As seen in the preview Karolina is having a bad dream of her parents ripping her one way into space while her "unlit" half struggles towards Earth. She wakes up to jailbait JAILBAIT!! Nico who then reveals "herself" to be Xavin attempting to satisfy her needs.
Chase is telling Old Lace that he's in charge as the Dino seems to disagree with what's going down. Chase is still holding Nico hostage and explains that it's not Nico he's going to sacrafice but he's going to off himself to bring Gert back.
Molly is complaining about herself and life with out Gert infront of Gert's picture telling her she knows how immature she always comes off even though she tries to be more like Gert and tries to live how Gert taught her too. She then hears a voice in her head telling her to go find Chase and round up the others because of troubles though she has no idea who the voice is (neither do the readers).
Chase explains to Nico that he had a revealation that he's not a bad guy and made up stories to himself to justify why his father used to beat him. He sort of sidetracks the whole murder thing Nico questions him about but insists that he's more innocent than he's lead everyone to believe. Nico calls him out on bluffing to kill himself and his return to the hostel is a cry for help. Victor walks in and threatens Chase telling him to let go of his girlfriend. Nico says to take it easy on the girlfriend bit and Chase asks him why some sandwhiches are made to big to finish. Vic can't compute and shorts out. Chase then reveals why he came back. To give Nico three questions that the abstract gave him that would stop Vic based on logic. He doesn't want Vic to kill Gert when she returns and since Nico's the one Runaway Chase's parents told him to stay away from he's always trusted her the most.
The rest of the Runaways meet and discuss what's just happened. No one can pilot the leapfrog but Xavin accesses his "invisible woman" powers and takes them flying away in a bubble.
Two beat cops witnesses them leaving and as one suggests calling for backup the other one says he thinks it's better if they call in the "big guns".