Avengers New Avengers discussion (#1-20; spoilers)

Re: Preview: New Avengers #12

Didn't realize how much I gave a **** about HYDRA or Silver Samurai until now. Madame Hydra is the ****....

What's that about Nick Fury? :shock: Could this issue answer more than just who Ronin is?

I'm pysched about this title again.
Re: Preview: New Avengers #12

The preview had the opposite effect on me. Meh.

I'm still very much looking forward to the issue though.
Re: Preview: New Avengers #12

Odd E, you liked the Sentry. I thought it was terribly mediocre, especially for such a great character.

What about the Fury part? I mean obviously it's not true but here's what I think.

There was a conspiracy within SHIELD to out Fury so he faked his death and is on the run. We obviously know he's still alive cause of the Hulk solicitations.
Re: Preview: New Avengers #12

I just meant the preview - didn't do anything for me.
Re: Preview: New Avengers #12

UltimateE said:
The preview had the opposite effect on me. Meh.

I'm still very much looking forward to the issue though.
Same here. The preview wasn't very interesting by itself.
Re: Preview: New Avengers #12

Maybe I'm the only one who sees the fact that two of the most profound villain organizations are teaming up while the good guys can't keep their heads together and there's only one team to stop them... *duh dun nuh na!!!!!!!!* I think it looks great.
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)


All right like I said for the preview the interaction between villains and the building up of HAND/HYDRA/SHIELD is very intriguing. I wonder if Agent Hill is involved with this.

Not much substance to the issue.

They talk about needing The Hand organized and teaming up with Hydra and How SHIELD is corrupt with Fury dead(?). Loved it very mob bossish feel to it. Big things are happening in the Marvel Universe.

The fight was your average melee. Hand Ninjas kick *** and Spider-Man was hilarious. I thought Captain America trying to make jokes was good too, like 'hey guys look at me, I can be funny too.' Love the interaction between the team. Sweet moments involved Cage falling off the building and Iron Man losing control after a ninja cut him in the back making him blast right into a streetcar.

The ninjas retreat and they find Jessica gone.

Jessica is asking Madame Hydra what she's doing and Hydra says she shouldn't be there. Then they fake a fight where Spider-Woman takes her down and the Avengers arrive and find it suspicious but Jessica pulls it off....

No great ending just showed Silver Samurai with his armor on.

Major pluses... Was Wolverine even there? :twisted:

Major major minus... not even a flippin' clue as to who Ronin is...

It was all good though.

Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

TheManWithoutFear said:
Major pluses... Was Wolverine even there? :twisted:
They did say last issue Wolverine was busy with the X-Men. This is the good thing about Wolverine here. He's given a "break".

And I told ya Ronin's I.D. wasn't gonna be revealed. He was barely IN this issue! Overall, cool issue. Still loving the dialogue between Spider-Man and Luke. Awesome.
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

icemastertron said:
And I told ya Ronin's I.D. wasn't gonna be revealed. He was barely IN this issue!

Well, no, not an issue of New Avengers...

and if you want to see Spider-Woman actually fight someone, pick up New Thunderbolts #14! See Nicieza write his own team AND Bendis' well!
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

TheManWithoutFear said:
Agreed logically he could be busy with the X-Men. Do other books do that?
Nope. On all the X-books he's on, he's been everywhere on them, in each team.

Decent issue. I can accept that we're not going to get a reveal on Ronin in the 2nd issue of a 3 issue arc, but at least another clue or two would be nice.

Who cares about Wolverine - where is Sentry?

The fight with the ninjas was pretty cool, and Spidey's comedic quips were pretty good. And even Cap got in on the fun.

3.5/5. Not bad at all.
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

Fury is pulling all the strings. Lady Hydra is working for him. He's trying to get SHIELD back.
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

John Q. Public said:
Fury is pulling all the strings. Lady Hydra is working for him. He's trying to get SHIELD back.
Hmm do you mean he's working Hydra into a deadend so he can get SHIELD back? And Jessica is actually working for him but is the only one who knows. Man, between this and your Patriot ruse idea... I like your deal. Welcome :twisted:
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

HEY! I said it,too, that shes probably working for Fury! Long time ago, but I said it!
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

Why would HYDRA work for Fury, and why would Fury work WITH HYDRA, when the two hate each other? They were the SPECTRE to his Bond.
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

Doc Comic said:
Why would HYDRA work for Fury, and why would Fury work WITH HYDRA, when the two hate each other? They were the SPECTRE to his Bond.
I dont know. That I didnt guess. Just J. Drew working for Fury.