Ultimate Central: The Fanfic Volume 3

Nurhachi said:
yikes theres no way i can do it tomorrow, saturday or sunday. Maybe late tonight tho. When you leaving?
Thurs morning
I thought of a future villain.

Somehow all the quests on UC form sentience which craves to take over. It possesses already existing members.

What do you think?
Hey guys, i've just finished the 23rd issue and i have to go now so i have no time to proof read, so let me know if theres any errors. I wanted to get this up for Slimjim before he left. Hope I made it on time.
ProjectX2 walked outside to the guard tower. When there is no work to be done, this is where he usually meets up with Icemastertron, Nurhachi and Rene (who they only just found yesterday).
Icemastertron must have some kind of job to do because only Nurhachi and Rene were there when Project arrived. They seemed to be arguing.

PROJECTX2: Hey guys!

NURHACHI: Project! Talk some sense into Rene, he's…

RENE: No Vaughn, I can't take this anymore! Don't you see? I lead the Avatars; all these deaths are my fault. MWOF, The E-Men, Washington, that little girl… I can't serve this undead scum. I have to atone.

NURHACHI Rene don't! You heard what Thee Great One said! If you get out of line again he'll kill you AND your family.

RENE: I'll kill him first Nurhachi! Just you watch. I cannot just sit here and do nothing!

PROJECTX2: Rene, you're making a mistake man, don't do this!

RENE: I'm sorry.

"I'm sorry too!"

The three of them gasped as they turned around, too see that Thee Great One had been listening into their argument.

THEE GREAT ONE: Rene, come with me please.

Rene looked frightened, but strong.,,and angry.

RENE: You son of a *****!

Rene went to charge at TGO, but 2 zombies grabbed him. Without his powers active due to his inhibiter collar, Rene was helpless. TGO then summoned the zombies to bring Rene with him. Nurhachi and ProjectX2 were about to interfere, but TGO told them not to be stupid, their lives, and the lives of their loved ones were in the balance.

Thee Great One and the zombies then left, taking Rene with them.


The 2 zombies shoved the helpless Rene into an empty room and locked the door. Rene sat there, in the room, he didn't know if it was minutes or hours he was waiting. It was all a blur, guilt and anger filled his soul. He wanted vengeance. Eventually the door opened again, and Thee Great One and Irish_4204 stood there in front of him.

THEE GREAT ONE: Good day Rene, you remember Irish_4204 don't you?

RENE: F*** off

Thee Great One laughed.

THEE GREAT ONE: [/B I'll leave you 2 alone.

TGO then left the room and closed the door, locking Rene and Irish_4204 inside.

IRISH_4204: Hello Rene

Rene just stared at him.

IRISH_4204: Oh okay that's how it's going to be? Well then let's get to it.

Irish_4204 walked around the room.

IRISH_4204: You see Rene, after your stubbornness and refusal to serve under the new world order; Lord Slimjim has given the word.

RENE: The word?

Irish smiled

IRISH_4204: Yes, you're disposable Rene, I personally asked to be your executor and the generous Lord Slimjim let it be.

RENE: You….

IRISH_4204: Shut up Rene. You know what this room is? These walls here are soundproof. You know why? It's because sometimes people who cannot be obedient are brought here, and I scream at them. I burst their eardrums, I scream until their eyes bust and they're insides explode.

RENE: I'll kill you first!

Rene pounced on Irish_4204 and pounded him in the face.


Irish backhanded Rene off him. He then started to scream. Rene dropped to his knees and screamed as his ears began to bleed and he could feel the pressure building inside him…

Meanwhile, in exile in a forest cabin…

TheManWithoutFear took a deep breathe. Caduceus, Ultimate Gambit and himself were only moments away from going to Ultimate Central to attack Slimjim and his zombie army. If they succeeded, they would save the world, but if they failed…they would die and the last hope for the world will be destroyed. He looked into the distance to see Caduceus and Ultimate Gambit talking. He hopes he can trust them in this final battle.

ULTIMATE GAMBIT: So this is it aye Cad. Who woulda thought we would end up being the heroes?

CADUCEUS: Yeah sure Gambit. Listen, I'm not gonna be in the fight right at the beginning…

ULTIMATE GAMBIT: WHAT? What do you mean? You're not gonna fight?

CADUCEUS: Shhhh no of course I am, but there's something that I will need to do first. Trust me, I have a plan.


Cad and UG walked up to MWOF.


MWOF then pushed the button on his watch to open the portal to Ultimate Central.

THEMANWITHOUTFEAR: Lets teach this guy what happens when you mess with us humans!

The three of them then entered the portal to Ultimate Central.

When they arrived at their former cyberspace headquarters, they saw it was completely different to how they left it. The space around the platform was all an evil red colour. The mansion itself was now a dark, tall, black castle. The undead were everywhere and immediately started attacking the three intruders. Since Caduceus's mind powers do not work on the near mindless undead, Ultimate Gambit and MWOF stood on either side of him and started fighting back. The zombies were no match for Ultimate Gambits exploding touch or MWOF's eye blasts and agility. Soon they had ploughed through the guards of the castle and entered the massive building.

When inside, they did not see any zombies, it seemed as though Slimjim had thought himself completely safe since he believed them dead.

But then the zombies came, dozens of them, forming a circle around them. Part of the circle parted as Slimjim approached, along with his generals Thee Great One, Irish_4204 and The Captain.

SLIMJIM: Ah MWOF, no wonder I wasn't able to contact your spirits. I must say I am impressed. I thought you were dead for sure. However you're stupidity precedes your survival ability. Sure, you 2 might be able to defeat my zombie minions, but your less then nothing against my death knights.

Wait? "You 2?"

