Ultimate Marvel Timeline / Chronology (v. 3.0)

The Triskelion being intact is a big boo-boo, but perhaps its rebuilt by SHIELD after the invasion of America by the Liberators.
I would say that that is likely to happen. I mean if the Pentagon was blown up don't you think that it would be rebuilt? It's just not a building for the government, it's an icon, a symbol of America's defense.
Yah, know for a long time the placement of Ultimate X4 has really bothered me. As you know I have been re-reading the whole thing from time, to time when they were cutting hours at my last job and I didn't feel like going out. And no matter how many times I've read it it feels wrong.

First off, it sounds like the X-Men and the Fantastic Four meet for the first time in this story. But during the President Thor arc. we see Kitty and Jean working with Sue. Secondly we do hear Kitty tell Johnny that she is seeing someone. Of course you think Peter Parker, but then I think. Its not like every woman in the history of the world has never said, I'm seeing someone. Just so they can get a guy thats hanging on them, to leave them alone. (I sure TGO and back me up on this) Is it possible that this story took place earlier?

Its possible, of course. But then again, even though Kitty previously worked with the FF (or just Sue and Dr. Storm more accurately), that doesn't mean this story can't some afterward. I'd have to go back and re-read it to be sure, but I don't recall Kitty saying anything (or anyone else for that matter) that made it seem as if they weren't at least aware of the other's existence, etc. Kitty alone isn't the whole of the X-Men of course. Besides, I'm pretty sure in the solicit it was mentioned this took place after the Magnetic North arc in UXM. I could be mistaken, but for some reason that stood out in my mind. If you can find some more concrete evidence for why it shouldn't be placed there I'll change it, but in the meantime I'm gonna leave it as is.

I would say that that is likely to happen. I mean if the Pentagon was blown up don't you think that it would be rebuilt? It's just not a building for the government, it's an icon, a symbol of America's defense.

Agreed. I just don't want to be overly presumptuous.
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Updated for Ultimate Vision #1.

the watcher said:
Yah, know for a long time the placement of Ultimate X4 has really bothered me. As you know I have been re-reading the whole thing from time, to time when they were cutting hours at my last job and I didn't feel like going out. And no matter how many times I've read it it feels wrong.

First off, it sounds like the X-Men and the Fantastic Four meet for the first time in this story. But during the President Thor arc. we see Kitty and Jean working with Sue.

This is true. However, the only ones who should be familiar in Ultimate X4 are Kitty and Sue. I still haven't had a chance to go back and re-read it, but I was pretty sure there was no mention of them meeting before. This, however, can just be chalked up to the heat of the moment and it not mattering at the time. Besides, there's more evidence that its placement is correct. It shipped perfectly with the ending of Magnetic North and the beginning of Date night in UXM. This is a strong indicator it takes place there. In terms of plot evidence, theres no indicator of when exactly it takes place in terms of the X-Men's timeline, but in terms of the FF's it must occur at least sometime after the Think Tank arc.

Secondly we do hear Kitty tell Johnny that she is seeing someone. Of course you think Peter Parker, but then I think. Its not like every woman in the history of the world has never said, I'm seeing someone. Just so they can get a guy thats hanging on them, to leave them alone. (I sure TGO and back me up on this) Is it possible that this story took place earlier?
the watcher said:
Yah, know for a long time the placement of Ultimate X4 has really bothered me. As you know I have been re-reading the whole thing from time, to time when they were cutting hours at my last job and I didn't feel like going out. And no matter how many times I've read it it feels wrong.

First off, it sounds like the X-Men and the Fantastic Four meet for the first time in this story. But during the President Thor arc. we see Kitty and Jean working with Sue. Secondly we do hear Kitty tell Johnny that she is seeing someone. Of course you think Peter Parker, but then I think. Its not like every woman in the history of the world has never said, I'm seeing someone. Just so they can get a guy thats hanging on them, to leave them alone. (I sure TGO and back me up on this) Is it possible that this story took place earlier?

