Ultimate Spiderman #101 discussion (Spoilers)

Then we're doomed. USM will become hell and May will become Venom, and Fury will be a mutant whose power is to sweat a sticky glue like goo out of his armpits, and JJJ will become Tombstone.

And it will sell like crack with a handjob.
So yeah, I went to my LCS yesterday jsut looking around and I asked the clerk what he thought of Ultimate spiderman so far. He said it was the best so far that he's ever seen. Then everyone else starts jumping in at how random mj's mishap was and that it was pure bendis gold. I thought it was pure bendis gay, I called it bengay. I laughed a little and then lost some respect. i seriously think everyone here could be a comic shop guy and be successful at it because everyone at the shops I go to are morons. This isn't just one isolated incident either.

When I have time later, I'll start a new topic all together just off of the one douche that works at my lcs.
So I don't have the time or will to go back and quote everything that I've missed since 5pm yesterday....so let me just hit a few bullet points:

  • Kudos to DSF for calling Bendis out on his own board. But then Bendis replies back to your post solely---that's like getting spit on by Eric Clapton. You might've just ben spit on....but it's Eric F'n Clapton. So that's cool in its own right
  • I'd like to say I'd drop this title---but to be honest---I don't think any of us will. If anything I might just got to TPB only. I don't know just yet.
  • For the people who have a hard time understanding all the hate for screwing with MJ---it's for this reason---some things in comics are sacred. Superman will always love Lois. Captain America will always hate the Red Skull. Doom will rock....always. And you don't screw with eky supporting characters. MJ is one of them. Give her her own drama---yes. But don't give her powers, make her transform, etc. Peter will always have that craziness in his life. She and May are the only 2 things that ground him in reality and allow him to have a normal life. It's like having your girlfriend start hanging out with you and the guys. Regardless of how cool it might be---you keep those 2 worlds separate. It's just that simple.

And I'm spent.....
Then we're doomed. USM will become hell and May will become Venom, and Fury will be a mutant whose power is to sweat a sticky glue like goo out of his armpits, and JJJ will become Tombstone.

And it will sell like crack with a handjob.

I know it would lose at least one sale. I loved Amazing back in the day but I was perfectly willing to drop that once I realized how ****ty it was. I'm not THAT much of a completist.
So I don't have the time or will to go back and quote everything that I've missed since 5pm yesterday....so let me just hit a few bullet points:

  • Kudos to DSF for calling Bendis out on his own board. But then Bendis replies back to your post solely---that's like getting spit on by Eric Clapton. You might've just ben spit on....but it's Eric F'n Clapton. So that's cool in its own right
  • I'd like to say I'd drop this title---but to be honest---I don't think any of us will. If anything I might just got to TPB only. I don't know just yet.
  • For the people who have a hard time understanding all the hate for screwing with MJ---it's for this reason---some things in comics are sacred. Superman will always love Lois. Captain America will always hate the Red Skull. Doom will rock....always. And you don't screw with eky supporting characters. MJ is one of them. Give her her own drama---yes. But don't give her powers, make her transform, etc. Peter will always have that craziness in his life. She and May are the only 2 things that ground him in reality and allow him to have a normal life. It's like having your girlfriend start hanging out with you and the guys. Regardless of how cool it might be---you keep those 2 worlds separate. It's just that simple.

And I'm spent.....

Couldn't agree more. Doom has to rock in every possible universe he is introduced , aaaaaand MJ has to stay as MJ (well spider-girl was nice on "mangaverse" have to admit it) and you can't change it!!!!!

I was the Ultimate fanboy for USM so far.I could somehow accept everything like....
*Seeing carnage as a mindless symbiotic lifeform!
*Peter dating Shadowcat
*Scorpion as another Parker
*Mysterio as an actor
*Clones without personalities
So much crap and i could stand them somehow, i always felt USM was gonna get better.

