Ultimate Marvel Timeline / Chronology (v. 3.0)

I knew I had, just not in a long time...mainly I didn't remember it. But I actually got a copy the other day of Wizard #180 from my buddy, so I was able to place it firmly on the timeline. It should work out perfectly in terms of placement, given both Captain America's lack of a skull top and Iron Man being blown in half placing it sometime after the fight with Galactus, but before they take off into space at the end of Marvel Zombies #5. So, there's a mid break in Marvel Zombies #4, where its specifically mentioned by Spidey or Cage they've been there for 3 days, meaning Magneto's death occurred 3 days previously. It seems like the likliest place for it.

Some might argure on even including it in the timeline, but I have to view the Marvel Zombies series' over the top black humor as a specific reason to include it (this is the same reason I believe the upcoming Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness should be included). It does fit into continuity, after all.
Yeah, I say put it in there. It doesn't contradict anything and it's even drawn by the regular artist!

Of course, I'd still keep Ultimate Marvel Team-Up 9 in there, so that's about where I stand.

I think if you ignore almost everything that happened in it and boil it down to the basic story of Peter goes to the Baxter building (completely logical for an advanced student to be sent there), some aliens (not Skrulls) escape from the N-Zone (which they can access from the Baxter Building after all), Spider-Man and the FF team up to fight them and send them back. It works for me.

I'd also put Ultimate Six before Cats and Kings. It doesn't matter to me what the creators or Marvel say, it's what the story says that counts. And since Cats and Kings starts with MJ listing the Ultimates as knowing Peter's ID (not just Fury, the Ultimates) which they would have learned in Six, as well as other evidence (Electro's Kingpin line, mainly).

Creators come and go, the stories will always be there.
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Yeah, I say put it in there. It doesn't contradict anything and it's even drawn by the regular artist!

Of course, I'd still keep Ultimate Marvel Team-Up 9 in there, so that's about where I stand.

I think if you ignore almost everything that happened in it and boil it down to the basic story of Peter goes to the Baxter building (completely logical for an advanced student to be sent there), some aliens (not Skrulls) escape from the N-Zone (which they can access from the Baxter Building after all), Spider-Man and the FF team up to fight them and send them back. It works for me.

Yeah, but then you're ignoring almost all the story. Besides, it really wouldn't fit into continuity considering the N-zone experiments hadn't been revived until UFF #14...this issue would've had to take place earlier on. Besides, despite it being all about the story, the writer also stated it was never meant to be included in Ultimate continuity...its an Ultimate "Elseworlds" story, if you will. It doesn't belong in regular continuity.

I'd also put Ultimate Six before Cats and Kings. It doesn't matter to me what the creators or Marvel say, it's what the story says that counts. And since Cats and Kings starts with MJ listing the Ultimates as knowing Peter's ID (not just Fury, the Ultimates) which they would have learned in Six, as well as other evidence (Electro's Kingpin line, mainly).

That I agree with, and have from the start. I originally had it organized as you mentioned, but changed it to its current positions after Stuart (who helped write the Ultimate Handbooks) came on the site and told me that Ultimate Six was indeed meant to take place after Cats & Kings.

As for Electro's line, it has to be assumed he just wasn't aware Kingpin was back in the country yet...
Updated for USM #103.

But the handbooks also have a messed up placement for USM 1/2 and that's deservedly ignored.

Maybe. Any inconsistincies can be chalked up to the writers/editors just not paying attention. But as it stands now, the USM #1/2 issues stand where they are.

Ultimate continuity is a real *****, sometimes.

Updated for Ultimate Power #3 and Ultimate Fantastic Four #37.

The Ultimate Power series' placement is still bothering me, given Fury's line in the first issue about the Gah Lak Tus incident and Hulk escaping that year (placing it in 2004...maybe early 2005). However, this causes a timeline discontinuity between the Squadron universe timeline (firmly placed in 2006 at this point) and the Ultimate universe (which is, by all evidence, still in 2004, maybe early 2005, as I said). This I can accept, as being explained by some sort of time travel on the Squadron's part, in addition to the dimensional teleporation. But, I can't accept timeline discrepancies (at least that large) within the same universe (though there are admittedly quite a few in the Ultimate universe already). So, like I said previously, we'll have to wait and see if Ultimates 3 (which looks like it might be a long wait) and the future issues of Ultimate Power help explain some of this.
Updated for Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #1. So far, this series appears to take place sometime after Squadron Supreme #8 (this is assumed since its not out yet, but #7 ends on a cliffhanger which will undoubtedly lead directly into #8). Its probably taking place before Ultimate Power, but Nighthawk debuts a new costume in the first issue, so we'll have to wait and see if that causes any discrepancies.
holy crap, Irish, i just noticed you say SS#8's not coming till may?! where'd you get that info? is hyperion vs nighthawk supposed to replace the series until then?
holy crap, Irish, i just noticed you say SS#8's not coming till may?! where'd you get that info? is hyperion vs nighthawk supposed to replace the series until then?

