J. Agamemnon
Well-Known Member
I need a bigger harddrive damnit, I picked inFamous and WipEout HD for my two welcome back games (and Killzone and Pursuit Force for PSP) and I don't have enough room for inFamous and i cant clear up anymore space...
i have too many songs in rock band is the real problem
if there's any games you no longer play, you can delete it from the hard drive, but still keep the save files and whatnot. you'll just have to reupload the game if you ever play it again. I know smackdown vs Raw took up about 4 gb of hard drive space upon initial install.
In other news, I tried downloading infamous and the dead something game and neither downloaded. I can not retry because my free game vouchers are gone. All because of an error I kept getting which forcefully logged me off the store. I submitted a ticket and I have to wait about 2 days for a response. i tried calling their 800 number for help but they stopped taking calls, assumingly because of all the hell that's been going on lately.