Old List
10. Astonishing X-Men - Dropped a spot. Mostly because only 1 ******* issue has come out since the last time I did this list. Can't wait for this to end.
9. Avengers: The Initiative - I believe it was djf who recommended me this book, but it was only when the Irredeemable Ant-man made his way over that I started reading. The scene between him and Taskmaster clinches this spot.
8. DMZ - Y has ended. :cry: But I found a new Vertigo book. Not quite as good as Y, but what is?
7. Invincible - All caught up with the trades. Love it.
6. Scalped - Curse you, Doom! It's good!!!
5. Blue Beetle - I've bought the first two trades. This is very good once you get past all the One Year Later crap they had to deal with.
4. Ex Machina - Still very good.
3. Immortal Iron Fist - The Mortal Kombat arc has been better than I ever could have hoped.
2. Incredible Hercules - Like I said to TOG. This book is awesome. The characterization is spot on, the plotting is great, Ares makes a much better antagonist than he does a protagonist, and it's just a really fun read. If you aren't picking this up, do so. Now.
1. Fables - Still great.
New List
10. The Umbrella Academy - I'm tradewaiting Dallas, but The Apocalypse Suite was good enough to earn this spot by itself.
9. Thunderbolts - I criticized this book when it first launched and dropped it before Ellis got to the good stuff. My mistake. Looking forward to Diggle's new team.
Ant-man FTW!
8. Madame Xanadu - Yeah, it's pretty frickin' good. The story is interesting and the art by relative newcomer Amy Reeder Hadley is absolutely gorgeous.
7. The Walking Dead - Kirkman finished the prison section of the story in the bloodiest fashion imaginable and I wondered where the hell they could possibly go from there. The release of the latest trade has assured me that he still knows how to tell a great zombie story.
6. Immortal Iron Fist - Still ****ing great. I don't miss Fraction and Bru
AT ALL. In fact, the one shot with the Iron Fist from the future was the single best issue of the series so far. Go Swierczynski.
5. Secret Six - This is Gail Simone at her best. Every character has a wonderful, interesting, and distinct voice. The action is great, the plotting is great, and the Get Out of Hell Free Card is the best idea in the history of ever.
4. Invincible - This is just a really fun superhero story. This is the kind of book that makes Kirkman's grand plan for getting A list talent to do more creator owned series so enticing. And fudge all y'all who complain about Kirkman's writing.
3. Scalped - Dead Mothers was awesome. This series continues to suck me in. My only problem is waiting for the trades to come out. April is too far away!
2. Incredible Hercules - Never disappoints. The Lion of Olympus has the best ongoing superhero comic currently running. Period. End of sentence.
1. Fables - Still great. Still the greatest.
I picked the Umbrella Academy trade.
It is awesome.