VVD, Shaggy, and TwilightEL: Glad I picked a character that you're all excited about. It's cool to know that we'll be having a nice mix of (relative) newcomers and veterans, in the next round.
Regarding the White Tiger entries, I already expressed how much I like the 'authenitc' feel of Shaggy's entry, but I'd also like to point out that DSF's "Latino Spider-Man" idea was quite clever, as well, even if it was intended as a ">90%" joke. The Ultimate Universe is obviously not completely adverse to joke characters, as evidenced by the Defenders, and Night-Owl (or, more specifically, his nemesis, The Principal). However, I do think Marvel would realistically draw the line at parodying one of their own characters, within actual continuity (although I could imagine it working as a seperate reality, like Spider-Man India). Still, an interesting take on the White Tiger concept.