Ultimate Central: The Fanfic Volume 3

Dr.Strangefate said:
Yeah, yeah...

But Dr. Strange still means Defenders

Yeah, since Goodwill is using Aeroth the dragon against you, maybe you could have a reserve team?
Last issue:

The Avatars teamed up with the E-Men to attack Slimjim and his death knights. Although they managed to destroy LongShotJimLee and Patriot, they were defeated. In the battle TheManWithoutFear, Caduceus and Ultimate Gambit appeared to be destroyed when a building collapsed on them due to an explosion created by Thee Great One.
After the attack, Slimjim retaliated by leading an army of undead soldiers against Washington, killing everyone in the state. After the attack the United Nations had no choice but to hand the world over to Slimjim.

The Avatars wake up in a concentration camp…


My name is Luis, but when I'm powered up they call me Icemastertron. 6 days ago I was met by Thee Great One who informed me that Slimjim had taken over the world. Thee Great One was the new general of Slimjims army, he says it's because he killed TheManWithoutFear, Caduceus and Ultimate Gambit in one blast. I find that hard to believe though, MWOF is a lot more resourceful then TGO gives him credit for. No way would he die by a collapsing building…

Maybe I can't believe it because I don't want to believe it…Maybe MWOF IS dead…

NO! He must be alive. He has to be. And he will come save us all and destroy Slimjim.

Aside from being the new general, Thee Great One is in charge of our camp. I hope Vaughn, Craig and Rene are here too. We need to find a way to escape! Although I have no idea how. I have a collar around my neck that stops me from using my ice powers, and the collar can explode if Thee Great One detonates it.

I walk throughout the camp, looking around. The amount of people here is way too much for the space we have. We're all assigned tasks during the day to keep these undead jerks happy. Every now and then the zombie guards will grab a few random people out of the crowd. We'd here screaming and can only imagine what is being done to them. My best guess would be that those unlucky people are being used as zombie food.

Everyday we get 2 meals. One in the morning and one at night. We have no idea what it is; it looks like a pale green mushy stew like substance. It tastes disgusting, but we no longer care about taste, all we care is that it stops the hunger.

I looked at the giant clock that sat up high on Thee Great Ones command tower, it was 11pm. Time for us to get our 7 hours of sleep. At 11:01pm the guards would come and punish anyone who wasn't in bed. I rushed to my tent, onto the hard floor and silently cried to myself.

"Please God," I prayed, "Please let MWOF be alive. Please save us from this nightmare. Save us from Slimjims evil rule."

Although I've already been here 13 days, my body is still aching from the beating I took at the hands of The Captain during our battle 2 weeks ago. 2 weeks? It seems so much longer then that…

My name is Craig, and I have the power to transform my body into a super strong, rocky…thing! Well, I did until they put this damn collar on me. It prevents me from accessing my powers, and worse, if I try doing anything that they don't want me doing, they can detonate it. So far I have been able to find Nurhachi, but haven't spotted Ice or Rene yet. I hope they're ok. We had already lost TheManWithoutFear in our last battle, along with our allies Caduceus and Ultimate Gambit. It was completely hopeless, Slimjim had beaten us and taken over the whole world.

I had hoped the Cabinet would be able to stop Slimjim, but I've seen a few Cabinet members around the camp so they must have all been caught by the death knights. They must have caught them by surprise, maybe using gas or attacking while they were sleeping. The death knights would never have been able to capture them otherwise.

I walked to nearby the command tower to meet up with Nurhachi. A lot of the time the zombies had no work for all of us, so we would just walk around doing nothing until we were asked to do something. I swear if I didn't have this damn collar on I'd rip them all apart.

I saw Vaughn waiting for me. We greeted each other and we did our usual ranting about the undead while looking for people we knew. I had found Vaughn only 3 days ago. We hadn't seen any sign of Icemastertron yet, we don't even know if he's in the same camp as us. We haven't seen Rene yet, but our camp commander, Thee Great One, told us he was put in solitary confinement because he attempted to escape and attacked the guards.

We have to get out of here, somehow, but there's no way…

It's hopeless…

We're going to be serving these zombies until we die….

Vaughn kept telling me that TheManWithoutFear would still be alive. That there is no way he would be killed by that collapsed building. That he would come save us.

He's a naïve idiot. MWOF is gone and we have no hope. Anger filled me as I thought of what the zombies had done…
And I was helpless to stop them…

All of a sudden, I spotted something that made me just a little bit happier. I prodded Vaughn and pointed….

My name is Vaughn, As Nurhachi; I'm with a super hero group called "The Avatars". I'm sure you all know the story by now, about the dead taking over the world. Well, we were stuck in a concentration camp, being used as slaves for these pricks!

I was walking throughout the camp with Craig; he was the only friend that I had found in this place. Ugh zombies, I used to love zombie stories but now that I'm in one, I'd be happy if I never saw another one again. They had taken over the whole world. How did we allow this to happen?

Im sure TheManWithoutFear, Tombo, will save us though. The idiots think he's dead, but I know he is still out there, and he will save us.

While walking through the camp, Craig got all excited and pointed something out to me, I looked what he was pointing at and gasped in surprise. It was Luis, our Avatar team mate who was also known as Icemastertron. We approached him excitedly and called out to him. He looked at us and gasped, and then ran and hugged us both, tears in his eyes.

"Oh man it's so good to see you guys", he said, "This is a nightmare!"

We talked to Luis for a while. He was very grateful to see us. He seemed so frightened and lost. He told us that he had been unconscious for the first 5 days of being here.

"We have to escape this place," he whispered, "We have to stop Slimjim. This is insane!"

"No we can't!" I told him, "Haven't you heard what happens when people try to escape?"

