Spider-Man 3 (discussion and spoilers)

If they do another. I want Carnage.

I want some you can hate. Hate so much you love that he is a character that gets under your skin. Like Teabag from Prison Break. I think he could play a good Carnage.

Bah, Carnage sucks, he's a Joker ripoff, without the interesting personality traits. He is so one dimensional, he is the perfect example of everything wrong with comics in the 90s, all style no substance. Scratch that, he doesn't have style, when Joker and Bullseye kill people, they do it in fashion that leaves no doubt who their murderer was, Carnage just rips people apart, a guy with a butcher knife can do that. As Joker said in the Batman/Spider-Man crossover, Carnage is David Cassidy of serial killers, a total hack. All Carnage has going for him is being evil, but they never explain why he is evil or give him any other personality traits. Carnage is just shock value, I rather this lame villain should be avoided.
Did anyone else feel that one of the standout sequences in the film was the heartbreaking first-ever formation of Sandman at the bottom of the pit?

Yeah I loved that...and when he got wet too..it looked really good effects wise as well. I agree with mole this is my fave out of the 3, green goblin I was too power rangery, I always think Doc Ock (cuz he's got 8 legs) and Venom (the anti-spiderman) are better arch-enemies than goblin. and I really thought spiderman 2 dragged a lot and though ock was cool there wasn't enough fighting in it.

I tihnk this was by far the funniest of the films and it never got boring...ok maybe some of the characters were underdeveloped but I just want to see super-people fighting/racing each other.
When MJ kissed Norman someone shouted out "Cheater" well more like "Cheeeedar"...and then when peter smacked her, someone else shouted "Go on Son." Kinda funny and everyone cheered stan lee so hard i nearly missed what he was saying.
Before I read anyone else's comments on this movie I just want to say that I absolutely loved it. As of this moment, which admittedly still in the afterglow, this is my favorite super-hero movie of all time. The only thing I didn't like was Peter letting Sandman go.
If they do another. I want Carnage.

I want some you can hate. Hate so much you love that he is a character that gets under your skin. Like Teabag from Prison Break. I think he could play a good Carnage.

You know, a lot of people say that. I've even see manips of him as Cassidy.
I don't think Ock is dead. he could've easily been shielded from any explosion or whatever by a piece of metal. No reason to suspect his demise.

Also, Venom's probably alive too. I like to think he was blown "up," as in, into the rafters where he could heal and get his act togetehr for next time.

4 could have Lizard, ELectro, Vulture. . . Kraven would be awesome. More Gwen and Captain Stacy, the possibilities are endless.
Although this movie was the furthest away from what I know about in the comics, I thought it was real good. Better than I thought it was going to be, actually... Sure, it was a corny as hell at moments but there was some great character development and even better action that more than satisfied me in the theater.

One huge gripe I have, though, is Venom. I wish there was more build to his character and a lot more screen time with Brock and the suit than there was...

Other than that - the movie was an easy 3.5/4.
I thought Sandman was done great, Thomas Hayden Church is an amazing actor. I really hope they use some excuse for Venom being alive, I loved Topher Grace as him. I didn't have a problem with the emo Spider-Man, it's just that they drew it out so long. They should have spent more time on Venom. If they make more I defenitly hope Venom and Sandman return for a Sinister Six story.
Everything I absolutely disliked about this movie:

1. The resturant when Peter is going to ask MJ to marry him isn't funny if you don't know who Bruce Campbell is. It relies soley on your knowledge that he kills zombies with a chainsaw arm. It was too big of a part for a cameo. The joke shouldn't have extened into what should have been the most moving and dramatic parts of the movie.

2. Peter dancing around the jazz bar. Just taking Gwen Stacy there was jerk enough.

3. Peter suddenly knowing how to play the piano. Playing the well, too. They haven't showed any inclination of this in any of the previous films.

The next few go together

4. There was no need to show Peter look in some broken mirror in the middle of an alley to stop and decide to have emo hair.

5. There was no need to have a musical montage scene with Peter walking down the street pointing at hot chicks.

6. There was no need to show Peter buying black clothes.

7. There was absolutely no friggin need for Peter to dance once he bought those black clothes.

Back to everything else that sucked.

