Spider-Man 3 (discussion and spoilers)

Terrible movie.

That corny Stan Lee scene might have been one of the worst things I have ever seen. "I guess one man can make a difference. 'Nuff said." I almost gagged.

Peter became the lead singer of Fall Out Boy. Was he wearing eye liner? Those scenes were just stupid.

I liked Topher Grace as Eddie Brock, but he didn't fit as Venom. Venom was boring, and I didn't care. I'm going to dread the upcoming Venom craze the rest of the world will have.

All of the fight scenes looked like video games. And the last fight, with Harry/Peter vs. Sandman/Venom must have been some Japanese nerds dream. It was like Spy Kids mixed with Power Rangers with some crappy Godzilla monsters thrown in.

I'm so disappointed. I could have gone to sleep but decided to watch this instead. Big mistake.

Crap ending to an otherwise great trilogy.
I was hoping that we would see Peter and Harry reconcile. They seem like the kind of guys that really need friends in the world. I was almost sure it wasn't going to happen, but I would have liked to see it.
Well they did reconcile, but in an intentionally abrupt fashion. Which is the same thing that happened in the comics. Like I said, I was perfectly fine with what they did, I just wish they did it better.

MaxwellSmart said:
I just found it funny that Peter's usually seen as this guy who is impervious to such shallow things. I thought it did a lot to make him more human.
Anyone who read a lot of Spider-Man comics back in the day would know that this is otherwise. To me the defining aspect of Peter Parker is that his lot in life is always consistently worse than he deserves, and that he recognizes this 'injustice' and so when things turn around, he is always one part in shocking disbelief and another part tempted to act like a jerk for it (and we are usually informed of this through thought balloons).

That he went to such extremes like that in the film of course was explicitly drawn from the costume's negative influence.
This wasn't Spider-Man. Movie was not up to par. And what a HORRIBLE ending. What happened? I know Raimi was forced to have Venom in the story, but come on. Most of the time, I was wondering what the hell was happening. There were a lot of good parts, but overall, the ball was really dropped.

Oh well. At least Pirates will be fun.
I thought this movie was really good. The only things I didn't like was the fact that I really think they could have done a little more with Venom. Not to much more just a little. And two, Venom didn't refer to himself as in the third-person. Is it to much to ask when Venom told the Sandman, "We were looking for you Marko." Instead of, "I was looking for you Marko."? But other than that I really enjoyed this film. And it makes me really want to see Carnage show up in one of the next films. Well I'm off to get my copy of Spider-Man 3: The Game.

Oh, and like Ice I thought they could of done a better job with the ending.
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I give it a B.

Was waaaaaaaaaaay overhyped but still a decent movie. Spider-man 2 was definately the best of the 3.
Mmmmm.......horrible reviews pouring in.

Looks like my pessimism was right. Stupid Emo Spidey? Check. Meh Balck Suit? Check. Silly tie-in for Sandman to be connected to Peter? Check. Mistake for using stupid villain named Venom? Double-check.

Excuse me while I wallow in self-satisfaction.......................and peanut butter.:twisted:
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Watched it today. Out of three films I think this is the best. Now it has it's faults. My complaint was start up in till sandman got his powers. the story was just like random and all over the place.

Another complaint is that Peter cried to many times. I almost thought "Am I watching Spider-man or Spider-Woman". But besides those two things I liked how the story flowed.

The camera work and direction was done well. It had the humour in all the right parts while still been darker than 1 or 2. Another advantage this film has over 2 is spider-man didn't reveal who he was too many times.

The bad guys were great. I loved Venom of course but I enjoyed Sandman as much as I did venom. The acting in this film was great and I liked how Tobey Maguire proved in this film more than thee others he had a wider scope as an actor.

This film made it seem more than or two that Spider-man could loose. He seemed in more danger than any other film. I don't think effects make a film good but the effects in this film were damn cool which does what it's meant too. It enhanced it.

Something I wish they had changed was make Venom say "we" instead of "I" but that is a minor thing.

All in all I give it 4 out of 5

Spider-man 3 A+
Spider-man A
Spider-man 2 B
Watched it today. Out of three films I think this is the best.


it just wasn't good. it had no direction or purpose, it had no depth, it tried to fit too much in and suffered dearly for it. was it fun? yeah. did i laugh my *** off at parts? yeah. was it incredibly cheesy? oh yeah. was it a great movie? no.

6/10 (whereas the one and two were 9/10 and 8/10, respectively)

it just wasn't good. it had no direction or purpose, it had no depth, it tried to fit too much in and suffered dearly for it. was it fun? yeah. did i laugh my *** off at parts? yeah. was it incredibly cheesy? oh yeah. was it a great movie? no.

6/10 (whereas the one and two were 9/10 and 8/10, respectively)

That's your opinion and that's cool.

I stand by the fact I think it is the best of the three
I wanted 3 to be the best.

No. 2 was better.

Even though there was a bit more dramatic meat in 3 and 1.
So I'm just back from watching Spider-Man 3.

So let's just skip to the good part; the complaints.

1.) Venom didn't talk in third person.
2.) Venom's voice was crappy. I wanted him to have more bass.
3.) Peter and MJ never got engaged, and if this WAS the last movie (some indications it won't be) that sucked.
4.) Green Goblin didn't came back from the dead in the end. Boooooh! :x
5.) Neither Gwen or Captain Stacy died.
6.) Emo-Peters hair. Looked so greasy, like he hadn't washed it for three months or something.
7.) No resolution to Penny Marko. So Flint just gives up or...? WTF!

But all in all I give the whole movie 3/5. Not the worst movie to see but certainly not the best.
Let's go character by character...

Peter Parker
As the main character there is no way Peter would suck.Aaand he sure did not.
As the supergeek he loses himself to fame when he feels a little bit of popularity.
As the nephew-of-the-killed-man he wants revenge when he finds out his killer is out there.
As the one-that-loves he wants to propose the girl he loves but he picks the wrong topic to talk about which can be totally understood because he is the supergeek.

Even dark peter was awesome except of the hair.
They pulled a great job with Peter turning dark.In spider-man 2 they gave him everything he ever asked for.In spider-man 3 they took them all back slowly then gave him the symbiote to take revenge of everything he has lost.
Really really great job with him.

The french restaurant scene was awesome!!I thought I couldnt laugh harder than the buzzing table scene but I guess everything is possible.

I totally agree with the idea of `peter walking the streets while dancing` is a classic.A funny dance with a beat from 80`s.and it really made me feel people start hating him while he starts liking himself.Awesomely pulled off...
I hate MJ of the movies,she has officially kissed-dated every male character in the movies.Where's the love?
I really really felt great when Peter accidentally slapped her.
On the other hand,she is really well-done in Spidey 3.She gets her struggles in every aspect of her life and deals with them as the strong girl she is supposed to be(eventhough Dunst fails to act her the way she shoold be,but that's no biggie)

Harry Osborn:
In my opinion Harry was one of the best characters of cinema history until spidey 3.I really loved the Shakespeare-ish build up for the character.But WTF, they had to give him the lose-your-mind thing (and the unnecessariest buttler ever)to become a friend of Peter again.
It could be a lot better if he was forced to help Peter in the final battle to save MJ and regret what he has done...

The Stacy Family:
Stacy family is the most disappointing part of the film.Captain Stacy is the unnecessariest character of the trilogy ever(even unnecessarier than the unnecessary buttler).
On the other hand Gwen was building up pretty well, and I hoped Peter would actually fall in love with her,but instead they used her as a bait for dark-Peter's plan to hurt MJ.

I dont think sandman sucked that hard.he has never been such an interesting character anyway so never been too hopeful about him.I think he was handled pretty well.But still I have to add that tie in to the Parker story was unnecessary.Sandman would still be sandman without becoming the killer of uncle ben.

I think venom has been the best part of the movie.I really like the character development of eddie.When he gets consumed by the symbiote you can understand when he wants to give up to the power.
As a villain venom of the movie is perfect.Comparing with 616 characters he is closer to Carnage than Venom.His main attribute is his agility instead of strength and I can surely accept it since the symbiote replicates spideys powers.
I think Raimi went with my thoughts as well because even the scream of Venom was closer to Carnage than Venom as we know it.

