Well-Known Member
That does sound cool. I hope we get to see him in the suit
Now we can...

Superman is more minty fresh, than ever.
That does sound cool. I hope we get to see him in the suit
Now we can...
Superman is more minty fresh, than ever.
Now we can...
Superman is more minty fresh, than ever.
Geoff Johns is writing an episode which introduces the Legion of Super-Heroes
This appearance actually makes sense. They actually visited Clark, rather than the whole ****ing Justice League. I am tempted to watch this episode even though I've watched like one and a half episodes of Smallville before.
been watching the few old episode here and there, (going to get a few box sets in january to catch up) but I've only just noticed, Considering Lex was meant to be the big tough guy he sure gets knocked out easy. Sure Clark I can understand but I've seen none super powered people knock him out with ease too. Kinda funny when you think his dark past if got in fight no one must have hit him as if they did he'd be K.O'd after one punch.
But it also kind of added to the character. ****
How so?
Why do all of his villains and supporting cast appear in Smallville? This seems ridiculous to me. It's like if Peter Parker fought Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus and Venom and all his other villains before he was bitten by the spider or if Bruce Wayne fought The Joker and Two Face and The Penguin before he trained himself to be Batman. This is why I cannot watch this show. :?
They established from the first episode that Lex started out as a sickly child with no friends and an overbearing father. As a young adult, he is healthy and courageous, trying and often succeeding at kicking his dad in the ***, and has found a true friend and perhaps even real family in Clark Kent, who inspires him. But he still gets knocked around. He lets his guard down to be friends with Clark and his family, tries to use his money and power for good, falls in love with women, and all of it ends up biting him in the *** or allowing other things to. It's setting the stage for the idea of Lex's hatred. On top of just standard envy of a heroic life, he hates how unfair it is that someone can do these things without fear because they are super-human. Becomes convinced that there shouldn't be people like that. He's vulnerable, and that turns him into a poison.
Then they threw it all away with constant moral flip-flopping and lazy, inconsistent writing around seasons 4 and 5.
How so?
Also I heard Supergirl was on it properly this time as well as Bizarro, How did those two story's go (not too-much spoilers but the general thing) and were they different to comics? I've seen a bizarro scene with skin changed that looked weird but still hope he was cool.