Didn't **** any of those *****es
I'm lost. I thought gayness in all of its insidious forms was evil?
I didn't want to insult gay people by comparing them to Smallville
I'm lost. I thought gayness in all of its insidious forms was evil?
Avoids **** hitting fan in corner of room...
Stryde Gum episode. Look it up.
I mean.... holy ****.... it's not even a show anymore....
It was a joke. I'm the least homophobic heterosexual you're likely to meet.
Neal Bailey gave it 4 out of 5 (the best he's given an episode in years). Was it that bad?!
Wrong episode. He gave "Hero" an absolutely scathing 1 ouf of 5.
From The Superman Homepage:
Sci Fi Wire spoke with "Smallville" executive producer Brian Peterson and co-executive producer Kelly Souders about the up-coming April 17th episode of the show titled "Descent", in which Lex Luthor takes the final plunge in to all-out villainy.
"I would say if you are going to watch one episode of Smallville, you need to watch 'Descent,'" the April 17 episode, Peterson said in an interview. "It is pivotal. It is up there with Clark [Tom Welling] opening the Fortress of Solitude. It's right up there."
Souders added: "Lex has had a lot of challenges in his life, and he's sort of gone and sat on that fence all these years. This is the episode he leaps off of it."
"Descent" deals with Luthor's decline into "his own personal hell," Peterson said. "There is a major turn that happens in his life that drives him into pure darkness. ... It's Lex's real descent into the villain he becomes. I think that is what fans have been waiting for. It's what I've been waiting for," Peterson added with a laugh.
You can read the complete article at SciFi.com, although the article's writer is a bit behind the times, not realizing that the show has already been renewed for an eighth season.
What will inevitably happen:
- I will watch this episode.
- It will be terrible.
- I will want that 48 minutes of my life back.
'Veritas' wasn't as bad as the rest of the season. They have finally found a way to utilize Kristen Krueks' inherant ability to imitate a piece of wood. Brainiac turned her into a zombie.
I LOVE the episodes when one of the characters' personalities are completely changed by some outside force. I wish they'd have episodes like that every single week!
And I'm excited for 'Descent'.
But Michael's Lex is the only highlight of show so I'm actually debating on whether I want to watch Decent.
The preview suggests Lex killing Lionel, but I am holding out for the thing that pushes Clark and Lex to mortal enemy status is Lex trying to run Lana over in a truck.
Yeah.. Even if they did plan to have Lex run her over... Watcher would just go and save her..
After season 8 is announced... This happens
Gough and Millar quit as showrunners...
From The Superman Homepage:
In the aforementioned 150th episode, we'll get our first glimpse of Clark sporting an iconic Superman look. What does that have to do with Lois, you ask? Well, Ms. Lane's responsible for the wardrobe change!
For a while now, I've accepted that if and when Clark becomes Superman, it's going to be far removed from the classic formula of "nobody knows who he is except us ~wink~". I came to the conclusion a while back that the only way the concept can remain interesting and the only way Clark and Lois can ever hope to have something resembling the relationship we can expect them too is if Lois is actually the initial inspiration for Clark to become Superman. It's a brave idea, but if they do it right, it could become the most memorable 'alternate' origin ever.