True on the games, BUT those are only one example. Microsoft has Halo (And Gears of War and Mistwalker as second parties), Sony has God of War and Gran Turismo. Compared to Nintendo's Zelda, Mario, Warioware, Super Smash Bros, Metroid, Pokemon, etc. You can't bank on one or two games. And if nothing remains exclusive, people are going to pick the cheaper system.
As for the 10 year plan. . .I just don't think the PS3 can hold for 10 years. Even MGS4, which is, by far, the best example of the PS3's power, will very likely be completely outdated in just a couple of years, let alone 10. As for the PS2 outselling every ssytem. . .that's not true. Overall, it's sold FAR more than any other system, but the Wii, DS, 360 and PSP all outsell it, at least in America and Japan (Minus the 360). And that's on a week-to-week and month-to-month basis.
I also don't think 1080p TVs are going to be viable for a very long time. Most people are just switching to 720p. By the time 1080p becomes the norm (If people don't completely skip it for the next big thing), the PS3's 10 years will be up. Same thing with Blu Ray.
But, we'll see.
That's fine if you're into gadgets. But, I already have a big TV, an extremely powerful computer, and an iPod so it's just a novelty for me. It's a cool gadget, to be sure, but not for the price.