8. "Nuff said"

9. The acting from the cliche needless reporter.

10. The camera work throughout the movie. Especially during the first fight scene with The Sandman.

11. The score.

12. The "I just saw Peter/MJ and didn't expect him to be here so I'll stop singing or stop acting and gosh am I surprised" gag. This one was used in the first film also.

13. The huge American flag that Spiderman jumped in front of before the final fight.

14. Somehow Eddie knows that Flint Marco is also Sandman.

15. That Sandman fought Spiderman alongside Eddie. Sandman didn't dislike Spidey. He wanted money. How was fighting Spidey going to solve this? He could just have went to Chicago or somewhere else and robbed a bank.

16. That cheap foreshadowing was used twice.

17. The first one being Peter talking about the acoustics of the theater with MJ. That way we'll know he'll know how to get rid of the symbiote and Venom later on.This one only slightly bothers me. It wouldn't at all if it wasn't for using the same technic in # 18.

18. When MJ is mad at Peter and MJ says "We all need help sometimes........ even Spiderman" Holy Crap! That means Harry and Peter are gonna team up! Awesome! I hate, hate, hate it when films foreshawdow. There are no examples I can think of that I think it is used well.

19. JJJ sucked in this film.

20. The buzzing desk went on too long.

21. "Parker. Where is he?" that bit should have ended after that. Right as he looked down at the girl with the camera. It was too long. The gag was just as funny without all the extra dialogue.

22. A part towards the end of the end fight scene. Spidey is reaching for something and can't get it, reaches some more, still can't reach it, then he realizes "oh yeah, I got web"

23. Most of the acting was too ham. It was all over the top. Especially Emo Peter and Harry.

24. The Pie line that Harry gives the waitress

25. The big cheese smile that Harry gives Peter after the dumb pie line.

26. Once Peter finds out that MJ is swinging high over NYC from Charlottes Webs. He goes back home and laboriously looks at the chest holding his costume. Then looks at the costume for a couple more minutes then he decides "yeah, maybe I will save the woman I love but first let me go talk to another guy that wants to kill me."

27. Venom as Charlotte.

28. The whole news camera usage was bad.

29. The best fight was the first fight.

30. That I didn't walk out.

Pretty much everything I hate about this film is that it was turned into some crappy comedy. If they edited out all or most of the comedic parts and replaced that time with some more character devolopment I would have loved it.

It upsets me even more because Spideman 2 is an excellent film. How could they have gone so far wrong? It has a completely different feel too it. All three should feel cohesive and the third one doesn't.

The idea of an emo looking Peter is great. You have to change the look of the character and there really isn't a better look that the one they picked. They just handled it all wrong.

I don't have any fanboy complaints about this movie. I have bad film making complaints.

Just about any of the things I listed would be okay by theirself, especially Nuff said. But when they are all combined a giant pile of suck is made.
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1. The resturant when Peter is going to ask MJ to marry him isn't funny if you don't know who Bruce Campbell is. It relies soley on your knowledge that he kills zombies with a chainsaw arm. It was too big of a part for a cameo. The joke shouldn't have extened into what should have been the most moving and dramatic parts of the movie.

You don't need to know who Bruce Campbell is. It helps to remember his roles in the previous films, but it's not essential either way.
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You're probably right.

That's the only one I didn't think you had a case for.

Keeping in mind I loved the movie, I can see why some of that stuff would bother some people.

Although the dancing and stuff wasn't much off from the Raindrops Are Falling On My Head scene in 2.
Oh yeah, that cliched reporter was absolutely terrible.
When the butler told Harry about Norman I immediately thought of the term Butler Ex Machina only to come online and read that ourchair already used it in his first post two days ago. Selfish jerk!
I thought the same thing after I watched the movie.
Before this movie was a preview for Across the Universe, a movie that uses Beatles songs to tell a story about the 60s. It's right up my alley and I really want to see it, but I wasn't sure why it was shown before Spider-Man. But just now I remembered it's directed by Julie Taymor, who's directing the Spider-Man stage play. I wonder if that was a conscious decision?
I think Raimi turned this movie into a self-parody, because he was pissed off that marvel and Sony forced him to put Venom in.