MWOF looked around, where did Caduceus go? It was just him and Gambit here.

Ultimate Gambit saw MWOF's expression and faked a shrug.

SLIMJIM: Now I know my zombie peons are useless against you, so how about we make this a superhuman only battle, just because I'm so generous. You 2 versus the 5 of us.

THEMANWITHOUTFEAR: Five of you? There's only you and you're three stooges. That makes four.

SLIMJIM: Oh? Did I forget to mention? I have a new Death Knight. You might know him. Show yourself……RENE!!!

MWOF and Ultimate Gambit gasped as the, now undead, Rene stood next to TGO, Irish and Captain.



Caduceus ran through the dreary, but astonishing, halls of the castle. There were no zombies in this part of Slimjim's castle; they were all watching the battle that his allies were fighting. If he could only find it what he's looking for…

He entered room after room, finally coming to what seemed like a laboratory. It could be in here…

He walked through the laboratory, all sorts of gadgets, tubes and gizmos were scattered around, and then he saw it! His heart raced as he walked towards his goal.

CADUCEUS: YES!!! This will surely help the E-Men in our goal…

Back at the battle…


TheManWithoutFear cried out as the fists of The Captain pounded away at him. Even with his heightened senses he could not evade The Captains speed. It did last long however as Ultimate Gambit quickly grabbed The Captains head and caused it to explode.

Irish_4204 then flew towards MWOF and opened his mouth to scream, but MWOF used his eye beams to knock him down. Suddenly MWOF was attacked from behind by Slimjim's newest horseman, Rene. Rene slammed MWOF's face into the ground, picked him up, and again slammed him down.

Thee Great one, meanwhile, attacked Ultimate Gambit. Ultimate Gambit then used his exploding touch on TGO…but it didn't work. TGO laughed at him.

THEE GREAT ONE: Hahaha my armour is made of the same substance as your boots were made out of. The only thing that can make them explode is me!

However, instead of exploding, TGO kept on pounding his fists into Gambits face. Slimjim was pleased as his servants were severely beating his enemies.

Suddenly, the door to the main entrance slammed open as Caduceus walked into the room.

SLIMJIM: Ah Caduceus, how nice of you to join your allies in death.

CADUCEUS:Fool! Your undead minions might be immune to my mind powers, but you are not, since technically your not alive!

Caduceus stared at Slimjim as he attempted to use mind control on Slimjim. It did not work. There were too many undead minds INSIDE Slimjim. Slimjim laughed at his attempts, and was about to sick his undead army on Cad.

CADUCEUS: Ok so mind control doesn't work because your powers are too out of control…I guess I'll have to turn those powers OFF then!


Slimjim looked confused as Caduceus placed mind blocks on Slimjim, preventing his power to control the undead.

Slowly, his undead army began to stir, their eyes turned towards their former master…and they began to stagger towards him…


The zombies, including Rene, Irish and TGO, began tearing at Slimjim's skin. He had no choice. He had to banish the undead, or they would kill him and create havoc.


Luckily, that is one power that Cad had NOT placed a mind block on, as all the undead beings fell down, now truly dead once again. Caduceus then walked over to Slimjim and smacked him across the cheek, knocking him out cold. He then tied Slimjim up, keeping his mind blocks on him permanent. He wrote a note for the unconscious MWOF and walked over to Ultimate Gambit, picked him up, and walked over to the portal home. He had no need or desire for gratitude, nor did he want to make peace with the Avatars. He merely wanted to go home.

Besides…he wanted to get onto his next plan…


Ultimate Gambit lay in bed, still unconscious from the beating inflicted on him by Thee Great One. He began to stir…slowly he opened his eyes.


Caduceus ran to his team mates room.

CADUCEUS: Gambit! Your awake!

Caduceus proceeded to tell Ultimate Gambit about how he defeated Slimjim, and how the world was saved.

ULTIMATE GAMBIT: Wow! That great Cad! Wait…what were you doing in the beginning of the fight? Why were you not there?

Caduceus smiled an excited smile.

CADUCEUS: You're gonna love this! Come with me.

Caduceus helped Ultimate Gambit to the next room, where on the table lay…



ULTIMATE GAMBIT: You stole the body of Ultxon? Why did you...

Ultimate Gambit suddenly had a shocked look on his face.

CADUCEUS: That right boy. Ultxon has an inter-dimensional portal built in him.

Caduceus leaned close…

CADUCEUS: It's time to bring our master back home!


Weeks had passed, UC was back to normal and the population of Earth had been working overtime to re-bury the dead. Icemastertron, Nurhachi, ProjectX2 and TheManWithoutFear sat in silence as the funeral for there dead friend, Rene, finished up. He was a good leader, one who they had grown close too. Without him they were lost, they did not know what to do or where to go. All they knew was that they had to carry on fighting for those who couldn't…but how well will they do when they're leaderless?
Nurhachi said:
CADUCEUS: It's time to bring our master back home!

Are they talking about bring Rene's body back, or...could it be...the return......?!?!?!?!
UltimateE said:
Are they talking about bring Rene's body back, or...could it be...the return......?!?!?!?!
Oh its so the return. I love how I'm a scheming evil bastard. Thats funny. Actually I rather liked this issue a lot, even if you did use the word "peons" incorrectly.
Baxter: Wow did we get our asses kicked.

Goodwill: Would somebody shut the drunk up!

Dr. Strangefate: Well we did boss.

Goodwill Glares at Dr. Strangefate: Well what would you reccomend?

Dr. Strangefate: I dunno... how about, you know, winning once and a while? As a change of pace?

Baxter: That'd be nice

Ultimate Quicksilver: Yeah.

Sihad: Yep


Goodwill: .... ****ing zombies.

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