But this is it , this is where they cross the line , this is where i really should stop reading USM (but we all know i won't be able to do it)
*Sue Storm looking exactly like Gwen (allright that's not totally bendis)
*Teenager Reed writing stuff on a notebook while fighting carnage!!!
CARNAGE can't be that weak!!
*MJ looking exactly like a wolf (gawd! not even a gobliN!!!!)
*Fury counting on tinkerer (like he cant afford someone better)
*AND SIMPLY!!! seeing peter this helpless , this useless on his own topic!!!
Okay now its time for my rant on the core concept of character. There are things that shouldn't be messed with. Spider-man is essentially about a NORMAL kid getting spider powers. I ephasize NORMAL for a reason. Joe Q whines a complain about how marrage ruin characters and takes away from its readers, well how about fathers who fake their death to work for the CIA and make clones of his son that his girl friend into a she wolf? No one has a family history like that. Peter should have two lives, normal everyday one that relates to use "normal" people and a superheor one. The focus on Spider-man should be the balance of the two. He can have drama in his homelife and drama in his hero life but they should RARELY connect. You see when you always make it so the ones close to him are threaten or get involved in the hooha it cheapens the emotional effect. The UU was made to introduce new readers, how can you keep them when you make fan favorite villains into retard one shots and come up with ridiculus crap like this? Bendis sucks and need to get the boot from marvel
I thought it was pure bendis gay, I called it bengay.

For some reason that struck me as really funny. I love a good pun.

Anyways, I still think there is a way out of this mess, and I wouldn't be surprised if a dream sequence was used. It might seem like a sloppy cop-out, but it would be infinitely preferable to Ult. Sasquatch.
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So I don't have the time or will to go back and quote everything that I've missed since 5pm yesterday....so let me just hit a few bullet points:

  • Kudos to DSF for calling Bendis out on his own board. But then Bendis replies back to your post solely---that's like getting spit on by Eric Clapton. You might've just ben spit on....but it's Eric F'n Clapton. So that's cool in its own right
  • I'd like to say I'd drop this title---but to be honest---I don't think any of us will. If anything I might just got to TPB only. I don't know just yet.
  • For the people who have a hard time understanding all the hate for screwing with MJ---it's for this reason---some things in comics are sacred. Superman will always love Lois. Captain America will always hate the Red Skull. Doom will rock....always. And you don't screw with eky supporting characters. MJ is one of them. Give her her own drama---yes. But don't give her powers, make her transform, etc. Peter will always have that craziness in his life. She and May are the only 2 things that ground him in reality and allow him to have a normal life. It's like having your girlfriend start hanging out with you and the guys. Regardless of how cool it might be---you keep those 2 worlds separate. It's just that simple.

And I'm spent.....

Other than that I agree with you.

For some reason that struck me as really funny. I love a good pun.

Anyways, I still think there is a way out of this mess, and I wouldn't be surprised if a dream sequence was used. It might seem like a sloppy cop-out, but it would be infinitely preferable to Ult. Sasquatch.

You know, for some reason. . .I'm interested in an Ultimate Alpha Flight now.
"good plot construction"




So...by making a Fantastic Four appearance to save the day...in a way that was not really explained...You...you have a good plot construction?

My brain is to small and weak to comprehend Bendis' writting. Because for everyone taht was a Deus Ex Machina (except him and his board).

And he finally destroyed MJ. I thought that was impossible.

Also, Bendis Ultimate Nick Fury = Tony Stark, amiright?

USM was the only Bendis comic I was buying. This issue just made it easy to drop USM.
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For some reason that struck me as really funny. I love a good pun.

Anyways, I still think there is a way out of this mess, and I wouldn't be surprised if a dream sequence was used. It might seem like a sloppy cop-out, but it would be infinitely preferable to Ult. Sasquatch.

Thank you!!! I'm glad SOMEONE sees my comedy genius.

But, I don't know. Ultimate Alpha Flight sounds extremely appeasing. maybe they'll jump in and help peter and then recruit MJ for the Team.
Well, just got done reading the issue. I can see how some of you are pissed off. I don't get the MJ thing either, it seems unnecessary, what's Peter going to do when both his potential former girlfriends turn into mindless killing machines? And why are all these mindless killing machines male instead of female?

The FF thing didn't bother me that much - yes, it's a Deus Ex Machina, but the FF expressed regret over turning Peter over to Fury a few issues ago, I'm not bothered by them showing up.

