Spider-Man 3 (discussion and spoilers)

I was just confused with Peter during those scenes because the Venom suit made him put on eye liner and change his hair.

I've only seen five movies this year: The Prestige, Mr. Bean, 300, Grindhouse and Spider-Man. Spider-Man is down there with Mr. Bean at about 2/5.

And mole, you say you'd give it a 4/5, but then you say it's an A+ compared to the other two. So you're saying that standalone it's good, but not perfect, but when compared to the other two, it's flawless?
I was laughing so hard at the emo peter scenes. They were HILARIOUS. At first I wasnt sure if they were making fun of emos, but then he threw his hair back and I knew the filmmakers were letting us know it was ok to laugh at him.
More than anything I hated Emo-Peter's hair. How do you get to a point where you think that looks cool? Evil alien symbiote or not that just looked stupid.
More than anything I hated Emo-Peter's hair. How do you get to a point where you think that looks cool? Evil alien symbiote or not that just looked stupid.

It was a reflection of his mood. It made him look darker, for all intents and purposes, which, of course, was reflected by his his darker mood. I find nothing wrong with it and I have yet to hear a reason why it was bad other than "I hate the emo style". It visually worked, regardless of whether or not you like the style.

A complete reversal to Spider-Man 2's recession to nerdy Peter. The point was that neither nerdy Peter, nor hip, emo Peter was the perfect Peter Parker.
Anyone else notice that Dr. Octopus is still alive?

My biggest complaints about the movie are:

1. I honestly think the last fight should had JUST been Spider-Man & Hobgoblin vs. Venom.
2. Sandman and Venom taking turns fighting Spider-Man and Hobgoblin bugged me.
3. Sandman being a giant at the end... didn't do it for me.
4. Hobgoblin never started whipping out the pumpkin bombs like a madman (like I wanted Green Goblin to do in the first movie)
5. Gwen Stacy and Captain Stacy seemed like they were added to the script at the last second, especially since they didn't do anything no-name characters could had done.

Of course, I just really loved my ideas for the movie (which were fairly close to how the movie turned out). If only Sam Raimi and I were able to talk prior to the movie's production.
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And mole, you say you'd give it a 4/5, but then you say it's an A+ compared to the other two. So you're saying that standalone it's good, but not perfect, but when compared to the other two, it's flawless?


4 out of 5 can be A+ like in school you answer all your questions right bar one you can still get A+.

It's not flawless buy any means I even mentioned faults with it. But I rate it above the other two.

I love 1 , I like 2 but I honestly think 3 was better. Besides New goblin the characters looked like they could be out of comics. Yes venom is different with webbing but besides that was great.

Sandman looked Perfect. I would like anyone to name any superhero villain who in movies looks just like comic.

I only did the A+ thing as well to show where they rank. Spider-man 1 was also 4 out 5 but 3 was slightly better but not enough to be 4.5 or 5. Spider-man 2 was 3 out 5
I thought it was mentioned on the Spider-Man 2 DVD that his body wasn't found?
I thought it was mentioned on the Spider-Man 2 DVD that his body wasn't found?

And you guys know what that means in comics, lol.

Nobody knows what happened in the warehouse, just that there was an explosion. He's dead... though the arms might have survived...

Exactly, so they wouldn't know that he was supposed to be dead. It just said he's "still at large," as in never caught.
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Yeah. In the first Daily Bugle scene, there was a newspaper on the wall behind J.J.J. saying that Dr. Octopus was still at large.

Nice did not notice that BUT maybe it was a on old Dock ock newspaper. They might of been one of Green Goblin too.
Since there seemed little to no remains of venom could he return? Could of escaped last second or something.

Also Doctor coners still has part of the suit. In spider-man 4 could he of altered that bit a little and we get Carnage!
Inside a crumbling warehouse.

Dropped in boiling water.

Supernova in the face.

The film franchise is too small for non-Jean Grey comic book deaths when there's a huge rogue's gallery to explore.

Spidey and M.J. got out of the same crumbling building, and the building was connected to the ocean.The water didn't look like it was boiling (people were able to even stand within a few feet of it without sweating or even getting a sun burn). The mini-star never blew up, it went out. Doc Ock may very well still be alive.

Since there seemed little to no remains of venom could he return? Could of escaped last second or something.

Also Doctor coners still has part of the suit. In spider-man 4 could he of altered that bit a little and we get Carnage!

That's really hard to say, I saw a skeleton in the explosion. But, I also saw that parts of the symbiote survived. Maybe the symbiote and Eddie bonded on a genetic level?

I'm eager to find out what happens with it.
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Spidey and M.J. got out of the same crumbling building, and the building was connected to the ocean.

The water didn't look like it was boiling.

The mini-star never blew up, it went out.

Doc Ock may very well still be alive.

I don't want to debate this point with you, as it is unimportant and there's not enough information to prove anything. I'll just say that I don't think Doc Ock will return, and if they do, I think it's likely to be tentacles sans-Doc.
I was sure that newspaper was from the scene in Spider-man 2 when JJJ debates what to call him.
It was a reflection of his mood. It made him look darker, for all intents and purposes, which, of course, was reflected by his his darker mood. I find nothing wrong with it and I have yet to hear a reason why it was bad other than "I hate the emo style". It visually worked, regardless of whether or not you like the style.

A complete reversal to Spider-Man 2's recession to nerdy Peter. The point was that neither nerdy Peter, nor hip, emo Peter was the perfect Peter Parker.
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Agreed. People need to get over it.

And please, please, please stop calling Harry 'Hobgoblin.' He was only ever 'Hobgoblin' in the Ultimate Universe, and that storyline isn't even worth the air used for the breaths I take to talk about it.