Yup. Originally, Squadron Supreme #8 was scheduled for October, 2006. I'm not sure why, but it was delayed indefinitly, then canceled and scheduled to be resolicited at a later date. The Hyperion vs. Nighthawk series is indeed replacing the regular monthly. I'm not even sure if #8 will indeed be out in May, but it seems like a pretty safe bet (after all, it isn't the Ultimates). I figure with the 6 month stretch between its scheduled date, and the ending of the Hyperion vs. Nighthawk mini, it should be out in May. Thats only tentative, mind, so we'll have to wait and see when the damn thing eventually ships.
Hey Irish, great job and all that: you made me revisit all my books for the second time. But one thing I'm hazy on: wasn't General Ross on Weapon X before he was in charge of the Baxter Building? Or was he in charge of both? I'm confused!
Hey Irish, great job and all that: you made me revisit all my books for the second time. But one thing I'm hazy on: wasn't General Ross on Weapon X before he was in charge of the Baxter Building? Or was he in charge of both? I'm confused!

I assume he could do both, being the uber-general he was.
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They really should have coordinated this stuff more (and by that I mean the head honchos at Ultimate). There's already talk of the Ultimates and the Triskelion in the first two arcs of the FF, which are both chronologically prior to the formation of the Ultimates as a government task force..
Hey Irish, great job and all that: you made me revisit all my books for the second time. But one thing I'm hazy on: wasn't General Ross on Weapon X before he was in charge of the Baxter Building? Or was he in charge of both? I'm confused!

Pretty much that he's in charge of both. Millar firmly established that the Ultimate FF got their powers before Spider-Man, and before the Ultimates or Ultimate X-Men formed. Its even backed up by Reed's mention in UFF #21, and in that titles chronological relation to the other titles. Hence, Ross was obviously in charge of both. He was the head of SHIELD at that point, after all, with Fury his next-in-command. During the Weapon X arc in UXM, he was supposedly killed in the explosion orchestrated by Wraith. Yet not long after, he shows up in UFF #13 (or maybe #14, not sure specifically) alive and well--though its mentioned he almost died, in direct reference to the UXM Weapon X arc. So he was obviously out of comission for a little while, or maybe it could be argued SHIELD kept his survival of the explosion a secret to prevent any further attacks on him while he recovered. During that time, Fury took control of SHIELD, and started to for the Ultimates. Ross got better, and apparently took a position at the Baxter Building.

I assume he could do both, being the uber-general he was.

I'm pretty sure he's still a General, though maybe not an uber-General.

They really should have coordinated this stuff more (and by that I mean the head honchos at Ultimate). There's already talk of the Ultimates and the Triskelion in the first two arcs of the FF, which are both chronologically prior to the formation of the Ultimates as a government task force..

Exactly. And the FF are specifically mentioned in the second issue of Ultimates during the conversation between Fury and Banner. So it can go either way in terms of that, either way there's a screw-up. However, due to other evidence, it seems it makes the most sense to place the early issues of UFF before the other titles, based on Millar's statements, and actual references in the title of how much time has passed.

This timeline can't eliminate ALL the mistakes, but as much as possible it places events in a chronological order. There are always going to be discrepancies, unfortunately.
Wasn't it mentioned somewhere that the Ultimates mentioned in UF4 wasn't the Ultimates that we all know and love but a team prior to that one?

Yeah, I recall bringing that up a long time ago. It was a dangling plot idea that was never played with.
I just like to assume that the FF were made aware of, and probably offered a spot on, the Ultimates team while it was being formed. So their reference was while they were fighting the Mole Man's monster and Ben said something like "Let's get the Ultimates to fight it" or something. It makes sense (to me) for that to be the explanation.
I just like to assume that the FF were made aware of, and probably offered a spot on, the Ultimates team while it was being formed. So their reference was while they were fighting the Mole Man's monster and Ben said something like "Let's get the Ultimates to fight it" or something. It makes sense (to me) for that to be the explanation.

Never thought of it that way, but it makes sense to me as well. After all, I have the FF getting their powers in 2002 on the timeline. The end of Ultimates #1 I have picking up at the end of 2002, and Tony mentions a meeting with Nick Fury (obviously alluding to the forming of the team). However, it should be noted that the Ultimates didn't get the full go-ahead until after Ross' "supposed" death during the Weapon X arc. This is what caused Fury to become a General and head of SHIELD, and thereby allow him to get the ball officially rolling on the Ultimates program. I figure Fury could've still been fielding applicants for the team for awhile before it actually formed, which works with your theory, Joe.
Updated the release dates list with April's solicitations, and incorporated any of those changes into the timeline. Look for a new update tomorrow with the release of UXM #78 and USM #104.

Don't you mean Thursday?? Monday was a fed. Holiday. Maybe if you get a little help from someone like Proj. or Caduceus, who don't live in the U.S. maybe. But...