Avengers New Avengers discussion (#1-20; spoilers)

TheManWithoutFear said:
Anyway, if someone could tell me who some of the savage land mutants are... not that it would help the story none, but you know just so I know.

The "mutates" - yeah. Are they new or have they appeared before?
TheManWithoutFear said:
The "Mutates" I can see as being original for the issue. I'm talkin about the man with the big head and the girl that put them to sleep and all of the unique looking ones in the page where Captain says "Avengers Assemble".

Yeah, them too. I had no idea who they are.

The Mutates have appeared before according to Ice.
So this is pretty big - first Carnage is killed, then Sauron (apparently) - and we're not even into the meat of the story....
UltimateE said:
So this is pretty big - first Carnage is killed, then Sauron (apparently) - and we're not even into the meat of the story....

That was my next question. Can Sauron survive a shot to the head? :? If not it's too bad. That's the first comic I read with him in it and he seems really cool. But I suppose his fate is now sealed... I guess "Bendis' year of creation" hasn't started yet
Huh. It was alright. Deffinatly a step down from previous issues.

I think that Bendis is trying to tie too many things together here. We've got Fury ousted from Shield, with a new director going nuts on the conspiracy aspects. We've got Weapon X refrences, wich isn't exactly a great idea since the title got cancled and is barely traded, and we've got mutates, wich is a failry obscure savage land refrence. Couldn't just be more mutants. Nope.

The humor of the book is still holding up, especialy the "I chaffe" bit. Loved that.

Anyone else have some problems with the pannel layout when we meet the big headed dude? I'm still not sure what order they're to be read in, and none of them really flow well to make it easier. And who the hell is he? Anyone? I've got no friggin clue.

I'm giving this a 3/5 as well. It's the first issue that didn't really stand on its own, just feeling like being a segway bit for the first trade. Hopefully it'll all pull together next issue.
Baxter said:
The humor of the book is still holding up, especialy the "I chaffe" bit. Loved that.

Yeah, Bendis is showing me that he can write a team very well - something I wasn't really convinced of in UFF but which may not have been his fault. But the interaction between the characters in NA has been spectacular.

Those panels - read down then up, down then up.

I love Finch and he's doing great on this book, but his layouts are screwy. He's got these gigantic panels all over, then the important panels that require more text look like they got crammed in. The last 2 panels should've been easier to read. It's not like a huge deal but it hasn't got better over the course of 5 issues.
I liked the issue (Spider-Woman nude, which (straight) guy wouldn't :D ). I took I fast glimps at the first apperance of Iron-Man in this issue and thought I saw Samus Aran from the Metroid games. :shock: I think I have to cut back on my video game playing.

And why is this in the General Comics section? :?
We have a New Avengers section. Why not use it. :wink:

Edit: The thread has been moved. Thank you.
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Ultimate Warrior said:
I liked the issue (Spider-Woman nude, which (straight) guy wouldn't :D ). I took I fast glimps at the first apperance of Iron-Man in this issue and thought I saw Samus Aran from the Metroid games. :shock: I think I have to cut back on my video game playing.

And why is this in the General Comics section? :?
We have a New Avengers section. Why not use it. :wink:
I was wondering that myself.
Well, I guess Florida is just too backwater to get comics in on time. Everything BUT this came, delayed till next week. :shifty:
TheManWithoutFear said:
So we can speculate on #6 here right?

Dunno,dont think so but I presume they'll move or merge if we can't.
I guess we were all way off about the mystery ninja,eh?Still a horrible costume.
Btw Parthuman:

Parthuman said:
I got a hunch that, considering his absence and apparent dismissal in the previous issue, Nick Fury has gone rogue and was the unknown person we saw talking conspiratorially with Spider-Woman in an earlier issue. She and Fury are working on cracking whatever SHIELD cabal has been doing weird stuff with the mutants.

I'd presume Fury's rogue due to Secret War though,hence the heads-up.
ultimatedjf said:
Does anyone know where I can find a helpful summary of this issue. I didn't really understand it. :x

Ask away...
First off, I thought Electro had something to do with breaking Karl out, not the Savage Land people.

Second, I didn't get what was going on between Logan and Karl on that page right after the House of M poster pages. And why was that bald guy calling Karl "my baby"?

Third, who are these SHIELD people on the last page (probably why I didn't understand that part last issue when Cap talked to that Lady on the TV) and do you think they shot Sauron when they did for a reason, because it seemed he was about to say something important. Also, if they are Shield, why are they gonna kill the good guys?

And when Jessica was explaining how Shield is good, she's lying, right?

man im confused

Did the mutates break lykos out?

i also have no idea who all these other characters are in the savage land.

Besides all my confusion, I love that the letters page is back. :D
TheManWithoutFear said:
What are you talkin' about? The Mystery Avenger?

I am.Bendis said nobody guessed it right yet,and Black Widow II fits that perfectly.Also if it wasn't Marvel would have pimped the guest appearance,no?

TheManWithoutFear said:
Who is S.W.O.R.D.? That's who people are saying the people along with the black widow II are.

Sentient Worlds Observation and Response Division-another reason to pick up Astonishing X-Men Vol1.She couldn't be,Lykos isn't under their jurisdiction.
Patriot said:
I am.Bendis said nobody guessed it right yet,and Black Widow II fits that perfectly.Also if it wasn't Marvel would have pimped the guest appearance,no?
I don't think that's who it is. Didn't someone say the mystery avenger wouldn't be appearing till after The Sentry Arc?

Patriot said:
Sentient Worlds Observation and Response Division-another reason to pick up Astonishing X-Men Vol1.She couldn't be,Lykos isn't under their jurisdiction.

Good. I'd rather it be SHIELD. It would make for a better story.
Patriot said:
I guess we were all way off about the mystery ninja,eh?Still a horrible costume.

I'd presume Fury's rogue due to Secret War though,hence the heads-up.
Maybe Fury is the Mystery Avenger? He's got combat training, and if he's gone rogue he'd need to conceal his identity.

And I like the mystey costume.