Ultimization Game Discussion Thread

VVD, Shaggy, and TwilightEL: Glad I picked a character that you're all excited about. It's cool to know that we'll be having a nice mix of (relative) newcomers and veterans, in the next round.

Regarding the White Tiger entries, I already expressed how much I like the 'authenitc' feel of Shaggy's entry, but I'd also like to point out that DSF's "Latino Spider-Man" idea was quite clever, as well, even if it was intended as a ">90%" joke. The Ultimate Universe is obviously not completely adverse to joke characters, as evidenced by the Defenders, and Night-Owl (or, more specifically, his nemesis, The Principal). However, I do think Marvel would realistically draw the line at parodying one of their own characters, within actual continuity (although I could imagine it working as a seperate reality, like Spider-Man India). Still, an interesting take on the White Tiger concept.
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Just for the record. I like throwing in submissions when I'm playing game master too. Most of you have seen my ultimized White Tiger though so since I had some "heavy" schooling, I didn't write it out. But I'm sure some of you already know.

Love the Purple Man pick. I already have these DD characters mapped out so mine should go up sooner than later.
I ordinarily refrain from commenting about the other entries long before the deadline -- especially when I'm the game-master -- because I don't want to influence people's voting (rather ironic, considering the character being Ultimized this round :wink: ). Buuuuut, having said that...

I'm very impressed with the detail in Shaggy's entry. I'll avoid giving any more specific thoughts, other than this: I've always wanted to see a multilateral international agreement regarding the regulation of super-powers for national defense in the UU (similar to the DCU's Freedom of Power Treaty, introduced in 52), given the events of "Grand theft America", and Shaggy made a good effort combining that idea with the concept of the Purple Man.

Oh, and his explanation for the character's name was very unique.

MwoF, I'm not sure if i've read your White Tiger idea; if you mentioned it in another thread, please link to it here. Much appreciated! :D
Again I saw, awww shucks.

Anyway, I just didn't want him to ACTUALLY be purple.

In all honesty, there is a pretty good reason it took me so little time to post an idea. After the round is over, I may share.
MwoF, I'm not sure if i've read your White Tiger idea; if you mentioned it in another thread, please link to it here. Much appreciated! :D

I think the mods deleted it when they were cleaning up? Maybe it's in the DD thread that me and Overlord poured our creative geniuses into (Project too).

It was basically that The White Tiger was a subdivision of "soldiers" that worked for Nick Fury as SHIELD black-ops team. Hector died in one of the battles (against The Hand). I think I would've added Cole in there too now. She served as a love interest for Matt when Fury recruited him on a mission in Japan to stop The Hand. They parted ways shortly after. When Elektra tried to reform and went back to Matt, Fury was worried about the influence The Hand might still have over her and sent Del Toro to track her down. Matt wouldn't let Del Toro take her and defended Elektra while Bullseye (whose out on the loose looking for revenge against Elektra) rips through Hell's Kitchen leaving bodies all over the place looking for her. Elektra goes after Bullseye while Matt is distracted defending her against Del Toro. The cops who are still unsure of "The Devil" open fire and hit The White Tiger. Doesn't kill her but ends the fight between Daredevil and The White Tiger.

That's the end of her in my story but possibly pops up in other Ultimate stories.
Re: Ultimization Game II/6: Purple Man

hum... I just realized my idea uses both a character and a set piece that's also in MWoF's concept.... but I think it's different enough to not matter. I'll post mine after work.
Hey! To everybody who thanked me for picking Purple Man as the contest subject -- better get those entries in before midnight EST tonight, or you'll be wasting your chance to Ultimize the character.

Once again, the round ends at 11:59PM tonight. No further entries will be accepted after that time.
VVD: Great twist! Just one quick note -- I'm fairly certain that Millar introduced the Acolytes as a breakaway splinter cell from the Magneto-less, Quicksilver-led version of the Brotherhood, during either Ultimate War, or right before the start of "Return of the King". Might need to check on that.

Everybody: I'm gonna be a cocky S.O.B. and just ask what you all thought of my Ultimate White Tiger story. I mean, some of you obviously votes for it, which is why i'm here, and moderating the current round, and that's great. But I never really got any qualitative comments about it. What did you think of the plot (overall) and the White Tigers' role in it (specifically)?
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The Acolytes appeared in a one shot after the World Tour arc, when the X-Men fought them in New Zealand. :D

I have an idea for Purple Man, but not enough to flesh out a story...
I'm sorry I was unable to post in the last few rounds, but I have been reading them.

I have alot of writing on my slate at the moment, and have been unable to poor any creative juices into this.

That aside, these writings have been very good.
Okay, I didn't properly close the thread yesterday, because I was really sleepy when the deadline arrived (1PM here; and I work the night shift, so I'd been up for a long stretch).

Just the same, voting is now ongoing.

I'm glad to see a few people had the initative to PM me their votes, without me having to remind them.

I know the voting deadline is supposed to be 11:59PM Eastern time tonight, but I just can't accomodate that (if you really must know why, it's because my mother just had surgery, and I need to visit her in the hosital; she's fine though, all things considered).

Bottom line -- I will check my PM Inbox no later than 5AM on Wednesday, Eastern time. I will tally all the votes sent before then, and announce the winner.

If you're one of the contestants, please keep checking this thread, so that the next round can begin before Thursday.

Big thanks to all those who participated in the game (as writers AND voters)!
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At this point, I can safely reveal two things:

So far, this round has seemingly attracted more voters than any Ultimization game I previously moderated.

And it looks like there will be a decisive landslide winner.

I don't want to jump the gun, but I have a feeling that I already know how this will end.

Will go to sleep, within the hour. Keep those votes coming!

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