
Oh man, I'll miss the Clay Pyshco

And Manda is dead, so that's good.

Tobi's alive, and I beat he is somebody we know too.

What is next indeed.

I love everyone's reactions to the explosion was "OMG!"

And Shino just looked at it with "mmm"

The guy's inflappible.
HOLY ****!!! The new chapter is out and the last three pages blew my mind.

But we'll get to that. Itachi feels that his brother is still alive. Sasuke and Naruto don't have their long awaited encounter this week, but thanks to Kiba's new and improved nose they may be seeing each other soon. Then we go to the newly revealed Akatsuki leader. His name is spelled differently this week then last, Pein or Pain, whatever that doesn't matter. Because the big reveal at the end of this week is who is pulling his strings. THE REAL LEADER IS
And if that wasn't a big enough reveal
he has a Sharingan in his one remaining eye! He is almost without a doubt confirmed to be Obito!

Great issue.
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Why havent they tried to cash in on the obvious cereal branding of this license that is "Narut-o`s" ? :?
Why is he doing it is the question though

What does he gain through the power of th eall the demons?
Well, Pein explained the Akatsuki's scheme to replace all the ninja villages and become super rich and all powerful. That might still be the ultimate goal, but I think Obito probably has ulterior motives.
I know this is the manga forum, but it really should be an anime forum as well. Anyway, I rented the first two volumes of Naruto yesterday and... they're terrible. I have no idea why people are going insane over this.
I know this is the manga forum, but it really should be an anime forum as well. Anyway, I rented the first two volumes of Naruto yesterday and... they're terrible. I have no idea why people are going insane over this.

It gets a lot better later on. Specifically after they fight whatshisname on the bridge.
Zabuza. and that fight is the start of volume 2 i think. i hated naruto at first. im really enjoying it now though and im up to the forest of death second exam. there is way too much recapping in the anime though. Ttebayooooo!
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i don't read naruto but i whatch the today i just finnished watching the marothon of the show it is so good i love the show...i never heard of a naruto comic it good???
i don't read naruto but i whatch the today i just finnished watching the marothon of the show it is so good i love the show...i never heard of a naruto comic it good???

It isn't a rule but all anime is usally a comic first. From what I know they both are pretty much the same except the comic does not have the filler arcs.
damn, who'd a thought?

Who would ever have suspected the naive underdog trying to work his way up through the Akatsuki ranks and impress everyone?

Well, Pein explained the Akatsuki's scheme to replace all the ninja villages and become super rich and all powerful. That might still be the ultimate goal, but I think Obito probably has ulterior motives.

I'm thinking that too, especially after reading someone's theory concerning the secrets of the Uchiha clan (which have yet to be revealed).

I think the bigger question is, "Is he still a good boy?"

I hope so... wouldn't that be a huge twist? The ultimate bad guy is really the ultimate good guy?
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