Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

I know Joey Q did the ugly one with all the cluttered panels and words but he did the variant also?
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

I read part one of the One More Day thing...I thought it was pretty good. At least the idea of emerging from hiding to confront Tony and guilt him into paying for May's care was a good one, and I thought it was well written.

Typical Joe Q art. I can't ever really call it "good" because he constantly looks like he's trying to emulate Todd McFarlane and often fails, and it makes his art extremely uneven. But at times he has kind of a cool stylized look to it. So, a big fat "meh" on the art.

I'll keep reading the story; I don't know why you people gripe because nothing happened. It was the opening issue in the arc, and how can you call Peter going after Tony "nothing happening"?
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

I did notice when I read the issue about Peter's face. It did change at times, which bothered me.

Still, I'm a fan of Quesada's art, so overall, I liked it, even with the minor problems.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

So, Peter spends a majority of this issue *****ing that he doesn't have any money. Why would Stark's door be the first one that he knocked down? What about Danny Rand? Danny's a billionaire and a member of the New Avengers. He seems to be a much more logical choice than the man who essentially hunts you and your friends down for a living.

This is an excellent point.

Unless they say, well, he's off fighting Mortal Kombat in some mystical plane right now.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

This is an excellent point.

Unless they say, well, he's off fighting Mortal Kombat in some mystical plane right now.

Actually, as of the end of the first arc in Immortal Iron Fist, that kind of is what is happening.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

I'll keep reading the story; I don't know why you people gripe because nothing happened. It was the opening issue in the arc, and how can you call Peter going after Tony "nothing happening"?
There was no plot advancement. One More Day is only 4 issues long and if you skip the first issue and come in at the second you won't have missed any important plot development. They introduced then solved the charity ward subplot in the same issue, but if they had skipped it all together would the overall story have suffered at all? The issue ends with Peter in the same situation as when he began. It was a self-contained Spider-man/Iron Man story that didn't even provide any kind of revelation or resolution to that subplot. Just like the main story there was no advancement, Tony and Peter are at the same crossroads that they were in when the story began. But I will amend my previous statement.

Nothing relevant happened.

Because stuff happened, but it was meaningless stuff.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

You don't knwo if the plot would have suffered at all, we haven't seen the whole story yet.

And Peter fighting Iron Man wasn't meaningless, it was a byproduct of what happened to Aunt May and Peter's reaction to it
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

i think thats what he meant


There was no plot advancement.

Not many stories have a lot of plot advancement in the first issue.

I kind of see what you're saying, but it didn't detract from anything. I mean, it's not Ultimate Power.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

i can't beleive the way they wrapped up back in black, they made it a complete throwaway event, SSM won't be followed up, FNSM while entertaining has been irrelevent since day 1, and you could completley ignore ASM's back in black story and go straight from 538 to 544 and not miss a beat

seriously what a waste of time
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Not many stories have a lot of plot advancement in the first issue.
No, but most at least leave you with an interesting cliffhanger. Like I said, this one ends where it began.
I kind of see what you're saying, but it didn't detract from anything. I mean, it's not Ultimate Power.
Whoa. I don't think anyone is saying this is Ultimate Power bad.
You don't knwo if the plot would have suffered at all, we haven't seen the whole story yet.
Jarvis is throwing around the big bucks. That problem is solved. And it could have been solved by a phone call.
And Peter fighting Iron Man wasn't meaningless, it was a byproduct of what happened to Aunt May and Peter's reaction to it
These two are on opposite sides of the registration act and opposing Avengers teams. They have and will continue to fight each other over that for the foreseeable future. This particular skirmish could have easily been saved for a later use. Like say, when they aren't in the middle of a storyline that will "change Peter's life forever".
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Actually the problem with money to keep May in the hospital has been present since the first issue after she was shot.

OK, given what we pretty much know One More Day to be about, do you really think that this is something that would be solved quickly? Or in the first issue of this story, much less?

May being in the hospital and what happens with her condition is a major plot Peter finds money to keep her there isn't.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

No, but most at least leave you with an interesting cliffhanger. Like I said, this one ends where it began.

Whoa. I don't think anyone is saying this is Ultimate Power bad.
Jarvis is throwing around the big bucks. That problem is solved. And it could have been solved by a phone call.

Houde is right though

These two are on opposite sides of the registration act and opposing Avengers teams. They have and will continue to fight each other over that for the foreseeable future. This particular skirmish could have easily been saved for a later use. Like say, when they aren't in the middle of a storyline that will "change Peter's life forever".

I love you McCheese
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

No, but most at least leave you with an interesting cliffhanger. Like I said, this one ends where it began.

Granted, but we have yet to see how this affects future events.

What if Stark feels guilty and sends War Machine to pick up May and take her to a healing matrix and it accidentally falls on her and kills her? Huh? HUH?!
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

"And isn't it ironic.
Don't ya think?
It's like raiiiiin on your wedding day
It's a free riiiiiiide when you've already paid
It's taking Aunt Maaaaaaaay to a healing matrix that falls on her and kills her..."