If only they introduced the symbiote deeper Venom could become a legend in the industry.

This is certainly the best part of the movie.Everytime he appeared I laguhed soooo hard.Especially loved the table-buzzing scene.Thats classic.
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best line of the movie:

Watiress: How's your pie?
Harry: *chuckles, eats a bite, says with full mouth* SO good.

I laughed my *** off.

Other good ones:

Mary Jane: looks like your bump is all healed...
Harry: yeah but its kinda nice, forgetting all your problems.
Mary Jane: I could use a bump on the head...
Harry: *gently bumps his fist into Mary Jane's head, like a playful third grader* Bump!
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Are there actual non-nitpicking reasons for saying it sucked, or is this just disappointment talking, for the most part? This wasn't the best movie of the year, but it's better than most of the other sucky crap that's been released (I'm looking at you, Ghost Rider). I don't want to put words in your mouth, but seriously- it may not have been up to par with SM2 in your eyes, but it's still frickin' Spider-man.

The worst part was Venom. They should have left him out of the movie altogether, instead focusing on Brock and letting the Symbiote fall on him at the end- and then leave him.

Most of the people in my theater had those Hot Topic Venom shirts on. None of them listened to me when I said that Venom hasn't been an interesting character in years. But, still, Topher Grace was excellent as Brock, and I would have loved to see him return in another film.

I said it before, and I'll say it again: Bryce Dallas Howard should have been Mary Jane.


Also: I, for one, felt that Peter's street walk/dance scene was classic.
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In my cinema the best scene was Peter hitting M.J. Only beacuse the cinema was quiet. He hits her and my friend goes "Pow , right in the kisser" everyone cracked up :lol:
This movie left me an emotional wreck last night.

But, now that I let sink in, I'd probably put it on par with 1. 2 was the better film, but 3 was an emotional rollercoaster.

My complaints? The fights seemed rush. The last fight should have been the best, but the one that stuck out was the second fight with Peter and Harry.

Venom should have been saved for movie 4. Topher Grace pulled off an excellent Eddie brock and Venom was a great villain, pure evil, and it seemed like a waste at the end.

Gwen Stacy was an after thought. She was thrown in to make Mary Jane jealous, nothing more.

My praises? James Franco as Harry. So well done. And I loved his death. Perfect foil to his father's death.

Topher Grace as Eddie Brock. His hate and anger were so well played out. I love this guy!

Thomas Hayden Church as Sandman. Unlike the evil Venom, you felt sorry for Sandman and Thomas Church was so believable as the sympathetic Flint Marko. I'm glad they left it open for his return. . .perhaps as a good guy next time? Such an underrated actor.

Emo Peter. Now, I'm not an emo guy (Far from it), but did those who disliked this dislike it just because he was emo? Because that's just a terrible reason not to like it. The suit made Peter's insecurities vanish and his anger bubble to the forefront. And Tobey Maguire was excellent at it. In fact, I think I liked Tobey as Peter in this film more than I did the first two.

Overall, a good film. It was a bit rushed in areas and there was too much thrown in (Venom should have been saved for movie 4), but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
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Emo Peter. Now, I'm not an emo guy (Far from it), but did those who disliked this dislike it just because he was emo? Because that's just a terrible reason not to like it. The suit made Peter's insecurities vanish and his anger bubble to the forefront. And Tobey Maguire was excellent at it. In fact, I think I liked Tobey as Peter in this film more than I did the first two.

Isn't that a contradiction? Or do emo people think everyone else sucks? Wait, isn't that goths? Subculture is confusing.
Isn't that a contradiction? Or do emo people think everyone else sucks? Wait, isn't that goths? Subculture is confusing.

Kinda. I say Emo Peter because that's how he looked and that's what people are going to call him. The hair pushed to the side in one eye, the eyeliner, and the dark clothing. To be honest, he really wasn't very emo when he was Emo Peter. He was just a dick.
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