.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

So, Peter spends a majority of this issue *****ing that he doesn't have any money. Why would Stark's door be the first one that he knocked down? What about Danny Rand? Danny's a billionaire and a member of the New Avengers. He seems to be a much more logical choice than the man who essentially hunts you and your friends down for a living.


This is Joey Q getting rid of MJ and everything in this will feel forced.