I preffer Baseball and Boxing. I think I never broke a sweat playing videogames until that. :lol:
I think the Blu-Ray was needed. The games now are really big, with 7.1 sounds, HD textures and who knows, maybe more hours of gameplay. If you see the new RPG for Xbox360, the Blue Dragon (wich is going to be awesome by the way), it uses 3 DVD9. It could use only on BR or HD-DVD. It's ok because it's an RPG, but what if they have to start using more DVDs in games that have a free world for you to explore it? I mean, you go to south and you have to change the DVD, and so on. It is not a big problem for now, but I think in about 2 years it will be really annoying. I magine having to change DVDs twice for a 5 minute mission. There is other alternatives too, you could cut some of the information out.