We'll see how the MJ thing turns out. It's gonna be interesting to see if Peter just accepts this new status-quo of his girlfriends being mindless monsters. It looks like he's going to do that with Carnage-Gwen, which is completely out of character. That's just bad writing, IMO. If Peter knew his "friend" would kill somebody, he'd take her out or turn her over to the authorities, not wait til she turned back to Gwen and then get worried about her.

Peter also wouldn't have gunned for Fury, he would have taken out Carnage first after he saw his Aunt taken care of.
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The only part of this issue that I enjoyed was naked Gwen.
Even the UFF part sucked. I mean, honestly, they weren't even written that well. I was half expecting Carnage to rip off one of Ben's scales.
Fury's role in this is starting to piss me off. If he ends up behind the clones, I will be beyond dissapointed. He isn't Bendis's character to alter- he's appears in EVERY DAMN ULTIMATE BOOK.
That said, his actions may have made more sense if Bendis had written better dialouge this issue. Or if he hadn't had an entire damn S.H.I.E.L.D. heli-thing (those weren't helicarriers) armada above Queens.

And Ultimate 'Mary Jane.' That may be one of the largest rip-offs of any series I have ever seen. I have no idea how anyone could see promise in this scenario, after USM has enjoyed so much success because of its focus on Peter Parker as a teenager.

This is all just the horrible effects of everyone's strange addiction to 'changing the status quo.' Honestly, this is rediculous.
The FF thing didn't bother me that much - yes, it's a Deus Ex Machina, but the FF expressed regret over turning Peter over to Fury a few issues ago, I'm not bothered by them showing up.

Well the problem with the FF showing up is because for the past 20 issues Peter has not been able to handle one friggin arc by himself, he's always getting bailed out by someone else. As mentioned earlier one of the best arcs is when Peter first goes up against the Kingpin, first he is beaten than he uses his head and overcomes. But noe hes is constantly beaten and saved by someone else
Can't argue with you there, that's a disturbing trend I've noticed over the last few arcs as well. It didn't bother me here in this instance, because it redeems the FF in my eyes since they betrayed Peter by turning it over to Fury to begin with. But as far as Peter's helplessness goes, yes, he's needed help with pretty much everything for the last 40 issues or so.
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Couldn't agree more. Doom has to rock in every possible universe he is introduced , aaaaaand MJ has to stay as MJ (well spider-girl was nice on "mangaverse" have to admit it) and you can't change it!!!!!

I was the Ultimate fanboy for USM so far.I could somehow accept everything like....
*Seeing carnage as a mindless symbiotic lifeform!
*Peter dating Shadowcat
*Scorpion as another Parker
*Mysterio as an actor
*Clones without personalities
So much crap and i could stand them somehow, i always felt USM was gonna get better.

But this is it , this is where they cross the line , this is where i really should stop reading USM (but we all know i won't be able to do it)
*Sue Storm looking exactly like Gwen (allright that's not totally bendis)
*Teenager Reed writing stuff on a notebook while fighting carnage!!!
CARNAGE can't be that weak!!
*MJ looking exactly like a wolf (gawd! not even a gobliN!!!!)
*Fury counting on tinkerer (like he cant afford someone better)
*AND SIMPLY!!! seeing peter this helpless , this useless on his own topic!!!

yeah you need to find better reasons
Wasn't Reed wrestling with Carnage when Carnage got blasted by all the Spider-Slayers? Why wasn't he hurt?

On a side note, when did Peter's spider-sense just miraculously turn off? In 616 he's notoriously good at dodging anything that comes out of a gun. Beams, bullets, it doesn't matter. In this one, he gets shot like what, 3 times in a row? Jeez. :roll:
Wasn't Reed wrestling with Carnage when Carnage got blasted by all the Spider-Slayers? Why wasn't he hurt?

On a side note, when did Peter's spider-sense just miraculously turn off? In 616 he's notoriously good at dodging anything that comes out of a gun. Beams, bullets, it doesn't matter. In this one, he gets shot like what, 3 times in a row? Jeez. :roll:

Its not as presise in the UU. Sometimes it warns him and he has no idea what the threat it