Ok, I finally had a chance to go back and re-read these two issues, and I can say without a doubt that where I have it on the timeline is the correct placement. I'm honestly surprised you forgot or ignored the obvious clues for when this occurs in the timeline:

First of all, its mentioned by Rhona that she didn't think Kitty and Iceman were "an item anymore"...which they weren't after the Magnetic North arc. Secondly, its mentioned a couple times that Xavier just recently or will soon lose his SHIELD priveliges due to a falling out between the two...which happened in Magnetic North. Its evenly specifically mentioned by Wolverine it was due to "the whole Polaris mess". All these clues point to this taking place very soon after the Magnetic North arc. And it must occur sometime before the Date Night, Phoenix?, and Magical arcs, as well as the UXM Annual #2, since Elliott is nowhere to be seen or heard, and Nightcrawler isn't locked in the medical wing.

No doubt about it, it occurs between Magnetic North and Date Night. Read it again...if it doesn't make sense this time, I don't know what to tell you.
One more piece of evidence, check the last page of the second issue, it looks like that might be Sabretooth following the car Wolverine is driving, leading up to their encounter in Date Night.
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If Ultimate War is after the issue "The Experts" why are Scarlett Witch and Quicksilver reintroduced in Ultimate War?
Updated for Ultimate Vision #0 and Ultimate Power #2.

I had to go ahead and place Ultimate Power after Ultimates 2, both due to the mention of Hulk being on the loose (I assume he escapes again after Ultimates 2), and the fact that Ant-Man/Pym is an active member of the team again (as well as Thor). Of course, this fits in with Loeb's mention that Ultimate Power would occur between Ultimates 3 and 4. I'm not sure if that'll hold up, but we'll see.

The Triskelion being intact is a big boo-boo, but perhaps its rebuilt by SHIELD after the invasion of America by the Liberators. We'll have to keep watching future issues of Ultimate Power to see if this is cleared up any by Loeb or Straczynski, though I doubt it will be. Like I said, hopefully U2 #13 gives us some answers pertaining to this, though I wouldn't hold my breath on having it all make sense.

I don't think Ultimate Power is too far off Ultimates 2. Reason, the X-Men roster that shows up to save Kitty pretty much seems to be ones before the Cable arc, sans Colossus and Professor X. Kitty is also contemplating leaving the X-Men during the Cable arc, but that is vague as it is possible that she may change her mind.

I also agree that it is highly likely that USM and UXM. Kitty and Spidey's relationship is not mentioned at all in "Cable", probably to keep Kirkman from spoiling (or screwing up) the future outcome of the couple's relationship post-Clone Saga.
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If Ultimate War is after the issue "The Experts" why are Scarlett Witch and Quicksilver reintroduced in Ultimate War?

They're not reintroduced, really. I assume its more to do with their positions and backstory being made clear to new readers.

There's no doubt that Ultimate War occurs after the conclusion of the Ultimates, however.

I don't think Ultimate Power is too far off Ultimates 2. Reason, the X-Men roster that shows up to save Kitty pretty much seems to be ones before the Cable arc, sans Colossus and Professor X. Kitty is also contemplating leaving the X-Men during the Cable arc, but that is vague as it is possible that she may change her mind.

Could be, we'll see. Of course, the appearance of Ant-Man firmly places it at least some time after Ultimates 2. Whether or not its Hank Pym is still up in the air (if it is Pym, it'll probably cause a whole slew of continuity screw-ups). If its a different person using the Ant-Man technology (Ultimate Scott Lang, maybe), then it works out fine. But its still after Ultimates 2, no matter what. And according to Loeb, Ultimate Power falls between Ultimates 3 and 4. Its impossible right now to see if that statement is correct, but I have to use that info as its the most obvious placement info we have so far on UP.

I also agree that it is highly likely that USM and UXM.

Whats highly likely? Not sure what you mean there.

Kitty and Spidey's relationship is not mentioned at all in "Cable", probably to keep Kirkman from spoiling (or screwing up) the future outcome of the couple's relationship post-Clone Saga.

That doesn't necessarily mean anything. Again, for the time being we have to wait to see if any info pertaining to its placement is featured in an upcoming issue...
Could be, we'll see. Of course, the appearance of Ant-Man firmly places it at least some time after Ultimates 2. Whether or not its Hank Pym is still up in the air (if it is Pym, it'll probably cause a whole slew of continuity screw-ups). If its a different person using the Ant-Man technology (Ultimate Scott Lang, maybe), then it works out fine. But its still after Ultimates 2, no matter what. And according to Loeb, Ultimate Power falls between Ultimates 3 and 4. Its impossible right now to see if that statement is correct, but I have to use that info as its the most obvious placement info we have so far on UP.

