Really is pretentious, no matter what she says. Do
Re: PS3 Discussion. Come, join the laughs.
I came for laughs. now im sad. :cry:
I came for laughs. now im sad. :cry:
I came for laughs. now im sad. :cry:
im broke.
I didn't know that. That's pretty expensive, what is the bigger cost of the game in the ps3?
EDIT: It is a real question, I'm really interested in game development (seeing that It's my work u.u)
PS3 is not selling in Europe yet. Xbox360 is out for at least 1 year and PS3 has only 3 and a half months in Japan and USA, pretty unfair comparation.
I don't count wii as a rival. His price and new gameplay makes it much more different then PS3 or Xbox. If you are counting nintendo on the "Console wars" of course it will win.
Yes it came one year before and it's cheaper. But then you have to see that the PS3 has the Blu Ray player wich is the thing that made it more expensive. For now it is much easier and profitable to develop for microsoft.
Xobx360 had a release without Wii and PS3. I understand that Sony had a lot of difficulties.
I don't understand why people hate Sony so much too. See? It's different for each person, I believe in Sony, I may be wrong, but It's what I want, I want a PS3! You say that it won't change for 9 months, I disagree. I think that there will be a difference in the June of 2007. With the Europe release and several games released too (about time).
Me too. Im thinking about selling a kidney and a lung in the black market. I sit all day in the computer, I don't need those things...
Seriously, i'm thinking of getting rid of my spleen. I don't even know what it does. oh, here's a thought. I work with kids. Who needs fresh livers?
I'll take 7... freshly squeezed.
we have a sale on brains too. underdeveloped so you know they're fresh.
I will build my own console. It will be called the Brainstation. It will be run on baby urine and kitten blood.
It will sell millions.
Im no sony fanboy. I am no rich little brat. I kinda like the exclusives, but that was not why I will buy the ps3. And no, Im not retarded.
I've chosen the playstation because I was afraid that my xbox would overheat as the many I've heard and saw myself. It was my first choice but I've dropped it after some of my friends that bought it had to pay high for the fix.
The wii is a good console, but I don't like the games in there. Zelda was really good, but not even close of "best game ever" as I've seem people saying it, or maybe I just moved on. I will get the playstation because for me it has a good future. The seven processors, IF USED RIGHT, can be much more faster then any other console.
Everyone right now is using them as general purpose processors, like in the Xbox360 that has 3 of them (all of them are more powerfull then one cell processor) that way you can use the full power of PS3 that has one general purpose core and other six dedicated specific-use type of processors. But the programing in the PS3 (if done right) takes much more time (because they don't really know how to program) and it's much more harder. If given enough time, PS3 will show it's capabilities and We will be able to judge which one is the best. Take Lair for example that will be released in May (I think) and uses one of the processors just for the water in the game. It's the best damn water I've seen in a game.
Nothing that I've said is 100% truth, of course Xbox360 could totally break PS3 legs in the future, but I'm betting on the PS3 for now.
And sorry If the post has to many typos or something like that. I just don't like to be called a retard for no reason.
Wario Ware, Wii Sports, and Wii Play are more fun than any PlayStation game I've ever played.
I only want a PS3 because I lurvs me teh RPGs.![]()
I only want a PS3 because I lurvs me teh RPGs.![]()
I try and play all kinds of RPGs that look interesting to me. My brother owns the 360 in our home, and I don't really buy games for systems I don't own, even if its in my home.
No, but I will at some point. For now, I'm happy with my PS2 and Wii.Do you own a PS3. . .?!
I don't wanna buy a 360 if there's already one in my home.If not, get a 360 and buy Blue Dragon when it comes out, if you're into Toriyama's style. Otherwise, check out Lost Odyssey and ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat for the DS!
No, but I will at some point. For now, I'm happy with my PS2 and Wii.
I don't wanna buy a 360 if there's already one in my home.
I will, however, look into that DS game. I do own a DS.
I'll have to see.Well, my best advice is to break your rule of not buying games for a system you don't own, so long as your brother lets you play it. Otherwise, you're going to be missing some great games. Mistwalker is, easily, the developer I'm most excited about. The potential to become the next Square is there and with vritually unlimited funding from Microsoft. . .well, I can't imagine.
Games is what I really care about. Everything else is a bonus. If I could, I'd get all three game systems.But, it is refreshing to hear someone is more into the games than the system itself when you talk about the PS3.![]()