Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

I didn't really know where to put this, but this seems as good a place as any.

You can order a free Spider-Man comic about bullying prevention. I just sent in for one, there's no shipping charge or anything.

My first exposure to Spider-Man in comic book form was through a book like this where he teams up with Storm and Power Man (I think) to battle smoking. So these things will always hold a special place in my heart. Anyway, it doesn't say who's working on it, but they sometimes get good talent. Peter David wrote a Captain America anti-drug special.
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Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

The latest New Joe Fridays leads me to thinking that maybe Dan Slott actually will take over for JMS. (When one fan asked if it would be him, Joe said he thinks he'll be happy with the upcoming news on the title.) I really hope this happens.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

The latest New Joe Fridays leads me to thinking that maybe Dan Slott actually will take over for JMS. (When one fan asked if it would be him, Joe said he thinks he'll be happy with the upcoming news on the title.) I really hope this happens.

Well, if Jimenez is going to be the artist (kinda), and he's doing the FCBD book, it would seem logical that Slott would take over as writer, too.

But, Slott is a notoriously slow writer, so I don't think he could do three ongoings at a time, which would mean he'd either leave She-Hulk or maybe the Initiative will have rotating creative teams(?).
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Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Comics Continuum has a preview of Amazing Spider-Man #539. Check it out, plus you can also check out previews for X-MEN #197, CABLE & DEADPOOL #38, SPIDER-MAN LOVES MARY JANE #16, RUNAWAYS SAGA, X-23: TARGET X #4, X-FACTOR #17, & X-MEN: FIRST CLASS #7.

Dear god, haven't got the book yet... but from that preview, looks like Peter is going hardcore... I mean, the shooter looks to have tyre tracks on his face now....

Okay, I'll try to do a little summary.

After May is shot, Pete throws a car at the shooter (since when was he THAT strong?) and then rushes May to a hospital where he just crashes through a window a leaves her on a bed. The doctors have no idea who she is. Fisk sits in his jail cell (there's an editor's note saying this happens before DD #93) and receives news about this, and says it's more fun to destroy someone after first driving them insane.

Pete meets MJ in an alley and tells her to book May in the hospital under her maiden name and pay for her treatment. Then Pete returns to the crime scene and finds a piece of a targeting scope the shooter left behind, after which he attacks a gun runner and his clients in a warehouse and royally kicks their asses to get information about said scope, and finds out there are only a handful of dealers who carry it.

The doctors tell MJ that May is in a coma and pretty much needs a miracle to survive. Meanwhile, Pete swings to the roof of an apartment building and retrieves the black suit, which apparently he hid there ages ago. The last page is a nice pose in the suit, when Pete swears he'll find the people responsible and kill them all.

The issue is pretty much just set up for Pete's quest for revenge, and it's pretty well established that hurting May is the one thing that could drive him to actually kill.
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Re: #539

Okay, I'll try to do a little summary.

After May is shot, Pete throws a car at the shooter (since when was he THAT strong?) and then rushes May to a hospital where he just crashes through a window a leaves her on a bed. The doctors have no idea who she is. Fisk sits in his jail cell (there's an editor's note saying this happens before DD #93) and receives news about this, and says it's more fun to destroy someone after first driving them insane.

Pete meets MJ in an alley and tells her to book May in the hospital under her maiden name and pay for her treatment. Then Pete returns to the crime scene and finds a piece of a targeting scope the shooter left behind, after which he attacks a gun runner and his clients in a warehouse and royally kicks their asses to get information about said scope, and finds out there are only a handful of dealers who carry it.

The doctors tell MJ that May is in a coma and pretty much needs a miracle to survive. Meanwhile, Pete swings to the roof of an apartment building and retrieves the black suit, which apparently he hid there ages ago. The last page is a nice pose in the suit, when Pete swears he'll find the people responsible and kill them all.

The issue is pretty much just set up for Pete's quest for revenge, and it's pretty well established that hurting May is the one thing that could drive him to actually kill.

Peter has always been that strong. He can lift a good twenty tons, way more when he's pissed, so that truck's what, three tons, max? Easy. Writers just don't write him being that strong because he's really hyper and prefers to dodge things then web them up.

The guard talking to Wilson Fisk is the biggest moron in the world. He's so stupid, Wilson could make his bedsheets into a dress and a mop into a wig and flirt with the guard, then the guard would immediately let him out. Seriously, this guy must've eaten paint chips as a child.

So, wait... that webbed-up costume has been sitting there for months or years.

In his webs.

Which dissolve after an hour.

Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

This is the kind of Spider-man I like to see. He's kicking asses and taking names. I can't wait to see him kill someone. I can totally feel it coming.

Here's my long shot guess. While Aunt May's in the hospital and Peter's hunting down Fisk, Fisk's assassin kills MJ, then Aunt May wakes up.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

I thought this issue was dope too. Peter's a man possessed, as he should be. I said when he revealed his identity that if the writers don't have the balls to kill off someone huge in Peter's life as a result of his stupidity, then they don't deserve to use his reveal at all. But they've taken the right steps so far - if they do kill off MJ, I won't be happy, but I will give them all the credit in the world for taking a story to its logical conclusion despite it being a story few people want to read.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Yeah, the costume in the webs thing was stupid. If the webs lasted that long Electro would still be hanging by a lamppost in the middle of NYC.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Jeez. First they give May the wrong maiden name... it's not Fitzgerald, it's Reilly! The Scarlet Spider named himself after that, for crying out loud. Are they trying to retcon the Clone Saga or what? :p And, yeah, keeping the black costume in the webs for years was utter stupidity.

