I liked the issue overall, but parts of it struck me as inconsistent with the military build up so far. Natasha was totally my first guess for the traitor. Although, I did float between her and Janet after that.
Okay, here is my s**t list:
-How could the countries attacking the United States amass such a massive army? An army like this would cost hundreds of billions of dollars and a massive, high tech, industrial infrastructure. They act like you can buy these suits at the gap. While most Arab countries have oil money, the ones labeled as threats by the US do not have massive reserves and they spend most of the money they have on massive socialization. Iran, for example, has oil, but not on the level of the other Arab countries, and they can't trade it as freely because of sanctions by the UN.
-How could they get past our conventional armed forces so quickly and effectively? Things like radar prevent a fleet of ships from just appearing in New York City. It's like they expect us to believe they were all in hiding in Brooklyn, and everyone just dropped their trench coats and attacked.
-What made them think that really tall men would be effective against anything but boulders and giant pickle jars?
-The thing with Hawkeye's codes reminded me of the Matrix and the codes to the Zion mainframe, like they're the keys to the kingdom.
-Jarvis dead makes me sad.:cry: I was hoping for a last minute profession of love for Tony. I totally see Tony talking her out of killing him, and then snapping her neck.
-What was Hitch smoking when is thought up those invading ships? They're terrible. It's like they're giant blimps with weird a*s tails.
-Does anyone find it strange that a bunch of super soldiers were able to sneak up on a Hellicarrier and flip it over and crash it?
-Is that supposed to be Betty Ross in the tangerine suit, with the unspoken romance with Fury? Didn't the man serve with her FATHER.
-What is with Red Skull's Darth Maul lightsaber?(not an original statement, but I thought it too when I first read it and I totally agree.) He better use it in a really cool way or have some really cool history for it.
-Does Red Skull strike anyone else as Arab?(I'm not trying to be racist, but that's how I read him.)
-Red Skull holding the camcorder takes away from the seriousness of the last page for me. Speaking of which, does anyone know who the other people on the last page are?
Now the stuff I liked:
-Being betrayed by your fiancé named Black Widow and not seeing it coming. Only geniuses can be this stupid.
-Dead giant men. I always hated those guys.
-Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch kicking a*s. Mutants rock!!!:rockon:
-One armed Fury. He's slowly turning into a black version of Anakin Skywalker. I see him getting a prosthetic arm, from Forge, equipped with a lightsaber now.(that was a joke, but man that would be cool)
-Abomination. I lost a bet on him, but I still love him. I see the Hulk, Colossus, and the Thing taking him on in an all out brawl. My bet is they tear him limb from limb and the Hulk eats most of him afterwards, while the rest of them video tape it as a reminder of why you should never f**k with the Hulk.