I'm fairly certain Loeb knows what he's talking about with the placement, as he's writing Ultimate Power and Ultimates, but most of the evidence in the first two issues seem to point to the placement being sometime in the middle of Ultimates 2. We know the X-Men are already near the end of Ultimaes 2 in UXM, so if this takes place before Cable, then it's probably after Ultimates 2 6.

It's possible Hank was just visiting the Triskelion when the attack occured so he powered up into his Ant-Man suit and is just helping out at the moment.

Anyway, there's no way to know until it's over, so any speculation is just making me angry, really. I can't believe how frustrating something I was looking forward to so much could end up.
I'm fairly certain Loeb knows what he's talking about with the placement, as he's writing Ultimate Power and Ultimates, but most of the evidence in the first two issues seem to point to the placement being sometime in the middle of Ultimates 2. We know the X-Men are already near the end of Ultimaes 2 in UXM, so if this takes place before Cable, then it's probably after Ultimates 2 6.

Good points. And the X-Men are definitly after the conclusion of Ultimates 2, not just near the end. The beginning of the Cable arc, featuring Wolverine and Storm practicing in the Danger Room against holograms of the Liberators--even calling them by their names and being somewhat familiar with their powers and abilities--really can't be taken any other way. The next few issues of UXM are supposed to shake up and change the team in profound ways according to interviews with Kirkman, so maybe then we'll have a more firm placement for UP in relation to UXM and the other titles.

It's possible Hank was just visiting the Triskelion when the attack occured so he powered up into his Ant-Man suit and is just helping out at the moment.

Could be. I'd just hate to see that be the case considering Fury turned all his offers down previously (during Ultimates 2), especially the Vision and Ultron robots. Its even possible he somehow does manage to get back under SHIELD and Fury's good graces in the end of Ultimates 2, or during Ultimates 3, and ends up back on the team. And if this story really does take place then, it should work out. Of course, I have a hard time believing Peter is still with Kitty at that point.

Anyway, there's no way to know until it's over, so any speculation is just making me angry, really. I can't believe how frustrating something I was looking forward to so much could end up.

Just relax. Be patient. The answers will come...or more likely HUGE continuity discrepancies which will piss you (and I) off even more will be the case.

Oh, well.
ATTENTION: If you own a Nintendo DS and have played Spider-Man: Battle For New York, please read:

I'm looking for some help from anyone who has played the Nintendo DS game Spider-Man: Battle For New York. There just seems to be too much evidence that it can be considered canonical, so I'd like to include it firmly in the timeline. But, as I haven't gotten around to buying a DS yet, I haven't had a chance to play it. I will eventually, but I wanted to get a more firm placement established for the timeline sooner than that. So, if you have a DS, have played the game, and can give me any info on timeline pointers in the game (stuff like Peter still dating MJ, the Goblin escaping from SHIELD, Kingping being back in the country, etc). Its those few facts I've gotten from people who've played the game that led me to place it where it currently is (just before the USM Cats & Kings arc and Ultimate Six). I'm just looking for anymore placement info that might have been featured in the game, stuff like level breakdowns, level numbers and or names (if they have it, as USM game did), enemies fought, side characters in the games, etc...it would be very much appreciated.
Good points. And the X-Men are definitly after the conclusion of Ultimates 2, not just near the end. The beginning of the Cable arc, featuring Wolverine and Storm practicing in the Danger Room against holograms of the Liberators--even calling them by their names and being somewhat familiar with their powers and abilities--really can't be taken any other way. The next few issues of UXM are supposed to shake up and change the team in profound ways according to interviews with Kirkman, so maybe then we'll have a more firm placement for UP in relation to UXM and the other titles.

I guess you're probably right about UXM taking place after U2. I just figured maybe they saw the Liberators on the news or something and created holograms of them. I haven't read either the UXM or U2 issues a second time yet to be sure.