"What happens?" Ice asked.

'Well, the last time someone tried to escape they called for him to surrender over the loudspeaker," I told him, "If you surrender straight away, they kill you. But if you try to escape, they will not only capture and kill you, but they will kill 3 other people as well, as an example for others not too escape."

"That….that's horrible," he said, "how can they do that?"

"They're ****ed," Project said.

"Who tried to escape?" Ice asked.

I looked at Craig, and sighed as we told him.

"It was Rene…"

My name is Rene….

I have been trapped in this room for 7 days with nothing to do or no one to talk to.

6 days ago I led my team, The Avatars, and our allies the E-Men, against Slimjim and his Death Knights. We lost and Slimjim killed a whole state because of our attack, and the world soon surrendered to him afterward.

After we were defeated and captured, we were put in this hell hole of a camp. The zombies make us do everything for them. I would not cooperate with these bastards so I escaped the camp. I didn't get far before the guards came after me. They told me to surrender. I didn't listen.

With this collar on me I could not transform into my goblin form and was soon recaptured and put into solitary confinement, which I'm still in right now. Just a room with padded walls, nothing else.

3 people died because of my attack. 2 men and 1 little girl. She couldn't have been older then 9 or 10.

Guilt and anger build up inside me. I want to tear these undead scum apart! I scream and punch the walls as hard as I can, jumping around like a madman, attacking anything that is solid. My days usually consisted of either this or sitting alone with my thoughts.

Suddenly I here my door unlock. It opens slightly as light pours in. I squint, as it has been a long time since I have seen proper light. This room that they've been keeping me in is only very dimly lit.

Thee Great One walks in to greet me.

"I hope you've learned you're lesson Rene," he says. "No one else has to die here."

"No one except me, right?" I reply.

"Why Rene, we would much rather see you suffer and serve us," TGO laughed. "But know that if you ever try that again, we will torture you and kill your entire family!"

I glare at them, so fill of hate. So much rage was building up inside me, but there was nothing I can do, I have to follow him.

Once let outside with all the other prisoners, I keep my eye out for Nurhachi, Icemastertron or ProjectX2. Something must be done, but I have no idea what. We can't escape, there's no one to help us, we're all doomed.

It's hopeless…

My name is Thomas, but at the moment, I'm more commonly known as TheManWithoutFear. For the last 2 weeks, Slimjim has been ruling the world after we failed to defeat him. He currently thinks I'm dead, killed by a collapsed building, but thanks to the powers of me and Ultimate Gambit, we survived. Currently, Caduceus, Ultimate Gambit and I are hiding out from Slimjims zombies in an empty cave.

We don't sleep; we learnt that after Slimjims army captured the Cabinet in their sleep. We take turns watching out for zombies while the others are sleeping. Right now it's my turn.

In the last 2 weeks, we've been approached by zombies nearly every night, but they're easy to kill. Tonight seems like it's going to be a quiet one though, thankfully. Tomorrow we're planning to attack Slimjim at Ultimate Central and we're going to need as much sleep as we can get.

Slimjim has been on Earth for the last 2 weeks, overseeing things. Caduceus has been using his mind powers to read the minds of prisoners in Slimjims concentration camps, and we have learned that he will be returning to Ultimate Central tomorrow for a few days rest. That is when we will attack. I still have my wrist teleporter to get us there. I know that we are Earths last hope, and I will not fail! Tomorrow, Slimjim falls and this time, we won't fail!

I looked at my watch, 3am, time for Ultimate Gambit to take over the shift. I stepped down from my post and woke him up. He nodded and took his post and started keeping watch, while I went to my makeshift bed and attempted to go to sleep.

Tomorrow, we either save the world or die.

Kinda feels liberating…

Eventually, after hours of my mind racing with the thoughts on what tomorrow could bring, I drift off to sleep.

Tomorrow is when the war will finish. One way or another.
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I had hoped the Cabinet would be able to stop Slimjim, but I've seen a few Cabinet members around the camp so they must have all been caught by the death knights. They must have caught them by surprise, maybe using gas or attacking while they were sleeping. The death knights would never have been able to capture them otherwise.
wow this is an unbelivable chapter I love the story and how the Avatars and E-Men try to cope with this can't wait until chapter 23 when we see who falls and who is left standing
Wo! :shock:

That was awesome. Really, really well done. The ending was great.

When we get out, their *** is grass!!!! :evil:
Best. Issue. Ever.

Let me write a special with Guij and Marvelman also in the camp...
slimjim said:
Well moony is coming back, which side is he on :scared: !

Same one that Ultimate DJF is gonna be on.... Ive said too much

Im glad you guys liked this issue. I thought it was the worste of all the ones I've done.

:D your the men
Nurhachi said:
Same one that Ultimate DJF is gonna be on.... Ive said too much

Im glad you guys liked this issue. I thought it was the worste of all the ones I've done.

:D your the men

UDJF and Moonmaster should be on their own side.

Woohoo! We're men!
not bad, still could use some more details. like how how the camp looked look, the shape people were in, the jobs that were beiing done. stuff like that. but i did like the detail on the food, and the little girl

Nurhachi said:
After the attack, Slimjim retaliated by leading an army of undead soldiers against Washington, killing everyone in the state. After the attack the United Nations had no choice but to hand the world over to Slimjim.

i was hoping it was Washington DC , but guess not. you'll pay from my dead grave Nur, you'll pay!!!!! killing my whole state , with me in it. :miffed: :sad: (look in the upper left corner)
Aw im sorry dude. I dont live in America so i didnt know there were 2 washingtons :? I thought there was only washington DC and i thought it was a state :oops:

lol, neways since your a UC member, you were visiting a friend in a different state and missed the massacre :D

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