Ultimate Spiderman #101 discussion (Spoilers)

i had a chance to read this today,

like i've said before, as a single issue this made no sense what-so-ever as a spider man book, there are just so many things being thrown into the mix that you can't tell which one is starting and which one is ending...on the single issue side.

on a story level side, i thought it was good, it had a good plot. it had some good questions, it put a little bit of reality into the mix, cuz the way i look at were seeing only 5 mins. of a 30 min show, and now were going to break again. and all we have to judge is that 5mins. i might not agree with the 5 mins of what i saw, but i enjoyed it nother-the-less
I respect MwoF; ever since I first arrived and he put me in my rightful place. Maybe if everybody experienced something like that, the world wouldn't be like it is.
ok this book had alot going for it up until the last page then, bang bendis manages to screw it up

has any of these surprises not been guessed three month's before the actual issue is released?

i mean who didn't see MJ turning into a she-goblin coming as soon as "kaine" said he wants to make them colleagues


and why the he|| does MJ look more like a werewolf? why does it have a beard? i don't get it

tarantula pisses me off

but the rest of the books was great, it seems to have two stories going right now the first being "peter and the spider-slayers" and the second being "meet peters kuh-raaazy clones" the first being good and pretty entertaining, while the second is more cheesy than 7-11 nacho's

because this book was mostly about "peter and the spider-slayers" i'm giving it a 3.5/5
Am I the only one who thinks it's really stupid to ...

Going to someone elses board...
Post that they have lost their touch, aren't doing a good job, what they do isn't acceptable compared to normal standards - it's just badly done.
Get a response commenting on one aspect of it, where the creator - whose board it is, defends himself.
Get all pissed because he wasn't polite enough

I mean, basically, you went there to attack him on his board, and you get pissed because he isn't polite back? weird :)

That aside, this issue wasn't very good, I'd give it 1/5; Fury sucked, the spiderslayers were stupid, the MJ thing ... ok, it wasn't great, but whatever... maybe things will get resolved later, but as of now, this issue standing alone wasn't very good.
There's no excuse for Bendis being a total douche though. But Bendis answers for questions are ****. Like this one I heard that had to do with The illuminati meeting about the New Avengers being assembled. And Iron Man is sitting on a chair. Someone points out that, "wouldn't the chair break?" And bendis says, "You're funny." What the hell, granted that's a drawing issue and not writing but damn. What kind of answer is that. Someone should shine his head up real nice, turn a little to the left, and stick straight up his candy ***!!!!

I got two words.... *looks at SJMOLE*
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Am I the only one who thinks it's really stupid to ...

Going to someone elses board...
Post that they have lost their touch, aren't doing a good job, what they do isn't acceptable compared to normal standards - it's just badly done.
Get a response commenting on one aspect of it, where the creator - whose board it is, defends himself.
Get all pissed because he wasn't polite enough

I mean, basically, you went there to attack him on his board, and you get pissed because he isn't polite back? weird :)

Bendis is a professional and should act like one. Especially when dealing with fans who didn't enjoy a part of his work. Posting your dislikes of a book, or your worries that an author isn't doing as good a job as before, is far from attacking the author. I think that getting these two mixed up has caused boards to be run by the 'OMG THART WAS AWESONE' fanboys.

Bendis's reply wasn't defending himself, it was a snide comment towards on single part of DSF's post. He ignored all other criticisms, similar to the way modern political ads are all about how the other candidate sucks, without any mention of why their candidate is good. He acted more out of line than we did.
This issue should have been part of issue 100 because it didn't futher the storyline much at all from where I am sitting. Still good art though.
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Am I the only one who thinks it's really stupid to ...

Going to someone elses board...
Post that they have lost their touch, aren't doing a good job, what they do isn't acceptable compared to normal standards - it's just badly done.
Get a response commenting on one aspect of it, where the creator - whose board it is, defends himself.
Get all pissed because he wasn't polite enough

I mean, basically, you went there to attack him on his board, and you get pissed because he isn't polite back? weird :)

How do you qualify that as an attack? There's a distinct difference between constructive criticism and attacking someone.
Am I the only one who thinks it's really stupid to ...

Going to someone elses board...
Post that they have lost their touch, aren't doing a good job, what they do isn't acceptable compared to normal standards - it's just badly done.
Get a response commenting on one aspect of it, where the creator - whose board it is, defends himself.
Get all pissed because he wasn't polite enough

I mean, basically, you went there to attack him on his board, and you get pissed because he isn't polite back? weird :)

That aside, this issue wasn't very good, I'd give it 1/5; Fury sucked, the spiderslayers were stupid, the MJ thing ... ok, it wasn't great, but whatever... maybe things will get resolved later, but as of now, this issue standing alone wasn't very good.

Did you even READ DSF message? Attacking someone is one thing, telling that some aspects of the issue were bad and giving some constructive criticism is something else entirely.
Bendis was a douche, unprofessional jack***, as I watched him being since....well, since he started get all famous.
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well I never saw that board before so I got no idea how he usually acts, but ...

*smashes head against wall*

"Bendis, you're one of the best writers out there... ALIAS is one of my favorite series of all time, and I still love Powers! PLEASE bring this book back to what we all know you are capable of."

