Ultimization Game Discussion Thread

At the risk of sounding like a smug little s.o.b., may I just say that I am particuarly proud of my entry in this week's contest (no pun intended -- you'll see what I mean, once you've read it).

Thanx x 1 000 000 to MwoF for choosing such an excellent character to Ultimize!

I hate to be presumptuous (the way many professional comic writers often do, when hyping their advance work), but I think a lot of fans of the original 616 characters will be pissed off by how I treated the White Tigers, but I figured, Angela is only just starting to become active in 'mainstream' continuity; I might as well do a drastically different take on the same concept.

I managed to do away with all of the amulet nonsense. It just barely manages to work in 616, but I decided it would be best to just disregard it in my version.

Hope others appreciate my effort, especially when voting begins! *hint, hint*
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In addition to his own post, he also posted an off-topic comment about sjmole's entry, which has since been deleted already.

That is what MwoF wanted to remove, not Gamma Man's story idea.

Just thought I'd clear that up, before it causes any more confusion.

Shhhhhhhh it'll eliminate a rival entry. :lol:

Stupid compuond, using the racial angle against us......:wink:
I know you're only kidding. But the thing is, as far as I can tell, the character/identity of White Tiger has always been intextricably linked to racial minority status. So I just attempted to run with that, in a more 'grounded' context, appropriate to the Ultimate Universe.

All of the other entries, so far, have made the White Tiger's race an 'issue', whether or not it plays a crucial role in the story.
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When does this round get shut down?
I say that regardless of when the round began, it should end on Monday at 11:59 EST (in this case, on November 27).

Votes should be PMed to you throughout Tuesday, November 28, until 11:59 EST.

You tally the votes on Wednesday morning, and annouce me as the winner. The next round then begins, as soon as the present winner selects a character.

I honestly thought ShaggyMarco stood a decent chance of winning, because his story felt "more Ultimate" than mine. More in tune with the sensibilities of the existing comics, I guess.

Anyway, I already have the next character in mind, so i'll start the thread very soon.

It will be somebody who has faced the Fantastic Four, the X-Men (most memorably, in the 90s animated series), and the Avengers (quite recently), so he can easily fit into any part of the Ultimate Universe that you choose to insert him. Plus, he's a grade-A bastard.
Awe shucks, Compound.

In retrospect, I think my submission may have been TOO Ultimate...and read a bit too much like Warriors or one of Bendis's other street-level arcs.

Admittedly, those are my favorite USM arcs.

I am really excited about this next one!

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