Avengers New Avengers discussion (#1-20; spoilers)

New Avengers #4 Discussion (Spoilers)

So what did we all think?

Personally loved it. Big surprise right? :twisted:

Things worth mentioning:

1. Spider-Woman just hit the top of the list for hottest comic females.
2. Sauron/Savage land ... very interesting. I wonder where this is going.
3. Love the dialogue and the interaction between the characters. This especially goes for Spider-Man and Luke Cage.
4. "The Sentry is a pretty complicated story. We're going to deal with that RIGHT AFTER the emergencey at hand". When are they ever gonna learn it's a bad idea to let the Void grow in power. Tsk tsk, they'll be sorry.
5. Last panel was very cool. It would've been cooler if I hadn't seen it a week ago in the Hulk comic. :?
6. There's always a mention of Daredevil. If the Mystery Avenger isn't him, it's gonna be someone involve with DD. I'm still holdin' out for Gladiator.
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Sauron! I hate you Bendis! Everytime I decide enough is enough you pull me back in!

I can't read this for atleast 5 more hours, maybe more depending on what TPBs I ordered come in.
Baxter said:
Sauron! I hate you Bendis! Everytime I decide enough is enough you pull me back in!

I can't read this for atleast 5 more hours, maybe more depending on what TPBs I ordered come in.

Yeah, I find it funny how the first thing we said about the guy getting broken out is "he can't fly". I know he can't unless he's in Dino-Form but still it's ironic.

Anyway, looks like the chances of my Void theory are getting slimmer and slimmer... :evil:
TheManWithoutFear said:
Yeah, I find it funny how the first thing we said about the guy getting broken out is "he can't fly". I know he can't unless he's in Dino-Form but still it's ironic.

Anyway, looks like the chances of my Void theory are getting slimmer and slimmer... :evil:
But the Void wants to spead chaos instead of a direct frontal attack. He's learned, and shall crush them all when they're broken, exhausted, and least expecting it!

That's weird how writers will accidently have their comics in the same setting. Right now Claremont's Uncanny is in the Savage Land. The avengers too?
I just thought about something. Do you think who ever wanted Sauron out, do you think they want him to absorb the Sentry?
TheManWithoutFear said:
Hmmm :? Why not just have him do it right then and there.

I'm pretty scared to try to predict these things anymore It's a major blow to my self esteem... :?
Ugh, that's true. But why would they want an energy absorber though....I still think he'll end up absorbing most of the Sentry's power.
This issue totally rocked. Loved the lines b/w Spidey and Luke. Laughed at Electro falling down when Luke was gonna puound him. And the look on Luke's face when he heard his hands were gonna be webbed for an hour. Loved that the newly Quinjet got destroyed. Seems like all new things seem to get destroyed somehow. The ending was cool too.


Was that we DID NOT get "ADAMANTIUM CLAWS vs UNBREAKEABLE SHIELD" in THIS issue as it was said! :evil:
icemastertron said:
This issue totally rocked. Loved the lines b/w Spidey and Luke. Laughed at Electro falling down when Luke was gonna puound him. And the look on Luke's face when he heard his hands were gonna be webbed for an hour. Loved that the newly Quinjet got destroyed. Seems like all new things seem to get destroyed somehow. The ending was cool too.


Was that we DID NOT get "ADAMANTIUM CLAWS vs UNBREAKEABLE SHIELD" in THIS issue as it was said! :evil:
I'm thinking we'll see that next issue. So is this story happening after the events of Wolverine being a weapon of Hydra?

Any ideas why Logan is in the Savage Land? You think he followed Sauron there?
Irish_4204 said:
That's weird how writers will accidently have their comics in the same setting. Right now Claremont's Uncanny is in the Savage Land. The avengers too?

Are you suggesting continuity? Surely you jest!

Irish_4204 said:
Ugh, that's true. But why would they want an energy absorber though....I still think he'll end up absorbing most of the Sentry's power.

Very keen observation...hmmm...

I loved this issue. #3 was a little slow but this made up for it. Sauron - that totally came from left field. I don't even know what to expect....
Thought the characters were spot on, bendis spidey is perfect. And i welcome even more somewhat obscure vilains back into the marvel scheme. I'm really liking espiaclly since the start of new avengers how connected all the titles are becoming once again.

[on a side note, how was the recent DD issue [going of what MWF said], it is a part 1, so i thought i may try it]
WEll, I very nearly didn't get this. The UPS truck didn't arrive till almost 7:30. Overall I loved this issue, wich kind of ticks me off, means I can't drop it and act all high and mighty :sad: But hey, good comics are good comics, huh?

The Savage Land landing was great, people were wondering what I was laughing about. And sauron baby! But maybe one of te more knowledgable Marvelites can halp me. I remember hearing that Sauron's human side commited some kind of mental suicide, leaving himself a brain dead veggie since he couldn't live with what he did when he transformed.
Baxter said:
The Savage Land landing was great, people were wondering what I was laughing about. And sauron baby! But maybe one of te more knowledgable Marvelites can halp me. I remember hearing that Sauron's human side commited some kind of mental suicide, leaving himself a brain dead veggie since he couldn't live with what he did when he transformed.
Don't know about that but Sauron's human side was active in what was, to my knowledge, his last appearance in Weapon X. See when Chamber was introduced, he showed who he was by changing from his human to his dino side. then, as I've ranted about in numerous other places, it wasn't explained how he got where he is. So if any explanation was given, can someone fill me in?
I don't know if his human personality was killed, but I do know that when transformed the dinosaur personality takes complete control. He essential becomes a vampire, driven for energy. Thanks to Weapon X, now Sauron is able to drain energy from nonliving things. Sauron also possesses a hypnotic stare. He's pretty powerful, he'll be a good fight.
Irish_4204 said:
I'm thinking we'll see that next issue. So is this story happening after the events of Wolverine being a weapon of Hydra?

Any ideas why Logan is in the Savage Land? You think he followed Sauron there?

Logan's in the Savage Land in Uncanny I think. Since he hasn't been seen in a couple issues of Uncanny, perhaps he's been wandering around.