Those parts I found somewhat rude. Besides, he also said he didn't comment on the other parts because the story isn't done yet...

And sorry, but I don't get what is wrong with what he said at all ...

"i appreciatre that, so let me share with you a little writing lesson. the ff are introduced early in the story. spidey goes to them for help. they are involved in the story. that is the opposite of a Deus ex Machina.

the fact that you didn't expect them is called good plot construction"

Ok ... so basically he says .... (my interpretation)
- I appreciate your point, but I disagree.
- Let me explain here, a little writing lesson, deux ex machina is "A resolution to a plot problem that is too convenient for the writer and unbelievable to the audience".
- The FF intervenes, but they are allready quite heavily involved in the story since spidey went there for help.
- In fact, I am quite proud of the fact that no one saw that coming, I consider that good plot construction, and the opposite of deux ex machina.

So hey, I am not american, english isn't my native language, but this? I don't see how he is so rude at all really ... I mean, to me, he just explains his position on that issue - and he doesn't comment on the other at all. Basically, he is a creator interacting with fans of his work (and those that hate him and wish he'd stop ruining the series), and he just seems ... I guess, normal.

Much prefer that to the formal tone a lot of people use when talking in an official capacity, which basically means you know they are not bothering type out what they actually think.

ps: I guess, sure he was a bit rude, but the reaction on this board is way over the top ... in my opinion :) Not that it matters :)

edit: And I guess, for those flaming him, what you say about him on this board is worse, so why get all pissed about his relatively mild reseponse and complain about that - then go on posting things that are ten times worse.
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well I never saw that board before so I got no idea how he usually acts, but ...

*smashes head against wall*

"Bendis, you're one of the best writers out there... ALIAS is one of my favorite series of all time, and I still love Powers! PLEASE bring this book back to what we all know you are capable of."

Those parts I found somewhat rude. Besides, he also said he didn't comment on the other parts because the story isn't done yet...

And sorry, but I don't get what is wrong with what he said at all ...

"i appreciatre that, so let me share with you a little writing lesson. the ff are introduced early in the story. spidey goes to them for help. they are involved in the story. that is the opposite of a Deus ex Machina.

the fact that you didn't expect them is called good plot construction"

Ok ... so basically he says .... (my interpretation)
- I appreciate your point, but I disagree.
- Let me explain here, a little writing lesson, deux ex machina is "A resolution to a plot problem that is too convenient for the writer and unbelievable to the audience".
- The FF intervenes, but they are allready quite heavily involved in the story since spidey went there for help.
- In fact, I am quite proud of the fact that no one saw that coming, I consider that good plot construction, and the opposite of deux ex machina.

So hey, I am not american, english isn't my native language, but this? I don't see how he is so rude at all really ... I mean, to me, he just explains his position on that issue - and he doesn't comment on the other at all. Basically, he is a creator interacting with fans of his work (and those that hate him and wish he'd stop ruining the series), and he just seems ... I guess, normal.

Much prefer that to the formal tone a lot of people use when talking in an official capacity, which basically means you know they are not bothering type out what they actually think.

ps: I guess, sure he was a bit rude, but the reaction on this board is way over the top ... in my opinion :) Not that it matters :)

edit: And I guess, for those flaming him, what you say about him on this board is worse, so why get all pissed about his relatively mild reseponse and complain about that - then go on posting things that are ten times worse.

Bendis is showing off his "writting l337 skills" to DSF and basically saying that DSF shouldn't arguee with a "MASTER". Have you ever seen Liefeld response for his haters? He is the nicest person ever when talking to a hater. Bendis just do some of his "awesome" sarcastic responses so his fans tear appart what's left from the poster.
I hate Bendis, he is a bad writer, his dialogues are always the same, but at least I say what I don't like about him, It's not just hate, I don't go all "Bendis is teh worst he sucks lol!!!!one!!11"

VVD was right
I respect MwoF; ever since I first arrived and he put me in my rightful place. Maybe if everybody experienced something like that, the world wouldn't be like it is.

:twisted: That was my favoritist post ever. I don't remember the instance specifically but I do what I can. Thanks Taskmaster.


You're just wrong. It's pretty clear Bendis may have been monitoring the discussion and when Doc came on and used the term "Deux Ex Machina" he lost it and responded in a hot second. Making him totally vulnerable if not accompanied by his minions. His eaction was someone sarcastic and hot headed. I'm not one to talk because there was nothing civilized about my brutality on the site, but I was 1 vs an entire board so I can't be polite about who I'm taking out with me.

Now I'm pissed about SAVETHEB who responded a little too late and asked DSF to "please leave." I'll wait for his next ****ed up comment and let him know about.

I still don't think Bendis is the worst guy in the world... At the next convention, I'm getting these shirts made and Mine's going to have TheManWithoutFear on it. Might as well be a bullseye.

Why are we still fighting about this?

We're not fighting, just explaining.

Aebriol - if English isn't your native language then maybe it's just that you aren't picking up on the (perceived) attitude in the posts. Doc's post was totally complimentary. Bendis responded by talking down to him, like he knows all about good plot construction and Doc doesn't, so he's doing him a great favor by explaining it.

I can see how someone not quite as familiar with the language might not see that - I wouldn't if it was in Spanish or French.