I'm on and off this site a lot, so feel free to count me as a noob if you like. With that said, I'd like to comment on this issue along with the clone saga in general.
I started reading spider-man during the original clone saga, so I don't have the seething hatred for it that a lot of people have. However, that doesn't have much to do with the ultimate saga, but I just wanted to state that I wasn't biased against the clone saga being ultimized as it I enjoyed it anyways. More likely I am biased for it.
Okay, another thing you guys may disagree/dislike me for is that in all honesty I don't care much for MJ. She IS a good character, they have good moments and it's not that she's done anything to particularly make me angry but I don't think they need to be together for USM to be good, I don't even think they're "destined" to be. I am sure many people thought Pete and Gwen were meant to be on issue 101 of amazing as well, and we seen how that panned out. I'm not saying they're not good for each other, just that I am opened to alternatives, ie, Kitty and so forth. That being said, I wasn't as angry when she was transformed, as a matter of fact I could care less. I have a feeling she won't last that way anyways. I'm pretty sure MJ has been changed once or twice in 616 and of course it won't remain. It can't remain. If it DID remain it would be utterly stupid. I feel her transforming in the clone saga wasn't necessary because there was enough going on anyways. We didn't need that.
At any rate, the other stuff in the issue wasn't that bad. I have been slowly disliking fury for a while now, in and out of USM. The FF showing up and backing peter up - and johnny even referring to him as a friend - I felt was a good touch. No idea what the heck was up with Richard... he seemed kind of moronic for a doctor, although it could have been shock.
I actually enjoyed the fight scene because I WANTED Peter to knock Furys lights out. I would have enjoyed that. I have been enjoying the clone saga, it has been better then the last few arcs, in my opinion. The last great arc to me was hollywood but this one wasn't that bad. The black costume, six armed spidey seemed like a throw away, and that was something else that could have been left out. I would have preferred to see Spidey fight ultimate kaine instead of that wasted fight scene.
So in the end, I enjoyed this issue enough to give it a 3/5. I am sorry if this angers some of you (And despite the fact I don't post a lot, i do lurk here often and respect your opinions) but it wasn't THAT bad. It wasn't UIM bad.