Amazing Spider-Man #544 -
Written by the acclaimed J. Michael Straczynski, who redefined the wall-crawler for a new generation and penciled by Joe Quesada, one of the industry's most popular artists and Marvel's Editor-In-Chief, this storyline will tie together story threads seeded throughout JMS' six year tenure! When this four-part story concludes, nothing will ever be the same for Peter Parker, as his decision affects the past, present and future of everyone's favorite wall crawler! Each extra-sized issue of One More Day not only features two must-have 50/50 covers—one by Quesada himself and another by acclaimed artist Marko Djurdjevic—but is also packed with Director's Cut style extras!
"It's about the most terrible, awful thing in the world. Certainly the worst that Peter Parker has ever had to face," explained JMS. "He has to make a choice between two equally devastating possibilities, both of which will forever affect his life, and there is no third choice, no way around it."
With great power comes great responsibility…and an even greater burden. You can't afford to miss this emotional tour de force that will challenge Peter Parker at his very core and leave readers breathless, beginning in Amazing Spider-Man #544!
Spider-Man: One More Day
Part 1 - Amazing Spider-Man #544
Part 2 - Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #24
Part 3 - Sensational Spider-Man #41
Part 4 - Amazing Spider-Man #545