Avengers New Avengers discussion (#1-20; spoilers)

TheManWithoutFear said:
To support The White Tiger "person" E doesn't want. Read Daredevil!

Not only was The White Tiger trained by Daredevil and has dark long hair. But she also dealt with Yakunza or whoever they are and they're supposed to be a sect of The Hand.
It would be an act of fundamental disrespect to the legacy of the Sons of the Tiger -- which the current White Tiger now officially represents -- to NOT integrate the Medallion prominently into her costume, let alone give up the White Tiger name.

Bendis went through A LOT of effort to make a goofy 70s concept seem believable and workable in present-day 616 Marvel. He is NOT going to throw that all away by making Del Toro take on a new identity -- at least not so quickly.

Besides, why bother giving her a profile in the Marvel Knights Encylopedia for 2005, if he didn't intend to use her primarily as a Daredevil supporting character?
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Just got done reading this. 5/5 awesome issue. I was let down with The Sentry Arc... Yeah, I know, I'm sorry. But this made up for it.

Matt Murdock goodness all over the place. So here's my situation. I'm reading Daredevil and this and I'm wondering just how everything is tying in especially since Elektra is in the most recent DD issue.

I agree with E and Murdock after reading this was either shoved in our face by Bendis just to bait us into still thinking it is Daredevil or the fact that Bendis will give Matt Murdock a new identity. Xept for two things the interview with the long black hair is too much to throw us off. It would be a huge waste of comic to just have Cap talking to someone who wasn't eventually gonna become Ronin. And... Daredevil would've kicked those Ninja's ***'

So White Tiger's out. Would've worked if not for the Kingpin connections... and ummm what Compound said. I guess he studies superhero legacies...

But damn Ronin's sweet and this whole story looks like a winner.

I wonder if the reason Murdock was left out of The Sentry arc completely was because he had this in store and that would be Dardevil overkill in a comic he's not even part of.

Awesome action, awesome suspense, awesome villains, and awesome start

Doc Comic said:
I know who Ronin is.

Ronin is the real non-brain-body Ultimate Tony Stark.

Even though that would mean
a 616/Ultiamte universe crossover
it would be totally worth it.
UltimateE said:
I'm still not ruling Daredevil out, by the way. Cap's comment about Nomad seemed to pique Murdock's interest and looks like it gave him an idea. I could definitely see Murdock taking on an alternate identity so he can help out and still keep the rest of the team safe from his DD problems. I don't care what Bendis says. :D
I thought the same thing as I read the issue.

And for a good laugh:

NRAMA: Eh, how about just one more from "Rodolfo"…

"Is Mar-Vell Ronin?"

JQ: Yes, when Matt Murdock isn't available.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Is Ronin a bonafide member or just a one time deal? Since none of you read Daredevil I will let you in on what happens at the end of this important arc that could possibly spill over into NA.
Well, the way that Ronin's been on so many covers, including non NA books made me think that he was going to be a permenent member, but now I don't know. I'd say 60/40 to him being a regular member
By the way, for issue #10 (picked it up last Friday), remember how the Sentry Tower is now apart of the Stark Tower? I DID tell ya that was gonna happen LOOOOOOOOOOOONG ago when Bendis was interviewd about the series in Wizard some months back.


TheManWithoutFear said:
Yeah, it's confusing. If he wasn't an official member and just temp I'd totally go for Matt Murdock.
I was just reading this weeks Joe Fridays and at the end he said this.
NRAMA: Eh, how about just one more from "Rodolfo"…

"Is Mar-Vell Ronin?"

JQ: Yes, when Matt Murdock isn't available.
Well what if Ronin isn't any one character? Maybe he's a placeholder identity for any characters that the Avengers for help but would be otherwise unable to help? Nick Fury in a mission involving high level politicians, Daredevil ever, things like that? That way Bendis could have Ronin be Murdock in this arc, but someone else in the next arc, preserving his It's not Daredevil comment?

Yeah, it's a bad idea, but i wouldn't be supprised.
It's gotta' be Elektra. The clues fit: she's a close associate of Daredevil, she has extensive knowledge of The Hand, and not to mention the long black female hair.
Doc Comic said:
I know who Ronin is.

Ronin is the real non-brain-body Ultimate Tony Stark.
*Bendis sits at his compute writing the latest issue of New Avengers*

BENDIS: "Ronin takes off his mask, revealing himself to be non-brain-body Tony Stark..."


BENDIS: What the hell was that!?

*Orson Scott Card comes running into the room*


*Card pushes Bendis off of his chair and starts rewriting the issue*

CARD: "I, Ronin, am really a giant brain ninja designed by BrainStark. I shall give you all brain bodies so you shall know, THE PLEASURE OF INTELLIGENCE!"

*Card starts rubbing himself*

CARD: Oh yes! Oh yes!

"Captain America puts on a dress and starts singing show tunes about the merits of his brain body!"

This is so brilliant! YESSS....
moonmaster said:
*Bendis sits at his compute writing the latest issue of New Avengers*

BENDIS: "Ronin takes off his mask, revealing himself to be non-brain-body Tony Stark..."


BENDIS: What the hell was that!?

*Orson Scott Card comes running into the room*


*Card pushes Bendis off of his chair and starts rewriting the issue*

CARD: "I, Ronin, am really a giant brain ninja designed by BrainStark. I shall give you all brain bodies so you shall know, THE PLEASURE OF INTELLIGENCE!"

*Card starts rubbing himself*

CARD: Oh yes! Oh yes!

"Captain America puts on a dress and starts singing show tunes about the merits of his brain body!"

This is so brilliant! YESSS....
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
isn't a 'ronin' a masterless, nameless ninja?
i could agree with the supposition that he/she is many characters hidden behind the mask of one character which would tie in nicely to DD and Elecktra - both aren't really the most popular characters (in the eyes of the 616's universes' public - one being an assassin and the other a law breaking vigilante) so what better way to cover their identities and having them serve a higher purpose?
i'm going for the rotating character option...

(also, wasn't the white tiger's amulet green? did anyone else see Ronin's glowing green eyes?)
moonmaster said:
*Orson Scott Card comes running into the room*


*Card pushes Bendis off of his chair and starts rewriting the issue*

*Card starts rubbing himself*

CARD: Oh yes! Oh yes!
Jackie Estacado said:
Ah good, as long as I'm not the only one :wink:

Just reading last Bendis DD arc too, wonder how ol' Matt gets out of this one! Lemme know if u know TheManWithoutFear 8)
*Jumps up and down* There's a thread, there's a thread! If you want to discuss it? I mean if you're a fan.... I mean will you be my friend? :please: