John Q. Public said:
Just read the issue. Guess we have George W. to blame for this.
Judging from the vast spectrum of speculation here, though, this issue answered virtually no questions and raised more than the whole series combined. Nobody saw Hawkeye die the previous issue, so it wasn't surprising he's alive. Nobody saw Stark die, so I can only assume he's not dead. Yeah, Loki and Thor said they were gods again, but I didn't see any confirmation from Odin. And what's up with the guy wearing Thor's tech?
I have no idea where this is going, other than the fact that we'll have a reasonable facsimile of the Ultimate Avengers by the time it's over. The core characters will rally and win--Cap, Thor, Iron Man, Wasp, probably Pym--but the whole anti-Ultimates as weapons of countries that can barely keep afloat without the U.S. economy seems lame.
This was a letdown because I think many people were hoping it would answer all the questions, when in fact it's just a transitional issue (and kind of a clunky, slapdash one) to the conclusion, which is going to be of a united Ultimate Avengers of familiar characters. And Joe Mad will outdraw Hitch's Wanda, with much more butt cleavage.