I am pretty interested in where this is going, however. Peter better have a "Wait... what the hell am I doing? I don't kill people!" moment near the end. (Then Morlun can come back in an obscure one-shot and show that Peter didn't kill him. XP )

It's pretty lame that Peter's all hardcore here but as much as a jokester as ever elsewhere, though. Specifically New Avengers...
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Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Jeez. First they give May the wrong maiden name... it's not Fitzgerald, it's Reilly! The Scarlet Spider named himself after that, for crying out loud. Are they trying to retcon the Clone Saga or what? :p And, yeah, keeping the black costume in the webs for years was utter stupidity.

I am pretty interested in where this is going, however. Peter better have a "Wait... what the hell am I doing? I don't kill people!" moment near the end. (Then Morlun can come back in an obscure one-shot and show that Peter didn't kill him. XP )

It's pretty lame that Peter's all hardcore here but as much as a jokester as ever elsewhere, though. Specifically New Avengers...

I remember back when Ezekiel and Morlun first showed up, Zeke and Peter fought Morlun together and Peter thought something along the lines of, "This is the first time I've ever fought alongside someone with the same powers as me."

Ben Reilly would be rolling in his grave if he weren't a disintegrated pile of dust scattered in New York by the wind. I hate comic book death, so I don't think he should be brought back, but it'd be nice if his existence were acknowledged or if Kaine's disappearance were explained.

And yeah, it's pretty weak that Pete's attitude and personality take a complete 180 between comics. I guess if it's good enough for Wolverine, he can put up with it.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

I had a real problem with this issue. A problem I knew I'd have.

Spidey with his identity revealed means that there is no Peter Parker, and no Spider-Man. One of the beautiful things of superheroes is the secret identity, the transubstantiation from man to mortal. The most extreme example of this is Miracleman (Marvelman) by Alan Moore, but it is prevalent in a lesser extent. Another particularly good example is in All-Star Superman. The dichotomy between these two parts of character creates the central dimension of superheroes. By revealing Spidey's indentity, that dimension is gone.

A dimension of character is a contradiction - for example, Macbeth's ambition and guilt (this is from Story by Robert McKee). Ambition and guilt is also a dimension of Londo Mollari, one of JMS' characters in Babylon 5. James Bond is both a suave jet-setter and a cold-blooded killer. Malcolm Reynolds is a bitter bigoted soldier yet a loyal loving captain. He's clumsy and ignorant but cunning and tactically well-minded. Anakin Skywalker is immaculately divine but evil and selfish. On and on and on. Now, in superheroes, all their contradictions, all their dimensions, if you look, there is no contradiction within Spidey. The contradiction lies in Peter and Spidey. For example, Spidey is introverted, self conscious and shy. He's also wise-cracking, brave, and loud-mouthed. But he's only introverted when Peter. He's wise-cracking as Spidey. The mask, the costume, is the physical symbol of the change in person.

Without the secret identity, that gets lost. Now, it is possible to replace that dimension with something else.

Now, look at the comic. Peter Parker is running around with webs, but he's being Spidey. He's lost that central contradiction. He's just Spidey with Peter's face. So what did they do? They gave him a new dimension - he's really angry.

Because someone shot his aunt.

It's a cliche. The revenge plot is a cliche. I'm not saying that the idea is flawed, but its execution is very, very - typical. It's just the same old stuff. And we've lost the mask in the process (though, I think we lost it long before he actually got 'unmasked'...)

Yes, I do like that Spidey's personal life has been ****ed by the unmasking. That's good continuity, logical storytelling.

But it's also obvious and rather dull in my opinion, and I think we've lost more of Spidey than we've gained.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Bass, you know nothing. This issue was great. I loved it. Art and all.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

I agree, I'm interested in the unmasking plots that can happen but I've always enjoyed the struggle of balance in Spidey's life. One thing many mediums seem eager to do is mix his superhero life with his personal life, by having his social cast mix with the superhero plot, (see the MTV Spiderman and Smallville for a perfect example of this). I always think the best spidey stories are where his personal and superhero life are completely separate and the story comes from the difficulty he has maintaining both. And they took that away, now Peter and Spidey are one and the same, his personal life is thrusted into his superhero one. I know he is keeping a fake name for a new secret identity working at the high school as Ben Reilly. But that doesn't solve the problem Bass is talking about. Like a lot of things that came out of Marvel's big events this should have been better.

But I am liking Spidey unleashed
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Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

I wasn't a fan of this issues art. I don't like the whole "grrr I'm spider-man and I'm out for revenge" attitude. I also don't like the Black costume.

I have mixed feelings regarding the unmasking...part of me is happy because it opens up new story possibilities. The other part is always going to miss what Bass and Random were talking about.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

I have mixed feelings regarding the unmasking...part of me is happy because it opens up new story possibilities. The other part is always going to miss what Bass and Random were talking about.
Well it's not like he's going to stay unmaked forever. You'll get it back.

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