I was just really hoping for a scene or a mention at least of being taken captive during Grand Theft America. I'd like all three series to reference it at some point not just to give us firm continuity placement, but because it seems like kind of a big deal for them to ignore.
ATTENTION: If you own a Nintendo DS and have played Spider-Man: Battle For New York, please read:

I'm looking for some help from anyone who has played the Nintendo DS game Spider-Man: Battle For New York. There just seems to be too much evidence that it can be considered canonical, so I'd like to include it firmly in the timeline. But, as I haven't gotten around to buying a DS yet, I haven't had a chance to play it. I will eventually, but I wanted to get a more firm placement established for the timeline sooner than that. So, if you have a DS, have played the game, and can give me any info on timeline pointers in the game (stuff like Peter still dating MJ, the Goblin escaping from SHIELD, Kingping being back in the country, etc). Its those few facts I've gotten from people who've played the game that led me to place it where it currently is (just before the USM Cats & Kings arc and Ultimate Six). I'm just looking for anymore placement info that might have been featured in the game, stuff like level breakdowns, level numbers and or names (if they have it, as USM game did), enemies fought, side characters in the games, etc...it would be very much appreciated.

I'm planning on getting this game as soon as I get a chance (most likely this week). I'll let you know........
I guess you're probably right about UXM taking place after U2. I just figured maybe they saw the Liberators on the news or something and created holograms of them. I haven't read either the UXM or U2 issues a second time yet to be sure.

I was just really hoping for a scene or a mention at least of being taken captive during Grand Theft America. I'd like all three series to reference it at some point not just to give us firm continuity placement, but because it seems like kind of a big deal for them to ignore.

Completely agreed. Unfortunately, at least for UXM, that seems to be the only reference. There's been none in UFF so far, and in the USM Annual #2 we just saw a small reference on a TV screen in the background, which really doesn't count as a timeline reference so much as an Easter egg.

I'm planning on getting this game as soon as I get a chance (most likely this week). I'll let you know........

It'd be much appreciated. I keep meaning to pick up a DS, but I always either forget or something comes up. With the holidays in a few weeks, most of my extra cash is going towards gifts, as well as saving some for a trip to north Georgia with my girlfriend in January. I'll be able to pick one up after that, and then play this game (as well as Metroid Prime - Hunters, which I've been waiting to play for a long time). I just wanted to get some more reliable and specific info for this games placement before then. Anyway, let me know, either PM me or post the info here. Thanks, DG.
Actually, I know it probably won't happen, but I'd like to see the Liberators' invasion be the focus of the next annuals. They could show what happened with Spider-Man, the X-Men and the Fantastic Four, with maybe the Ultimates annual featuring Daredevil and Hawk-Owl and everyone else maybe. It could be like an old fashioned Annual cross-over, like in the 80's and 90's with the characters in a prison camp, escaping and maybe foiling some important part of Loki's plot that we haven't seen yet.
Actually, I know it probably won't happen, but I'd like to see the Liberators' invasion be the focus of the next annuals. They could show what happened with Spider-Man, the X-Men and the Fantastic Four, with maybe the Ultimates annual featuring Daredevil and Hawk-Owl and everyone else maybe. It could be like an old fashioned Annual cross-over, like in the 80's and 90's with the characters in a prison camp, escaping and maybe foiling some important part of Loki's plot that we haven't seen yet.

I'd like to see that also, only because the invasion of America is such a huge plot-line, it deserves to at least be mentioned (or even better, as you mentioned, form the basis for the story of the next Annuals).

However, if I had to guess, assuming Loeb and Mad's Ultimates 3 isn't extremely late, I'd wager the next Ultimates Annual (#3) would take place in between Ultimates 3 and 4. The USM, UXM, and even UFF Annuals could still focus on the invasion of America.

I also updated for the March, 2007 Ultimate comics releases.
Added some tentative placements for the upcoming Marvel Zombies books.

Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness is being advertised as a 5 issue mini crossing over Dynamites AoD comics with the Marvel Zombies universe. Apparently Ash is transported to the Marvel Zombie-dimension and plays an unintentional and integral role in terms of how the Zombie infection spreads.

Now, normally, I wouldn't be hyped about including an inter-company crossover. But, because the Zombie verse is an offshoot of the Ultimate universe, I don't mind its inclusion. Had it happened within the Ultimate universe, it would have been a different story. Besides, this story will apparently tie directly into...

Marvel Zombies - Dead Days, the prequel to Marvel Zombies (and which will overlap with the Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness mini), was also added. It will focus on what heroes got the virus and how.
Updated for UXM #77.

Also included the Marvel Zombies back up story "Eat the Neighbors" from Wizard #180. I'm still working on its permanent placement in relation to the rest of the Zombies stories, as I haven't read it yet...I'm getting a copy of that Wizard from my buddy later on this week, so then I'll have a permanent placement for it.
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