Re: Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 2 (Discussion/Spoilers)
Um...I haven't read the issue yet so I can't be sure of the specifics, but in terms of Gwen knowing about the Avengers, couldn't Peter have told her? I mean, they are dating, and he is Spider-Man, and has been privy not only to the inner workings of SHIELD and Fury through various run-ins with them. And there is that whole period of time where she was kept prisoner by SHIELD while she was Carnage. Its conceivable she found out through one of those sources. I don't see it as a huge continuity gaffe, at least at this point.
And -beardoms- could be right in terms of this hinting at whats to come (since it occurs 5-6 months after the first arc of Ultimate Avengers), though I think that might be giving Bendis too much credit in the continuity department.