Avengers New Avengers discussion (#1-20; spoilers)

IcyFlames said:
Logan's in the Savage Land in Uncanny I think. Since he hasn't been seen in a couple issues of Uncanny, perhaps he's been wandering around.
Whatever he's doing requires him to be shirtless. Yes, I think he's on a savage land booty call. Wolverines pimp hand is indeed strong.
IcyFlames said:
Logan's in the Savage Land in Uncanny I think. Since he hasn't been seen in a couple issues of Uncanny, perhaps he's been wandering around.
I don't know if this is taking place at the same time as Uncanny. Also, Logan isn't just free roaming the savage land he was captured by the Dino men there.
Irish_4204 said:
I don't know if this is taking place at the same time as Uncanny. Also, Logan isn't just free roaming the savage land he was captured by the Dino men there.

I'm assuming that it is taking place at the same time. And Wolverine could have broken free since "He's the best at what he does" :p

It seems like he's being phased out of Uncanny with his absence and X-23 taking his place as the "loose cannon". Plus why else would he be in the Savage Land, asides from Baxter's point which makes perfect sense with the man-whore that Logan is.
But I thought New Avengers was taking place after Wolverin's involvement with Hydra. I also think that the current Uncanny arc takes place before that Wolverine hydra story. Right?
I don't know. Haven't heard anything that the writers have said. That would make sense though since having a fun danger room exercise (at beginning of this arc) ... shortly after killing an X-Man wouldn't make much sense. Yeah, you're right, Irish. I stand corrected.
Loved the issue!

Spider-Man: "So do we know what happened last night?
Because that, y'know, sucked."
Captain America: "Yes. Well, there was a prison break."
Spider-Man: "No!"

My kind of humor! :lol:
New Avengers #5 Discussion (Spoilers)

3 out 5 that's all I'm givin' it.

Most of the issue had me scratching my head. Who was responsible for the breakout? A bunch of Savage Land Mutants. Lame. Why did they want to break Lykos out? Just because? Lame.

The scene's were cool. The naked thing, Wolverine gettin' his *** handed to him by Spider-Woman, Sauron... man Karl Lykos is definitely up on my list now... way cool character. er... wait do I mean he was on my list :evil: WTF... Black Widow II showing up at the end was kinda cool too. Also they mention Secret War in the issue which was a nice nod.

I also want to note about Cage. When Captain says they have to take orders from the leader, Cage doesn't even argue. Many speculated there would be problems but I really don't see it happening.

Overall I wasn't impressed. Next up New Avengers Vs. SHIELD.
I got a hunch that, considering his absence and apparent dismissal in the previous issue, Nick Fury has gone rogue and was the unknown person we saw talking conspiratorially with Spider-Woman in an earlier issue. She and Fury are working on cracking whatever SHIELD cabal has been doing weird stuff with the mutants.
Parthuman said:
I got a hunch that, considering his absence and apparent dismissal in the previous issue, Nick Fury has gone rogue and was the unknown person we saw talking conspiratorially with Spider-Woman in an earlier issue. She and Fury are working on cracking whatever SHIELD cabal has been doing weird stuff with the mutants.

Niiiiiice. I'm all for it. Spider-Woman obviously isn't a bad girl and betraying her team right off the bat seems sort of unforgiveable so if she's working with other good guys in a shady way... well, that justifies a lot. Good call PartHuman
Thanks! I gotta agree with you on the Spidette/Wolverine rumble: She took him down and butchered him with such cold-blooded fury that even a tough hombre like Luke Cage looked like he was going to hurl. The obvious thing would have been for Cage to save Spidette, so it was a nice touch to show that she could handle herself.
TheManWithoutFear said:
3 out 5 that's all I'm givin' it.

Most of the issue had me scratching my head.

Once again, I complete agree with you.

I'm going to have to read through this again, because a lot of it didn't make sense. Not that it was bad, just a lot of stuff coming out of left field.

I'll say one thing - reading the first 3 issues, the direction they are going with this is totally NOT what I was expecting.
Parthuman said:
The obvious thing would have been for Cage to save Spidette, so it was a nice touch to show that she could handle herself.

That would've been the obvious thing but I think what happened was that it took place so fast and Jessica handled herself in such a manner that Cage wasn't expecting that he couldn't react.

Once again, I complete agree with you.

I'm going to have to read through this again, because a lot of it didn't make sense. Not that it was bad, just a lot of stuff coming out of left field.

I'll say one thing - reading the first 3 issues, the direction they are going with this is totally NOT what I was expecting.

I think part of the problem is Bendis is trying to come up with these fantastic twists that he's sort of overdoing it.

Anyway, if someone could tell me who some of the savage land mutants are... not that it would help the story none, but you know just so I know.